Sunday, March 31, 2013

13 years ago today

Hi friends, Happy Resurrection day and happy easter!
it has been a beautiful day outside today, beautiful day to spend with family members but more importantly on a personal level of very important date to be reminded and thankful to my creator and what he has done for me. Without going into great detail 13 years to this day....march 31st 2000.....I was filled, moved, and sanctified by the power of the almighty. This date I will never me it is a second birthday....on that march evening in 2000 I was touched by my father GOD in such a profound way that I was left with no choice but to believe in HIM and all his glory. I am not  going yo blog about the details of this profound event....but I will say I have always been the type of person who had to SEE/FEEL "it" to believe it...nevertheless If it weren't for that divine appointment 13 years ago today.....I WOULD NOT be the person i am today and most likely would be dead....I know this deep down in my spirit. So YES I am thankful for that evening 13years ago today. I will leave you today with an affirmation about sharing my/your goodness:-) 
As always thank you for stopping by! Truly, Dennis
I will continue to share my goodness and wisdom with those who are close to me.I will not use gifts to buy love. The love I want flows freely given from person to person, shared generously reciprocated, no strings attached, no fine print, no "love now pay later." I share my goodness with others with unconditional care, love, and appreciation. I recognize important moments and special events. I highlight them with notes of gratitude and expressions of Love, caring, and appreciation. Without pressure or stress, I can remain separate and still be part of the lives of my family & friends. Today I will give thanks and appreciation to MY creator and for the people HE has placed in my life. I love him and the people placed in my life by HIM. 
Thanks for reading friends! Feels free to comment share etc.
Bless YOU!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Detox with Yoga?

Hi friends, I want to blog a bit on how yoga can help detoxify your body. With our crazy world, Gmo foods, stress, unregulated and undisciplined lifestyles, the kind of food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and our emotional pulls and pressures of life in general, can make certain hormones  secrete that have a tendency to leave behind toxins and can lead one down a very unhealthy road. Many folks have ways of detoxifying their bodies, w/herbs, supplements etc. But did you know that yoga can help detox your body and personally I think it helps to detox the mind so to speak. I can be feeling fairly crappy and then go do a yoga session and not only feel better, but my body tends to detox in a few ways almost immediately.,, I am not sure if that is the case for everyone. But for me Yoga does wonders with my body,mind, and spirit. Brings peace and literally peace of mind knowing that YOU just did yourself and your body a huge favor just with yoga. The accumulation of toxins in our body is, therefore, nearly impossible to escape from all of this junk.Yoga has a two pronged approach. In the long term it aims at developing attitudinal changes that prevent the build up of toxins through various practices and meditative techniques. However, Yoga has very practical purification practices that aim at the detoxification of the body and mind. These detoxification techniques are a sort of cleansing that help the body rid itself of toxins just like sweating is another way of detox...but my focus at this moment is the fact that yoga can help YOU detox your body & mind. Give Yoga a try a few times before you pass judgment.... this is coming from a former sceptic lol. I will attempt to post some easy yoga for anyone to try at home. Do these at your own pace DO NOT over do it. Hope this little tid bit was helpful. Truly,Dennis

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Hi, friends it has been quite the busy and hectic week and it's only wednesday l_o_l.
Today, The fibromyalgia that I LIVE with has been on attack mode hardcore on me...I hate even discussing such crap, but it is my blog and I need to vent a bit lol. All day today...has been a physical hell that turns into a mental hell aswell . As the day went on I had time to chat a bit with my reiki master/reiki mom:-) , Just the tied bit of loving advice was enough to bring me almost completely out of the fibro flare up. I thank God for crossing our it is by divine timing. So big hugs and thanks to you Reiki Master... YOU know who you are:-)  Moving on...with spring here...even tho the snow as and temps still feel like winter; I have many projects/jobs to complete and some to begin. I have way too many irons in the fire so to speak...biggest iron thus far is beginning production on a short film, for the Sundance Film Festival.... I will blog about that at a latter time....can't give out too much at this point :-)  Moving on...I have got a couple offers for a few roles in upcoming feature film production, audition for a certain product commercial, and an upcoming audition at the Tivoli Theatre... I can't go into detail like I want to....but eventually I will be able to tell you every detail:-)  A film I recommend to ALL families is a family film "After the Wizard"
This film is a great kids movie & I am not just saying this because I
appeared in the film and helped a bit w production lol..This is really a sweet little film for the family or you OZ fanatics...its somewhat of a twist or sequel so to speak to the original film. Nevertheless If you watch it leave me a comment....I want your honest opinion. I won't say where I'm at in the film...that's for you to find out lol :-)
So the next Live radio show I do will be quite interesting... First hour guest's are Our friends the editors/publishers of The Owl Creek Gazette Magazine, Don and Jan Stover...we will be discussing April's issue. You can read and also listen to their weekly podcast show go to GREAT lil show! You can also get a subscription at their site and read current and archived issues. Our second hour guest will be
a survivor of human trafficking/sexual slavery....this survivor's story will rock your mind as HE discusses just how high up the ladder this disgusting scheme goes...can we say congress! That's ball I can say about the show. If you'd like to listen go to our affiliate station that broadcast our live stream around the globe just click on listen live, if you have the "TUNEINRADIOapp" on your phone you can easily listen by searching Wgrn as they air our show
And finally by radio tune in 89.5FM on Saturday Night 7:00p.m. CST
Our next show is April6th 2013 this is one show you do not want to miss:-)
Well friends tonight is a full moon...hope to get a nice glimpse of it.
I know this blog is another short &sweet one but either way I appreciate YOU for stopping by my blog. I welcome your comments, feedback,etc. You can click on the FOLLOW tab if you'd like:-)
Have a great Day,Night, afternoon, wherever you may be...know that LOVE is the best gift to give one another. We all need more love and More importantly GIVE LOVE, always give without expecting anything in return. Bless you, Truly...Dennis

