Sunday, February 9, 2014

From the Desk on FEB. 9th 2014


          Hello Friends, It has been a Lazy Sunday today. Full of Cold Snowy weather still, thankfully we did not get more Snow last night here in my region. Last Night (Saturday) The radio show I host went well, of course I was pretty tired and wore down by show time, I don't like to be wore out before doing any sort of show Radio, Television, Auditions, Etc. I don't feel I perform nearly as well as normal when I get to the point of exhaustion. I have been super busy lately with everything in Life, My Personal and Business life have been overwhelming to say the least....Mostly Positive but some negatives still but this too shall pass. I try not to vent my health issues too much for many reasons, most important reason is the fact there is always someone, somewhere, worse off than you or me in many ways I am sure. This little fact helps me through sometimes when I start feeling like crap physically. Below at the bottom of this blog I posted a LINK for YOU to copy and paste and put into your browser, so that you may get a sample of THE SATURDAY NIGHT RIDE RADIO SHOW UNCUT VERSION. I hope you are able to listen and if you are able please do  myself and the entire team at Mindzalike Entertainment and click on the "FOLLOW" button. This is a small uncensored version of the Mainstream show that airs every saturday night LIVE at 7p.m. central time zone. Moving see that Feb. seems to be a bit better than January. Now let's ALL hope that the Positive in Feb. Continues on, and continues on into spring and the rest of the year. We all need some great things to occur in our lives, so lets all be on the same vibration of being positive and Loving towards eachother. I really believe if WE ALL do this it can cause a huge positive ripple effect and spread like wildfire, so it starts with You and Me....I am going to continue to try my best to operate at that vibration, of staying positive despite ANY and ALL circumstances, and Loving Eachother as we Love ourselves. You do this to others and if others continue, then we will have that ripple effect that is well needed around the entire world at this point. THINK ABOUT IT! :-) WE need to also THINK THIS " NO WARS, ONLY HUGS" You may say it sounds silly, but I'd think you all would agree with having a Hug over any war? I'd certainly hope so. Well Friends My apology for the randomness lol. Next blog will actually have a point lol. Friends I hope  you enjoy the small uncut radio show episode, as always Thank you all for stopping by my blog. Feel free to comment,share, follow, or just enjoy. Love, Peace, & Blessings to YOU... Truly, Dennis