Hello Friends, this blog is not on any certain topic like most, today I am just letting out whats on my mind. That is usually random to say the least lol. Today is a beautiful sunny day here on this fourth of july 2013...wow this year sure is passing us by. So yesterday My Little dog REX went missing and still NO sign of him...to most he is just a dog but to me he is like my child. I have lost three of my dog children this year. First 11 year old bubba died from old age, My 10 year old dalmatian Rucca died last month of cancer, and now my 5year old Rex has been missing for 24 hours..I pray and hope He is returned to me safe and soon. I won't harbor too much on this because honestly it upsets me more than you know. Moving on....Cindy Sheehan the Anti-war Activist and Peace Mom also host of her own radio show has completed her Tour De Peace. I was impacted in a very positive way by cindy, she changed my outlook on a lot of things. Her sister dede is also a VERY sweet soul. The mainstream media demonizes her very bad, just because she stands for PEACE and what is right and justice for all. Cindy is one of the strongest person I have ever met..I highly commend her and her works. OnWard.....The crisis that is going on in Egypt is very sad...it is so apparent that the world is crumbling no matter what our U.S. mainstream media says with all their propaganda. Americans WE need to wake the hell up and STAND FOR WHAT IS RIGHT! We are called the UNITED states right..? WE ALL NEED TO STAND UNITED AGAINST TYRANNY. I have been thinking hard on relocating to another country...only thing that holds me back is my family. If I knew they would be ok 100% then I would relocate soon! Even Russia seems like a decent place to visit...I dont know how the living conditions are but a visit I would definitly consider. Also ALL the tyranny that is going on in the middle east is just sick! Makes me so sad to know thousands of innocent people are being slaughtered by our military or affiliates. HOW is killing innocent people or anyone for that matter considered "collateral damage"!? That is just a sugar coated word for murder. Our Government goes after every nation that has nuclear capabilities...yet Little ol' Israel has tons of nukes and we say nothing about that? Does that make sense to YOU? It makes no sense to me at all! I love the land and people of Israel, but their government is no different than our messed up administration. Ok enough with that rant. Saturday will mark season 8 of the radio show I host www.thesaturdaynightride.weebly.com I have been doing much thinking and this season is going to be like no other and most likely the most controversial season thus far. Could be the last season to broadcast from our affiliate station 89.5FM, we shall see how the ducks line up so to speak. Moving on...yesterday I picked up two bottles of a natural supplement called "Fibro-Response" It is packed full of many many vitamins and such that is supposed to help with fibromyalgia...I am hoping its the cure. I got it from the best health food store around "The Sunshine House" feel free to give them a call, they are very helpful and great on prices 618-283-0888. Today is day 2 of taking it...I will keep all of you updated as time goes on with the Fibro-response supplement. Today I plan on just relaxing with some family members, perhaps a BBQ and some good ol family time will help this overwhelming feeling of dread i have been feeling. But I am choosing to try my best to stay positive about my life, my situation, and everything else. I really think positive thinking works when applied. I have slacked a bit on my Normal Yoga routine...this is a big NO NO...So I shall start it asap also the Reiki helps quite a bit. So Yoga and Reiki I have some catching up to do. I know this blog has been VERY random but I am just being real and today i feel random lol. I have noticed all the different nations that read my blogs and I appreciate ALL of you. Feel free to comment, follow,share, or shoot me an email at: mr.denniskelly@gmail.com SO the Mindzalike Entertainment lil group I have seem to be doing pretty well so far with auditions and photoshoots, I myself got cast for a photoshoot....it wasnt that bad and it paid well. I recently got an offer to audition for an upcoming Feature Film that will be filmed partly in St.Louis....not sure if I am going to audition yet but nevertheless I appreciate such a unique offer...considering some of the lead actors in the film are oscar winners. All that Fame stuff doesnt shake or move me at all...I look at it just like another job that is creative and thats it. Well enough with my rambling on and on lol. I will leave you now with a nice video/song to remind you that NO matter what state this world is in...its still beautiful! Until next time friends, blessings! Truly, Dennis Kelly