Monday, March 25, 2013

LiL' ramble & such

Hi friends, today will probly be my shortest blog ever lol due to the fact I have to use my tablet instead of my normal laptop/PC. Seems like everything I own that is electronic weather it be cell phones televisions, computers, tablet, and so forth always seem to mess up in some way or form no matter if it's a brand new device or used makes me wonder is it possible for a person can give off too much electricity or energy so to speak....? This has been occurring for well over the past five years. Anywhoot, here we got so much snow that it is beyond ridiculous what a way to welcome spring lol. So I woke this A.M. @3:00a.m. in a full out fibromyalgia attack/flare body was in pain from head to toe with my muscles feeling like they were on fire and nothing would help with the relief so after tossing and turning for hours I finally decided heck w/ it! I'm getting up for the as horrible as I felt I managed to go into my meditation/prayer room and performed a Reiki treatment on myself for about 45mins. This helped me to at least feel better mentally completely better and physically and help me enough to be able to start my day. As the day went on I could feel the fibro attacks trying to come back, off and on all day long...the later part of my day consisted of private projects, then off to my Yoga session, today's yoga helped tremendously in many ways. After Yoga I gave two reiki  treatments and both people felt much I too found myself feeling better during the reiki. Reiki is such a blessing to me and of course to others that are willing to receive the healing. As I become more experienced with Reiki I will blog much more and more in detail about this wonderful life CHANGING to speak. I have do not have to be live on air again till april 6th 2013 thank god! Sometimes folks just need a break from things and PEOPLE lol.
Well friends I will end today's ramble with an affirmation of sort and I hope it helps or inspires YOU:-)  Truly, Dennis
The below affirmation is about the best gift...LOVE, remember friends read the affirmation for YOU out loud :-)

                                        THE GIFT OF LOVE
Love is the most healing  therapeutic gift I can give myself. I do not have to reach outside myself to find love---it already exists within me. Today I embrace myself in unconditional love. My parents, friends,lovers, etc. may not have given me the love I need. However,today I realized that love has never left me. I frantically search for someone to love me. This desperation leaves me as I go inside myself and discover that I AM LOVE.
Today I will open wide the door of my heart and allow the love to come flowing in. I accept this love and rejoice and be glad in it.

As always friends love & blessings to YOU! Feel free to follow, share, comment, express, etc.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

IS this YOU!?

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” 
― Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Hi Friends, It has been a super long week ugh! Even though I don't really have any set days off of works and projects. Sunday's are the easiest day and my favorite day of the week..its laid back..usually lol. This week my cell has become a complete piece of bat guano to say the least. So after at least 7 years or more of constant issues with cell phones and plans and such. I am choosing to go complete NO contract and total prepaid. I have did my research YOU folks in a contract may get just one perk that I can think of by being trapped in the contract and that perk is that you get the phone you want at a very cheap price compared to the complete price. So if you want an Iphone5 save up and buy one prepaid or what ever kind of phone you want. By doing this switch 2moro, I will not only be in a trapped contract anymore but will save well over $100 a month. Not to mention have the SAME features and unlimited everything including data. Yes the phone I get won't be the same as the crap phone i have now lol. But I have researched and found one comparable to the Samsung Galax S2,which is the phone that went nuts on me not to mention SPRINT's service in my area is horrible. The New prepaid carrier I am chosing uses At&t and Verizon towers to bounce me this is good lol. I will for sure give YOU a review on the new phone venture lol. Now moving on to the reason I am blogging this late, basically already early today lol. Anywhooo, I want to speak about empathy and the total LACK of empathy that seems to spreading to many and across the world for quite sometime now....As an anonymous English author wrote: "To empathize is to see with the eyes of another, to hear with the ears of another, and to feel with the heart of another." You may wonder why is empathy important?In my opinion the real world bottom line, is that the lack of empathy leads to poor communication and a failing to understand others. Lack of empathy leads to all sorts of problems in our world. I mean seriously LOOK around our world is literally falling apart.....Nations going to war nonstop, innocent people are killed, couples divorce, increase in all forms of crime and violence and so much more horrible things occuring as you read - ALL for a lack of empathy and understanding. It is natural to become angry when frustrated or irritated with people who do or say things at variance our worldview, that may be annoying, a parasite etc. To manage anger, it often helps to see our anger as a combination of their behavior and our actual lack of empathy. While we cannot control other's thoughts, feelings or behaviors, we most certainly can increase our empathy skills. To try and  control our anger with increased empathy, three basic skills are required: listening, self-awareness and acceptance. Empathic listening is a type of listening that goes further than ordinary listening. This type of listening uses another person's point of view to see the world as others see it. It provides a higher level of understanding of how others feel. With what I call "Intuitive Empathic" to me goes deeper than this sort of emapthy...that will be future blog lol. Self-awareness occurs as we better understand our own thoughts and feelings. I believe we are then better able to understand the thoughts and feelings of someone else. The more open we are to our own feelings, the more skilled we become at reading someone else's feelings, and generally the less angry we may feel toward them. Acceptance, on the other hand, is the ability to see that others have a right to their "ridiculous" feelings. We must allow people to have feelings without telling them how they should feel. We cannot stop others from having feelings. Someone with normal emapthy would understand this. When we accept others as they are, it simply means that we understand that they are doing the best they can at the time. Remember, if they could do any better, they probably would. Acceptance of others' feelings is not easy when people act differently than we do. We all have difficulty with those who are different, even if a tiny bit. By tapping into the  skill of empathy, we will be better able to understand ourselves and others. Here are are just a few lil  simple rules I i personally use in addition to other things within myself to be more empathetic.
*Pay attention to the feelings that others express. Watch for both verbal and nonverbal clues as well as body laugnage . Try to understand the message behind the words and actions.
*Place the feelings of other's ahead of your own. Put aside your own needs and ideas long enough to listen to another's point of view.
*Communicate your understanding. Respond or give answers to the messages you receive to show you understand them in a major way if not fully.
* Actually LISTEN not merely just hear.... Let the speaker finish what they are saying before you talk.
*Ask the person to elaborate more or ask for more information. If you still don't understand, ask more questions until you fully understand.
Well I hope Friends this little thought of mine may have interested or hopefully helped someone out there in this hectic world find peace or what they may have been needing.
Thanks Friends for stopping by! I deeply appreciate all of you who stop by and read my world as well as those of you who are FOLLOWERS and COMMENT. I thank you all!
                                            Truly, Dennis..

