Wednesday, January 1, 2014


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                                                                      "MASKED REMOVED"
Hello Friends and Happy 2014! This is my first blog of the year so I better make it worth reading right? LoL So as we all know yesterday was the last of 2013 and millions around the globe celebrated the coming of 2014. Myself spent the end of the year last night with some family and friends at a family member's home. It wasn't a huge drunkin party, but it was nice and priceless. My last blog of 2013, I vented more than I have EVER vented my personal feelings, my friend Roxie made a good point in her comment about "wearing a mask" and she is right everyone does wear a mask so to speak. Of course this not only makes perfect since BUT it was in a round about way was showing what I was doing on that blog....I had more than enough anger,hurt,negativity,stress&pressure, built up inside of me for quite sometime. So up until just a few days ago, I wore my "Mask" 24/7 for the most part. During prayer and meditation time, I ask myself and my creator, why do I feel the need to wear this as if it was mandatory? The answer was simple....I have been doing work in and with the public for so long not to mention that my public "Mask" was always "Happy" that I basically lost WHO I was...thinking the entire time that I needed Peoples "approval" on almost everything I did or say or projects I was involved with and such. But MINE EYES HAVE BEEN OPENED! Thanks to a very special mentor that I have and I am beyond blessed for having in my life....This certain mentor I can relate to nearly all advice and lectures he gives me as he also has mentioned how he sees a lot of his younger self in me(good and bad lol). So YOU ALL are seeing ME with no mask from now on, of course there is still a certain extent of it when one is in media and entertainment....can't just spout off at the mouth without expecting some public backlash that could be bad for one's career in the entertainment industry that is. Another thing, when a person is working in entertainment it is a big NO NO to let out your personal life. I have a problem with that because I no longer chose to wear that "Dennis Kelly" mask/character, therefore I am trying my best to just keep MY personal life PERSONAL :-) I am not saying I haven't been real this entire time because I HAVE, I just wore a sugar coated mask that I got TOO complacent wearing. Again back to my last blog of 2013, I do apologize if any of YOU felt singled out, that was NEVER my intention. I just wanted the select "50%" to know that I have had enough of all the different folks "friends" around the world that I PERSONALLY know and interact with on a regular basis; being fakes or vamps to me, and back to Roxie's comment YES, I agree there is a difference between the vamps and fakes, When I wrote that I was actually meaning that most vamps are fake to your face therefore "Fakes/Vamps"..understand?Hopefully lol. So now moving on....this year My plan is to continue what I have begun when it comes to removing toxic people from my life, Try my absolute BEST to stay and BE positive, Love more, Share more, and make PEACE my middle name lol...seriously though friends, I think it would be good for ALL of US to try Loving eachother more and not waste anymore time on those who bring us down or waste any more time trying to earn peoples approval, the blog I prepared today is about just that, "Let go & BE YOU".
Let go of the need or idea of approval and just be who you are and spread love and appreciation around you like there's no tomorrow.
Have you any idea how common it is for people to think about what others think of them?
To be concerned about what others might have thought of them yesterday when they said something that wasn't what everyone else thought? And if they really could do this thing they really feel passionate about- what if people laugh at them, or thought they were.. well, different? This is what I felt for a long time until recently but the truth is that many do think these thoughts, while thinking they are the only ones who thinks these thoughts... People are more hung up on what others think of them, and haven't even had time to be worried about what you said at all.
The next time you find yourself consumed by these destructive and unhealthy thoughts like this; turn it all around and look at the other person as a person who has the very same concerns that you have. How could you give the other some comfort? What would you say to yourself if it was you, (which it is on a deeper level), that wondered if you had said something "stupid"or "wrong" etc.? What would happen if you turned your attention away from your little self now and put it instead on the other person and his/hers well-being? And what if that other person did the same to you and thought of you first..?
Well, things would be very different between us humans. :-)
Sometimes  people again think, "What will they think of me if I said this or that to or about this person?"  or "What if I don't perform good enough". It has to change; the fact that it is easier to talk negatively behind someones back, than it is to openly say something positive to someone.
To give someone appreciation for no reason at all, a compliment or a word of encouragement can really scare people, and sometimes you might even get a strange look from someone if you so do this openly, especially if you don't have any "reason" for being supportive and "nice". If we only knew or thought about how much it can mean or impact some one else to hear that YOU matter, or that which YOU do is appreciated.
My Mentor told me an interesting little story a few days ago I don't remember it word for word but  Anyway; the story was that a Beauty shop owner, had had a costumer who wanted a nice hairdo because she was going away later that evening, so while making her look more beautiful he also said many times that she is beautiful and so on; he gave her compliments and made her feel important. I don't remember the whole story, but the core message was, that the woman had planned to kill herself that evening, and went to the hair dresser to make herself beautiful before she killed herself, but that while being there she changed her mind because of this hair dresser who made her feel beautiful and important. From that moment on; the hair dresser has trained all his employees to ask within themselves "how can I make your day better?" or something like that to all of their costumers. I thought it was a wonderful and eye opening story. Thanks David for that!
Think about the effect a kind word or action can have! Let us be brave and open give compliments and encouragement regardless of what others might think of us.
I have had times in my life when I have asked myself if what I do really has any meaning at all, in times when I have felt discouragement, when suddenly I get an email or a call from someone who has been touched by my words, or someone says to me that what I have done for them has helped them to see things differently and therefor helped them to take a step in the right direction.
That has been the sign I needed form God to continue what I do regardless of how things have seemed to evolve.
Today; you should do something similar for at least 2 or 3 people in your life. Tell them that they matter, tell them that you appreciate and love what they have done for you. Make them feel important. Or just smile to someone on the street and say "hello". What I have done for years now is that I send a silent blessing or prayer to people I meet or see. When I walk by them, I say "God bless you"  and other Positive words in my mind to them, I may say "may your day be blessed with joy", "may you always be protected by the Angels" and so on.
I do this just about everyday no matter where I'm at; it has become a habit, and sometimes I can feel and see they knew something happened, I can see in their eyes that they on some level "heard" and received the blessing. I can feel love flowing between us, even if we have never seen each other before. I know it sounds odd lol but thats ME right? What if we all did that? I think it be wonderful? It can be done, and it's easy & simple; because it all begins with US! Thank you friends for stopping by! I appreciate each and everyone of you! Feel free to email me, follow, share, comment, or just read....Either way I appreciate you all! Truly, Dennis