Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fall time is Change Time...


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  Hello Friends! it has been a long time since I last blogged. My apologies as Life has thrown me many curve balls so to speak. I rarely blogged at all this summer season that we just finished for 2014. Summertime here in my region this year did not feel like summer at all! We had some days that was very hot but overall it was a very mild summer. Fall time is here, I don't mind autumn except for when I think about what comes after...WINTER! I HATE, I am not a cold weather type of person yet live in a region where it gets bitterly cold in the winters. I am hoping and praying for a mild winter season. So far our Autumn has been somewhat normal.....whatever normal is. Much has occurred since my last much that it would take all night and day to type lol. As most of you know already the Radio show I host is now exclusively on iheartRadio available worldwide atleast 4 days a week. I have moved as I think I did mention in a previous post, I moved across the city I live in. Over this past summer I have had many opportunities that have crossed my path, it has been a very interesting summer in many ways in my personal life. My personal life is still in the midst of changes. Change can be hard as well, some of the things in my life are very hard to change but having the drive for change is a got to start somewhere right? I did get some roles in a few feature films over the summer one film is out already the other two are not out in the theaters yet. I have made many new friends as well as clipped the connections to certain former friends....When a person causes you more negative feelings  and is constantly trying to shove their agendas down your throats and being spiteful behind your back...well watch out that is not a friend whatsoever. I will admit I am not perfect by any means BUT when more than certain Ideas of mine are taken for other's personal use/agenda that is a red flag of an energy vamp in my opinion. I know this blog is all over the place today but that is how I am flowing today lol. We are also doing Internet Television and in production of a television we shall see how things pan out so to speak. Also this past summer I did win the best Radio Personality/DJ of the County for the 5th year in a row by many many votes. I was pleased to win but I didn't let that award inflate my ego Instead I used that and any negative crap as MOTIVATION TO DO EVEN BETTER at ALL things I do. Some people will get an award big or small and they will let it totally go to their heads like they have won the Nobel Peace Prize or something lol. My point is STAY HUMBLE no matter what you may achieve don't continue to brag for weeks on end, that will just make you look pathetic and a few other things that I will not say LoL... Moving on....I have had some great guests on the radio show this year, and still have many more greats on the list coming each week! You can now tune in ANYWHERE in the world at any given moment, if We are not live ALL of the shows are archived on iheartRadio and So feel free to join us for our next episode tomorrow Friday October 10th 2014 at 8:00 P.M. Central time zone. SOON I will tell you all how to WATCH US LIVE on the internet from anywhere and anytime in the world. I highly enjoy all of you and your feedback and emails! Now moving on to something that has bothered me for a long time and that is corruption...especially corruption of those in authority positions...

I have observed over the  past few years the slow increase in abuse of police departments, local, state and federal by our government that says it has our safety in mind. Even somewhat local Riots, in nearby St.Louis that stemmed from Police misconduct.  The riots in Los Angeles over the Rodney King incident, was also brought on by abuse by the police and subsequent acquittal at their trials. All broke loose after that, with a good part of the city of  Los Angeles put to the torch. More closer to home is  the recent killing of  18 year old Mike Brown of Ferguson, Missouri led to two weeks of rioting, there with more lives put in danger. Government Control Everywhere The government controls what goes on in our school lunches, tells our kids how to learn with common-core, monitors our private communications on Facebook, Twitter,Social networks, have been determining the content of many peoples prayers in public places, all in an effort to control the American people on whatever THEY think, do, say, worship, even who we are in contact with, what we talk to God about and who we vote for.  Our Leaders  are daily, and continually trampling our rights as though they have the right to do so. Mike Bloomberg, mayor of New York, inflicted his tyrannical rule on the population of New York by leading the change to ban super-sized sodas, trans fats, cigarette displays and the bewildering ban of Styrofoam! Government Tightened even more its Grip In 2010 with the IRS beginning to target and harass conservative groups and denying them the formation of tax free organizations. In 2012 there were reported instances of the EPA using drones to monitor your farms for compliance to environmental regulations! Yes your government was and IS STILL spying on how you use your farmland! In 2013 the media reported on White House plans to give the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) the ability to track and access financial data on Americans, the same year we learned through Edward Snowden that his former employer, the National Security Agency, had been collecting information on Americans. From traffic light camera to phone tapping, from militarized police forces to targeting specific groups of people like the Political Tea Party folks and selfless, natural living, and more all being called domestic terrorists, to spies in the sky, the government is unfettered in its desire to control the American people. Doomed to Repeat the Same Mistakes Solomon's observation as one of the wisest kings of Israel once stated, "What has been done will be done again, what has been will be again; there is nothing new under the sun." What is happening here in America now has happened to countries in the past and the consequences are quite clear. People have liberty; people take liberty for granted; people become apathetic; people lose their liberty and freedom. We are moving down the road to the loss of our freedoms and liberty and the encroaching elimination of the expectation of privacy. How clear does it have to be we are living in an all-consuming police state with no one to rein them in. God help us! It seems as America is becoming more and more like Nazi Germany was. Please Pray for our Nation! Well friends As always feel Free to Comment, follow, tune in while you read, or just enjoy! Be safe and Be Blessed Friends!                                                                  Truly, Dennis