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Welcome friends to the first day of spring 2013! Too bad it feels like nov. still lol, yes that's right it is STILL very chilly and cold out. Has been a very cold and nippy day, but it was nice and sunny. I gazed out the window this morning, noticing how sunny and nice it looked outside and I thought to myself "wow today is going to be somewhat warmer" nevertheless I was wrong lol. Looks can be very deceiving when it comes to the weather here in my region. Not a huge eventful day consisted of waking at 6:30a.m. actually got a decent night of rest for once in quite some time. So by 7:15 I was out the door and then the cold hit me...BAM! Fooled lol, had to go back inside to change to warmer clothing then back out the door lol. By 8:30 I had six promos/commercials recorded, then it was off to do other works that I do..which is many..too many lol. I finally got back home around 4:00p.m. only to get ready for the private yoga class to begin at 4:30ish. So then close to 5:30ish or so Yoga wrapped up. Then I went straight to My Reiki/prayer meditation room for approx: 35 mins. Once I was able to decompress a bit I started on my Reiki studies, by this time it was sooo time to put food in my body lol. As I was taking a break and eating I received atleast six different calls from "friends" wanting my time or wanting a favor...not ONE asked how I was or anything of that nature. So after finishing up the calls and feeling like an at&t operator, I felt the need to go back into meditation for at least an hour or so. Upon "waking" from my meditation...I kinda realized something about people and friends...of course something I already kinda felt but during my meditation I get answers and blessings, clarity on issues and so forth. I came to see and realize TRUE friends are far and few...that is a bit hurtful, but we all have friends and a lot of folks talk about friendships. Everyone wants a true friend, and many of us believe that we have a friend who can be called a true friend. What kind of relations do friends share? When can we call a friend a true friend, and when can our friends take us as their true friend. After a romantic relationship, friendships are the most important relationships we can have. Though all of us have family and distant family, most of us rely on friends for advice, comfort and inspiration. How do we define a relation that can be called as one of true friendship one might ask my opinion, the very first sign of a very good friend, not necessarily a true friend is that we are not worried about courtesies and such. You will call your friend at any hour and talk without any thought of time in your mind. Similarly, whenever you need support, you will call a very good friend and ask him/her to help you out. They expect the same from you. Another important trait of such relations is that we are not much worried about exposing ourselves to a true friend. We speak about everything on our minds without worrying about what our friends or others will think. We are sure that they will take our talk in the spirit it was made. We are unguarded and open with friends in our talk. A true friend is a little more than a very good friend. A true friend will support you even if it hurts his/her own interest. A true friend will understand your motives and needs and will be with you without any analysis or criticism or backstabbing. A true friend will come forward to help without any request and be with you  in times of need without showing it or expecting anything in return. With a true friend, you can be sure that you will get help to the best extent possible by him/her. Nothing will remain unturned. A mother is a true friend of her children...most mothers anyway. If we share such relations with an adult we can say that we are true friends. A true friend makes no excuses about anything but will be with you whenever your in dire need of him/her. In your hour of desperation, a true friend will support you even if the whole world opposes you. A true friend is not an opportunist. A true friend means to have someone who is like mother, as I said earlier.I would say a true friend is like a brother, but I know how siblings can be! Instead of having hundreds of good friends all over the world, from an array of backgrounds, if you have that one true friend, then consider  yourself lucky. If you can become a true friend to someone,you should and I believe you will be blessed.  It is much easier for all of us to expect, but very difficult to give. Be a true friend yourself first then see how the loving circle completes. THANK YOU for stopping by my personal little spot here on the worldwide web. As always feel free to comment, share, express, follow me, and smile :-)
                                                               Truly, Dennis...

We all have friends. A lot of folks talk about friendships. Everyone wants a true friend, and many of us believe that we have a friend who can be called a true friend. What kind of relations do friends share? When can we call a friend a true friend, and when can our friends take us as their true friend. After a romantic relationship, friendships are the most important relationships we can have. Though all of us have family and distant family, most of us rely on friends for advice, comfort and inspiration. How do we define a relation that can be called as one of true friendship one might ask my opinion, the very first sign of a very good friend, not necessarily a true friend is that we are not worried about courtesies and such. You will call your friend at any hour and talk without any thought of time in your mind. Similarly, whenever you need support, you will call a very good friend and ask him/her to help you out. They expect the same from you. Another important trait of such relations is that we are not much worried about exposing ourselves to a true friend. We speak about everything on our minds without worrying about what our friends or others will think. We are sure that they will take our talk in the spirit it was made. We are unguarded and open with friends in our talk. A true friend is a little more than a very good friend. A true friend will support you even if it hurts his/her own interest. A true friend will understand your motives and needs and will be with you without any analysis or criticism or backstabbing. A true friend will come forward to help without any request and be with you  in times of need without showing it or expecting anything in return. With a true friend, you can be sure that you will get help to the best extent possible by him/her. Nothing will remain unturned. A mother is a true friend of her children...most mothers anyway. If we share such relations with an adult we can say that we are true friends. A true friend makes no excuses about anything but will be with you whenever your in dire need of him/her. In your hour of desperation, a true friend will support you even if the whole world opposes you. A true friend is not an opportunist. A true friend means to have someone who is like mother, as I said earlier.I would say a true friend is like a brother, but I know how siblings can be! Instead of having hundreds of good friends all over the world, from an array of backgrounds, if you have that one true friend, then consider  yourself lucky. If you can become a true friend to someone,you should and I believe you will be blessed.  It is much easier for all of us to expect, but very difficult to give. Be a true friend yourself first then see how the loving circle completes.

