Tuesday, September 3, 2013

From the Desk of Dennis September the 3rd 2013

       Hello friends, It is early in the morning here...a bit chilly actually but not too bad. I apologize for not blogging as of lately. So much occurs from week to week its too much to write lol. So as of lately personally I have been dealing with some major muscle pain and I think I may have a muscle pressing on nerves and sending pain everywhere...I could be wrong i am not a doctor by any means lol. My massage therapist has really helped a lot with the muscle pains and such. So slowly but surely I think this horrible muscle issue is letting up a bit each day. Thank GOD! When you have constant nonstop pain daily like this it does a number on you in many ways. Anytime I deal with constant nonstop chronic pain it always makes me ponder everything in my life and so much more. The blog I prepared below is one I wrote last night about an issue I have been thinking about for quite sometime...just didn't know how to put it into words exactly. Basically the Blog topic today is about friends and what is a true friend etc. I have blogged on similar topics before but this one would not leave my mind until I wrote it lol. Before I get into the blog, I want to just touch base on some things that have been on my mind...like Syria and the fate of it's people. We the United States Have NO right to intervene with EVERY nations Buisness. WE DO NOT rule the world like the current establishment wants to. Our President goes on national television to spread WAR propaganda of why we should invade Syria.."because their government is killing civilians with chemicals" WELL MR. OBAMA, What the chemicals that YOU allow MONSANTO to use to SOFT kill The American people with GMO foods, Vaccines, Chemicals being sprayed in the air and so much more!?? WAKE UP fellow Americans and see we are living in perilous times under a dictatorship regime. WAR is NEVER the ANSWER!! Russia seems to have backing for the small nation of Syria, the U.S. Government seems to have an issue with this. I personally think Its all a sick GAME! The Middle eastern people should be allowed to be free from our forces invading them like we do every nation they see as a "threat" Think about what WE did to Iraq....killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people including children and our very own troops, over FALSE Propaganda! OIL OIL OIL! THAT IS A BIG PART OF WHY WE HAVE OUR NOSE IN THE MIDDLE EAST. THIS MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH! I love America but I do NOT think our government gives a rats A$$ about us the citizens that slave to keep the country going, THIS nation is NOT the same NATION I grew up in...we are NO longer the land of the free, but the land of tyranny and police state. While most are watching their favorite reality shows and worrying about the latest tabloids, others in the middle east and some other nations such as Syria, have to worry if today will be their last. I try to stay out of politics the best I can, but when I see our American government/military going into ALL these different nations causing nothing but destruction and damage and then call the loss of INNOCENT people "collateral damage" it makes me SICK! Think about that...IS THIS REALLY SOMETHING YOU SUPPORT? This is all I will say about this issue, I will save the rest for a future blog. Pray for the middle east and Russia. NOW onto my topic of this blog...sorry for the rant lol...
                                             " FRIEND OR FRIENDLY PERSON"

A Lot of the times many friends/people..... when you need them the most is the moment they choose to walk out of your life or distance  from you. Surely this happens to everyone and surely when it happens to you, it seems like it only happens to you. But I assure YOU that it happens to the best of us.  Maybe people do this because it hurts them too much to watch you hurt. Maybe people do this because they never really cared that much to begin with. Maybe YOU are no longer of use to them. Whatever the reason may be, it happens to everyone and there is a bit of  comfort in knowing that many folks deal with people like this.
An anonymous quote about friendship which speaks volumes is "True friendship isn't about being there when it's convenient, it's about being there when it's not." Most people would say that when they needed a friend, they had someone there for them. The truth is people are only here for themselves. It is human nature for a person to think of themselves first. So ask yourself what is your friend gaining by being there for you? It is important to determine people's motivations for wanting to be there for you or in your life, when you need them the most. Likewise it is important to understand why they chose to not be there for you when you thought that they should have been. Everyone must realize that they are their own best friend and decisions must be made accordingly. When friends are going through a rough spot and you are so close to them that it hurts you to watch them hurt, this is when it is time to decide whether supporting them through their hard time is worth the investment for yourself and is your support out of true friendship or out of feeling obligated...? More people need to realize that interactions with other people are less about them and more about you. It has been said your friends are a reflection of who you are. Remember the old saying "Birds of a feather flock together."  The best personal example I have is when I first became sick and going through so much pain, stress, and multiple surgeries at a hospital. When I needed my friends to be there for me, many chose not to be. I realized that all of my friends but one were fair-weather friends. Going through what I was experiencing and at the same time realizing that my friends were fakes was and still is hurtful and devastating. So NOW I  vowed to not put any more effort into making friends again; I am tired of being hurt and waiting for the bottom to fall out on me and casting my pearls to the swine...so I chose not to put myself there again. I thought to myself, if this is what friends are, I do not want to put forth the effort. So when your friends choose to walk away from you, talk behind your back, show superficial support, or use you for their personal gains......JUST  know that this has happens to everyone. The choice is yours to put yourself back out there on the friend market or to stay on your own. I personally have narrowed my true friends to just a small handful of people and that's it. I do however still have MANY friendly associates so to speak but NOT ALL are genuine in nature. Moving on......I know this blog may not make sense to some of you, but it makes PERFECT sense to me. Well Friends wherever you are I hope and pray you ALL are doing well and got at least a little insight from this blog today. HAVE A GREAT WEEK! As always feel free to comment, share, follow, or simply enjoy the read. Be safe and be                                                                                                                                                                      Be Blessed! Truly, Dennis Kelly