Monday, March 18, 2013

YOU have a LIFE story...did you know that?

Hi Friends, I have not blogged for a bit, but I am back lol! I hope all of you are doing well on your life journey. Today has been.....well it's a monday so you know how that goes LOL...NOT an eventful day to say the least....for the most part. Yesterday I became a certified First degree Reiki Practicenor<spelled wrong lol. Of course by now YOU should be use to my typos and misspelled wording LoL! So back to the course I completed and became certified in as of Yesterday....This Reiki...not only had a very profound effect on me mentally and physically but also spiritually....I feel as if I "woke up" from a long "blinded" sleep...I know this may not make sense to YOU. My point is, I strongly feel this is a GREAT starting board so to speak, to start the POSITIVE change of Lifestyle for myself and gives me a new outlook on certain things.I am not blogging about Reiki as of yet, I just wanted to share a bit about my personal view and change....change takes time in life...especially to try to be optimistic and positive through the good and bad of life. I feel our Intentions are what makes us or breaks us in a way. This is why I am blogging today, to remind and inform YOU that everyone from the famous to YOU, has a LIFE story worthy of being told and shared with others.
You have a LIFE story that is worth telling and sharing with the world friends...
  What your intentions in your life, could be shaping everything you are and do. If that is not true in your life then it just hasn’t happened yet. It’s inevitable that at some point in this journey we call life, there will be a life changing event or more than one event. It may be your marriage,a breakup w your spouse,  or the birth of your first child, profound religious event, etc. Perhaps it will be overcoming some great personal trial, like a serious illness or life-threatening addiction. For some it could be the loss of a loved one, through death or separation. Often it is the experience that brings you to a faith in God, or that "something bigger" than all of us. You may be thinking, "Well, that’s true, but actually I’ve had more than one such life changing event." Great! Not, "great" in the sense of celebration if any of these events were painful and traumatic, but "great" in the broader appreciation that such events have for stretching us and helping us to experience the fullness of life. You see, we experience that fullness even through loss and pain. Perhaps it is especially through such loss. I have known these ups and downs of life. I had a potential pretty successful radio career at one time. I kept getting better jobs, higher pay and accolades. But when I really grew was when I had the tough challenges of loosing my dad when I was only 16, loosing others I loved, my health issues, family, personal relationships, and my own relationship. I have dealt with career changes and uncertain incomes, all the while working to find a positive honest way to provide for myself and family when they needed. One of the main reasons I think its important in preserving your life story is because in the process you will confront these life changing experiences. You will discover how they affect your beliefs, your actions and the way you view life. Sometimes returning to these memories,even the horrid painful ones... helps you grow. This can be especially beneficial if any of the events in your past are holding you back from truly living life to the fullest. Not only do you owe yourself the benefit of knowing what has most impacted your life. You really have an obligation to share that with others. Humans are not meant to live in isolation. Each of us has something to contribute to others and the world. You may never make world history, be famous or rich or any of the other things the world often tells us are important. However, if your children, your parents, your spouse, siblings, relatives, friends, co-workers and even complete strangers are deprived of any beneficial lessons from your time on the planet then it is a loss for all of us. Testimonies of faith and stories of life’s great adventures are of interest to everyone. You know this is true. Just visit any bookstore and notice the huge number of biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs. Keep track of all the movies and television programs that focus on someone’s life story. Open up one of the most influential books in all of civilization, the Holy Bible, and observe how much is devoted to the telling of various individuals’ struggles and triumphs. Even if your not a christian read it as just another book if that's the case. When you decide to record family history, write your life story or help someone else do the same you should always attempt to capture the essence of life and life changing events. Be open and honest with yourself or your interview subject. Certainly be sensitive. The greatest drama in life is there. Our best life lessons are learned from hearing, seeing or reading these stories of others and ourselves. So with all that said YOUR Life story is worth telling and sharing. YOU are special in everyway, you were wonderfully and beautifully made..GOD don't make junk lol.
Well friends, today I am not doing a public affirmation but I will leave you with yet another superb quote by one of my favorite people in the world Ms. Maya Angelou. As always feel free to Follow,share, express, comment, etc, Love to You all!         Truly, Dennis

Thursday, March 14, 2013

hOWLLLLL self-reliant are YOU?

March Issue Cover, check out the entire issue! 
Hi Friends! It has been such a beautiful sunny day out today here. I am excited that spring is right around the corner...hopefully lol. It has been quite the busy week here in my world. I began the week in serious pain and  nonsense....but as the week came along up to today anyway...I feel much better in many ways. Thank God! lol. I contribute some of my relief not to mere pain meds and such...but to Yoga & Positive Loving folks that I interact with. Speaking of Yoga, I have just started quarter 3 of the regiment. So one more quarter of yoga sessions after the current one, and then I will be ready to try some of the different types of yoga. because as of yet I have only been doing the basic yoga. I will do a blog about Yoga and the different types and soon I will be doing a Blog about a soon to be non-profit entertainment company that I am involved with and have BIG DREAMS for. Now Moving onnnnn... to the topic of today's blog. I would like to touch base on what self reliance is, I am by far NO expert on the art of self reliance living and such. But I sure do try to apply what I have learned and always eager to learn more about becoming more self-reliant in life. I am not talking of just being prepared of emergencies, natural disasters, and such..I believe self reliance is a life style, not just something to do so to speak. I have always been interested in DIY(  do it yourself) and self-reliance issues/topics and so on. But I truly learned a GIANT portion of what I do know from a Magazine and the great editors/publishers of it. The Magazine I am speaking of is The Owl Creek Gazette; a magazine dedicated in serving the Self-Reliant and DIY community of South Central Illinois...of course this magazine can be reached worldwide through their official website, so I personally would say it not only serves south central IL but also the entire globe. When I first read the first issue of this great magazine, I found myself WOWing at nearly all of the content....saying to myself "finally a refreshing magazine that THINKS outside the BOX of the propaganda that we all are conditioned with since birth lol. Not only does The Owl Creek Gazette have informative articles but also EACH monthly issue is different. This Free publication is not only informing on everything from self-reliant living, local events, crafts, unique recipes, and SO MUCH MORE.... I find that it appeals to everyone of every taste and from all backgrounds, so to speak in one way or the other. YOU really should give it a read to see what I am speaking of because my words do not give this great publication the justice it deserves. More recently The Owl Creek Gazette has started it's very own radio podcast show! I think it is a great is "Creekside with Don&Jan" This show airs every sunday evening at 7:00p.m. CST on the net. I suggest YOU go directly to their OFFICIAL website From there you can read the most current issue, past issues, order your very own subscription and of course listen to Creekside. If you read an issue or the most current issue...i'd write a letter to the editor and let them know your thoughts about what you read or what stands out to you the most. Below I have threw together 10 ways to try to be most of this from much research, hands on experience, The Magazine, and a little Dennis Knowledge lol...

Definition of SELF-RELIANCE

: reliance on one's own efforts and abilities

   The best way to succeed in today's crazy economic environment is to become as self-reliant as possible. In order to succeed, you must be different and need to make your mark. No matter what the state of the economy, you need to know who you are, your strengths, talents, skills and what you want to achieve. You must then become focused, actively engaged and passionate about attaining your goal. This is the essence of "being self-reliant." The following ten steps will take you a long way in your journey of becoming a more self-reliant individual.

1. It all begins with becoming self-aware. You must identify values, beliefs, feelings and emotions as well as other personal attributes that help you clearly pinpoint your strengths, weaknesses and differentiating factors of self. When you truly know who you are, it colors your decision-making process in the most correct shade of truth for you.

2. Self-inquiry must be high on your list because of the importance of having an inquisitive mind in an age where knowledge is the currency, which buys success. Seeking information from many sources and staying informed, opens up many more possibilities.

3. Commitment to life-long learning is key. Your focus on personal development must be a never-ending process. Your ability to learn and continually expand your skills will be the most important ability to perfect, now and in the future.

4. You must explore and create opportunities. Your talent to exercise your research skills to identify, investigate, interpret, assess and seize the chance to make a significant impact will greatly affect your self-reliance.

5. Continual action planning must become second nature. Using your time effectively to identify steps needed to reach a goal, evaluate your progress and prepare contingency plans to help assure forward motion, are all important in providing the answer to the questions: Where am I now? Where do I want to be? What do I need to do to get there? How will I know when I have arrived?

6. Taking risks is a major part of the game. As you develop your self-reliance skills, you will become more comfortable at taking a myriad of risks, better at coping effectively with uncertainty, more creative and innovative, and better at adapting to ever changing circumstances.

7. NETWORKING with others is the KEY of the information age. Just like the network technology you use or come in contact with, you too must develop a network of relationships consisting of business associates, colleagues, mentors, coaches and friends. This type of support network will provide you with valuable advice and support. It will also provide an excellent feedback system for your innovative ideas, thoughts and concepts.

8. LISTENING with your ears and HEART, when Self-reliant folks speak and such.
9. The art of self-promotion is a positive attribute. Your ability to promote your strengths, talents and abilities for the greater good of the community, in a convincing manner, is key to promoting your intellectual capital in an economy where knowledge is an absolute must, in the decision making process.

10. A self-reliant person must exercise leadership qualities. A self-reliant person does not stand around wondering what is happening. You must make things happen! You should help others as you have helped yourself.
Well Friends I hope I didn't confuse YOU too much LOL, However much You may be confused or not....DEFINITLY check out this great informative and entertaining TOOL to becoming a self-reliant person..remember go to and give the NEW Owl Creek show "Creekside w/Don& Jan" a Listen....YOU won't be disappointed by any means :-)
As always I love ALL of your feedback, feel free to comment, share, follow, etc.
                                                                        Truly, Dennis!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I wake up some mornings and sit and have my coffee and look out at my beautiful garden, and I go, 'Remember how good this is. Because you can lose it.'--Jim Carrey 

Hi, Friends...It has been a beautiful day out....full of sunshine but still a bit chilly to me. But I am not complaining at all because I am thankful for even the sunshine lol. Not too much of an eventful day today in my world. I just started quarter 3 today, In the Yoga Regiment that I have started. My little 7 yr old nephew sam attended today also and again lol...this has been his 4th session. I find it very sweet and cute that the lil guy is truly interested in yoga and looks forward to each yoga class....keep in mind he is the only child in the private class I attend lol. Today we did a lot of different poses....but I will save all that for a yoga blog in the near future. Today I would like to focus on one of my addictions...COFFEE lol! Yes that's right I love me some good ol' java everyday. My favorite Local place for coffee is Adam Bros. Coffee&Music house...they give starbucks a run for their money so to speak lol..Adam Bros. Coffee should be nationwide...GOOD STUFF!  Below is a study done by an M.D. about health and coffee. I like what he has to say so that is why I am sharing it with YOU :-)

Coffee and health: What does the research say?
What does the research say about coffee and health? Is coffee good or bad for You and me?
    Coffee has a long history of being blamed for many ills — from the humorous "It will stunt your growth" to the not-so-humorous claim that it causes heart disease and cancer. But recent research indicates that coffee may not be so bad after all. So which is it — good or bad? The best answer may be that for most people the health benefits outweigh the risks. Recent studies have generally found no connection between coffee and an increased risk of cancer or heart disease. Why the apparent reversal in the thinking about coffee? Earlier studies didn't always take into account that known high-risk behaviors, such as smoking and physical inactivity, tended to be more common among heavy coffee drinkers at that time. However, the research appears to bear out some risks. High consumption of unfiltered coffee is associated with mild elevations in cholesterol levels. And another study found that two or more cups of coffee a day can increase the risk of heart disease in people with a specific — and fairly common — genetic mutation that slows the breakdown of caffeine in the body. So, how quickly you metabolize coffee may affect your health risk. Newer studies have also shown that coffee may have benefits, such as protecting against Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes and liver cancer. And it has a high content of antioxidants. But this doesn't mean you should disregard the old maxim "Everything in moderation." Although coffee may not be very harmful, other beverages such as milk and juice contain nutrients that coffee does not. Also, another study shows that men that drink approx: 6 cups of coffee per day have a 60% LESS chance of getting prostate cancer. Finally, heavy caffeine use — on the order of four to seven cups of coffee a day — can cause problems such as restlessness, anxiety, irritability and sleeplessness, particularly in susceptible individuals. Answers provided by Mr. D. Hensrud, M.D.
I totally agree with Mr. Hensrud study, but personally I think coffee is also a good cleanser in soap due the anti-oxidents and a great scrubber for those sore rough feet.
Latte' from Adam Bros. Coffee&Music fav!
As always Thank You friends for stopping by my blog! Feel free to comment, share, follow, or just enjoy;-)
                                                                        Truly, Dennis

Monday, March 11, 2013


It is just as cowardly to judge an absent person as it is wicked to strike a defenseless one. Only the ignorant and narrow-minded gossip, for they speak of persons instead of things.
--Lawrence G. Lovasik 

   Hi friends! It has been such a chilly cold day! I am so thankful spring is on it's way and then my favorite time of the year being summertime is coming sooner than later...I hope so anyway lol. Our weather here is quite bi-polar, , one day nice and sunny...the next cold and ick outside. Today friends I am just touching base on something WE ALL NEED NOT DO....GOSSIP
We all have done it on purpose or by accident either way everyone has done it at some point..BUT when it's a chronic thing....then THAT is a problem in many ways...but to keep this blog somewhat short Lets begin with the definition google has for the term GOSSIP....oh and by the way the meaning of GOSPEL is "good news"...moving on..
-Noun: Casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.
-Verb: Engage in gossip.

Have you ever played the game Telephone? You sit in a circle with a group of people and one person whispers a phrase to the person next to him or her. Then, each person keeps whispering the phrase around the circle until it reaches the last person, who repeats the whispered statement out loud. What started out as "Pizza tastes great" can end up as "Pete's a great ape!" It's funny to laugh at how twisted the sentence became as it got passed around. Gossip can work the same way, but it's not so funny. In fact, it can be very hurtful. Have you ever gossiped or been gossiped about? I am guilty of gossip...I think everyone is at some point in life. I chose to try NOT to gossip and I know what it feels like to be the GOSSIP topic so to speak and it does hurt...especially when the crap is 100% FALSE!  Let's talk a bit about gossiping.
!!!Talking about peopld Versus Gossiping about people!!!
Talking is how you spread your thoughts, ideas, and experiences to people around you. It's NOT always wrong to talk about other people. There's nothing wrong with telling your friends, "I like hanging out with John doe. He tells the funniest stories!" Those words don't hurt anyone. But when you SAY mean things, tell stories that you're not sure are TRUE, or reveal information you know is supposed to remain PRIVATE, you're spreading gossip. What if you saw funny john doe go into the principal's office and you started wondering if he was in trouble. There's nothing wrong with wondering that, but what if you started telling other people you think Johns in big trouble. You really don't know why he was in the principal's office, right? But before you know it, everyone is talking about how John is in trouble and imagining why. Maybe he put his rubber snake in the teacher's desk, someone says. Maybe he punched a kid who didn't laugh at one of his jokes, another person suggests. John doesn't come back to class for a long time, but when he does, everyone wants to know what happened in the principal's office.  John might be a little angry or confused about all the questions, especially when he explains, "I went to the principal's office because my mom was there to take me to a doctor appointment."
That's how RUMORS work. They start small and often blow up into something TOTALLY different from the TRUTH....THIS friends is an example of how childish and hurtful GOSSIP can be. Even in my own personal Life I STILL weekly hear rumors and GOSSIP about day it may be about my personal day might be about who my elite friends are and what I am "involved" in. ALL of this is hurtful to me and honestly pisses me off to the core...sorry for sounding harsh but people need to grow the hell up and grow a LIFE lol.
Your probaly wondering by now why I chose Gossip as the topic for todays blog. Well I had been thinking of blogging about this subject....however when a ridiculous rumor comes my way pertaining ME and MY LIFE....well needless to say that is what sparked me to do this topic today. I am fed up to the core with folks...Locals especially gossiping about me as a person.
I even have so called certain "friends" gossip and make up total lies about me for NO apparent reason...there is NEVER EVER a good reason to make something up about ANYONE!
The most recent rumor i heard about myself was that I am a cocaine freak LOL I am serious! When i was told this I laughed but also got very angry....SO whoever came up with that one...YOU need to be a bit more creative with your gossip lol. I have many health issues as i have mentioned before...meaning I get bloodwork and labwork MONTHLY...I am sure if i was a "coke freak" My doctors would have a problem with it lol. MY point being I dont use drugs except for what I am prescribed for my health issues. I dont even drink alcohol...let alone a substance like cocaine lol. Now I have NOTHING against using herbal remedies for health and relaxation. SO TO CLEAR THE AIR the only thing I am a freak about is LIFE! yes you heard right Im a life freak...meaning I am addicted to trying to LIVE in a Peaceful Happy manner.  To those of you who say you are my friends....I know with my high intuition who is who....i will leave it at that. SOON I will be calling ALL of these so called "friends" out on what I feel they have done or said behind my back. In conclusion today I have chose a scripture as todays affirmation, for it pertains to gossiping and people who have negative secret agendas against you or me.
                                                                   ISAIAH 54:17
"But in the coming day, NO weapon formed against YOU will succed/prosper. YOU"
will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the
servants of the Lord; their vindication will come from me. I, the Lord, have spoken!
Isaiah 54:17 Holy Bible/NIV version

a true LIFE FREAK lol...feel free to use this photo to scare the mice away haha!
   As always friends, Thank you for stopping by my blog! I enjoy YOUR feedback so feel free to comment, share, etc. But NO gossiping LOL!  Thank you....Truly, DENNIS the "LIFE FREAK" :-)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

! Art of Suffering !

"It requires more courage to suffer than to die."-Napolean

Hi friends, I hope if you are reading are doing well if not great! Today I have had one of the worst fibromyalgia flareups in a long time. It is still attacking me as I type and blog.
But I choose NOT to be victim but a Fighter....I do honestly suffer physically daily in one way shape or form. I will be the first to admit I have NOT mastered the "Art of Suffering"....I am haunted by my health daily. BUT I chose to be Dennis Kelly NOT Dennis Kelly with such and such health problems. I have seen suffering my entire life, through working with the dying, family members, and so many ways of suffering. I think EVERYONE suffers from something...small or big....mental, physical or even financial. POINT IS WE ALL SUFFER. So I have decieded to finally do a blog on suffering and how it is possible to be happy yet in a suffering state so to speak.


suffering  present participle of suf·fer (Verb)
Experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant).
Be affected by or subject to (an illness or ailment).
Myself picked up Yoga classes as considered by my neurologist and I have honestly learned!What I learnt on these yoga poses and sessions was that the art of yoga and pushing myself through these major  challenges - and many aches and pains,even in daily life sometimes, I am still learning how to look after oneself in a tough environment. This is what I call the ‘art of suffering’.

In reality this art lies not in putting up with pain, but in knowing how not to suffer in the first place and, when it hurts, understanding why. And so these two factors, the science and the experience, came together to explain the mechanics of suffering and how to apply it to myself....even though each day is a chance to learn on how to rid myself of suffering with positive motivation and meditation....still learning lol. This blog has been, for me, a very difficult one to write as it attempts to mesh several very complicated elements together (some of which I still don’t fully understand), both scientific,natural, supernatural,  and unscientific, in order to explain why we suffer. As usual this blog is based on a mishmash of cobbled together rambles, facts and my own opinions.     The cold makes us colder and heat makes us hotter, right? If we only lived a life of centrally heated leisure this would be all we’d ever need to understand. For those of us who step beyond the door in bad weather we soon learn that if we get wet, or it’s windy, we get colder faster. This may seem like common sense and the knowledge taken as granted, but many novices don’t know this, often resulting in a cruel lesson. As we learn more we begin to understand the science behind understanding and look past ourselves and our misconceptions about suffering in general. ALL of us should show support, love, kindness, care, understanding, and a sense of community, to help those that are suffering so severe. Even offer all of this to eachother...this should be OUR simply matter what unconditional love one another. WEll now that I have probaly confused you or given you a moving on. Yesterday I did a Presentation on DIY soap making with glycerin being the base. I did the event at The Owl Creek Gazette Magazine office for their Second Saturday series....I enjoyed it very much even though I was suffering really bad...I still managed to enjoy the event and the people...btw check out my friends
Below is an affirmation for YOU and I....where you see "I" Think of YOU :-)

    I am discovering my uniqueness as days go by. There is no one on earth like me. I was placed on earth to develop that special potential that only I posess. I look at the achievements and the specialness of others around me , and I bless them. Their wonderful qualities do take away from my own specialness. Jealousy and envy are not my way of thinking. I give dignity to myself and to those around me by acknowledging and respecting the UNIQUENESS in others. I learn from them,as I too,am unique,and do not feel diminished in their presence.  THANK YOU Friends for stopping by my personal little spot here on the web! AS always feel free to comment, share, follow, etc. Thanks again for stopping by.....Truly, Dennis

Monday, March 4, 2013

Did you know that you are SPECIAL??

"Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone...just remember that all people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had"-F.scott Fitzgerald

Hello friends, today has been a good day for me personally...nothing too eventful but good. I hope if you are reading this YOU too are having a good day/night! I may be suffering today some what from the fibromyalgia but I try my best to keep positive and KNOW things can only get long as I do my part too. My personal belief is that whatever task or duty I am doing at any moment...IF things get to be to much on me, then that is where My Father GOD takes over.....he never puts too much on me to bear.....even though I still have times of great suffering and sadness....I always still have that sliver of PEACE knowing that my creator has me in his hands. It is possible to be happy and be suffering at the same time....I know this from many days trust me lol. Today I want to mention how it is very necessary to be thankful for the good, bad, and the ugly, lol. By now your thinking I am crazy lol....but in all honesty WE learn from the Good, bad, and ugly parts of Life. I believe it makes us stronger as individuals and helps us to understand another's pain and such. So today I am going to do an affirmation about being thankful, this is not ONLY for me but for YOU the reader when you see the "I" in the below it for YOU and from your perspective.
                                                           I am Thankful
I am thankful I was born and I am glad to be alive. Everyday now I can and will try my best to celebrate my existence. I have a purpose. I am Important. I have a place in my community. I choose to surround myself with positive people who care. My higher power will continually guide me and make me aware of my right to be here in the now. I have a mission in this life, and I take daily steps to complete this mission. My Presence is essential, my presence is felt. At times it is difficult to be thankful when I frown upon painful events and continually feel affected by their outcome. I am responsible only for my part in life's daily tasks. I can continue to make new choices and change my path to grow in positive directions. I am important! My Ideas count, my feelings count, and I am needed! I will continually celebrate my existence.......BE THANKFUL AND CELEBRATE YOUR LIFE!
      Thanks for stopping by my blog friends! As always I love your feedback so feel free to comment, share,
 follow me or just read :-)  Bless you all! Truly, Dennis 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Wonder what your purpose in Life is??? Yep, me too :-)

" Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is NO path and leave a trail."-R.Waldo Emerson

Hi Friends here  we are on this sunday evening march third already! WOW time is ticking... I'm starting today with a small affirmation about Lifes purpose...something all of us ponder at some point in life or if your like me quite often lol. Friends ALL of my affirmations are for YOU also, so feel free to say them aloud in the mirror. I know that may sound quirky....but SO WHAT....I am living MY life just like you are living YOUR life.
                                                      In my Journey 
"I have PURPOSE here on earth and I will continue to strengthen my direction in life"
At times my direction gets confusing, and I end up floundering around, searching for
my bearing. When I take to remind myself that the Higher power is guiding my journey,
I feel tranquil and at peace....many times through out my life, my energies were blocked
by inability to separate myself from the emotions of others. As I grew older, I began to
take on the feelings of others as though those feelings were my own...I became sad, fatigued
and much more..I even found myself being consumed with busyness. TODAY I will not live
in ANY extremes. I have PURPOSE! I will celebrate the miracle of being alive, and I will feel
the harmony that comes when I channel my energy into ONLY good and positive directions.

     So now I will share with you how I personally try to Find What the Purpose of Life is For  Me...and I am no expert on life...but I am an expert in caring for others and myself in anyway I am able, so moving on..  What is the purpose of life for you? Finding and clarifying your life purpose and core life intentions can help you to move with greater focus and clarity every day of your life. Especially in these challenging times, setting clear intentions and developing and refining our life purpose can make it much easier to navigate stormy waters. There are many ways to both find and develop your purpose & intentions. This little tid bit of info is to inspire you to be all that you can be and to lead an ever richer, fuller life. Something everyone of us needs...we are ALL on the same planet....we ALL are in human form..A great way that I personally try to start exploring lifes purpose and intentions is to stop for a moment and ask yourself these two key questions:
What is most important to me in my life?  What are my deepest values and beliefs?
     Give yourself time to explore these important questions and notice what touches and inspires you most deeply. Write down any answers or thoughts that come to you as you ponder these questions. Then use what you've written as a basis upon which to craft your life purpose and intentions. Consider also inviting the divine guidance and your own inner wisdom to help you with this....Though both can be valuable, there is a difference between life purpose and life intentions. Your life purpose is generally a single statement related to the overall reason that you feel you are here. What is the greater purpose behind your being alive? Why are you here in the world? Life intentions are any number of profound statements about the way you want to live your life. How do you want to be and act in the world right now and in each moment? When you are confronted with major challenges, on what core principles do you want to base your decisions and actions? Both life purpose and life intentions can be rich and valuable in helping to move through the challenges life brings us, though some will prefer focusing on one over the other. If you find this process somewhat challenging, you might do best to focus on one first. Choose whichever feels right and best to you. Later you can always come back and work on the other. I hope this tid bit made a little sense to somebody out there in this dying world in which we live. Feel free to share, comment and so forth. I always love your feedback good & bad....Thanks for stopping by my own personal little spot on the worldwide web. Blessings to You all! ---Dennis

Friday, March 1, 2013

What is it these days with PEOPLE??

"When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen."-Ernest Hemingway

Hi Friends, today I would like to talk a bit about what is on my mind pertaining people these days in general on how most but not all, people just don't really LOVE or CARE anymore for OTHERS....
In Life we have all been hurt, so naturally we try to prevent ourselves from being hurt again. So we try to protect ourselves. We put up walls.
These walls can be in many forms:
over-weight or under-weight
eating unhealthy
drinking alcohol
time on the computer
watching too much TV
playing video games
focusing on others and not taking care of yourself
These numb us.

Here is a newsflash... this is what i'd call fear. It sure isn't self-love. It is self-hate. You can NOT be in fear and love at the same time.   People Love your neighbor as you do yourself.

So if we are in fear, can we really be loving others? If we are not loving ourselves can we really be loving others? I think the answer is no. If we are in fear, we aren't loving ourselves or others. We are making our choices out of fear. For ourselves and others. We may think we are protecting others by limiting them, by keeping them small ( like a child), but we are operating out of our own hurts and fears. This harms us and others. If we saw someone being physically abused, we would probably say it isn't love, it is hate. Present day public acts of hate/violence happen everyday and it's everyday people see this occur and turn their heads. That too is Hate.....hate deep in the heart and mind...   NOW do we notice it in our own lives? Do we see how we may be abusing others? Ya know folks, Abuse can come in many forms such as Physical, Emotional, Mental etc. It even happens online, on Facebook, Twitter, at work, etc. Sometimes we aren't even aware of it. It is in our subconscious beliefs. Perhaps It is what we've been programmed about relationships? I've seen some people programmed/learned that others are out to get us. So then those people protect theirselves by harming the people that are (out to get them) first. Or by isolating theirselves with walls. Both the Bully and the Abused have been hurt. So whether we abuse ourselves or allow others to abuse ourselves, we are hating ourselves. And the Bully hates himself or herself also. Maybe its an odd way of both recreating their pasts. Forgive yourself friends and Forgive others. But that doesn't mean to allow the abuse to continue. You'll become a doormat. You'll hate yourself and them. That's not healthy...
      SO IF YOU are ready to begin or increase spreading love to is the time. You can't control others choices if they choose not to love....BUT, remember one small random loving act of kindness  can go around the world in a BIG way.  Just keep in mind these little pointers below...
*It isn't love.  You can't stay in relationships with repeated abuse. It isn't healthy for You or your partner,friends,family,etc.
*Don't choose Fear (or hate). Choose LOVE
*Don't harm yourself. Love yourself.
*Choose people who don't limit you or harm you or ones who are toxic to your life source. Choose loving and supportive people in your life.
*Don't harm others. Love others.
Thanks For Visiting my little spot here in the magical land of the internet!
Feel free to comment, share, express, etc.  Truly, Dennis..