Simple Definition of Faith: is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hello Friends! I pray and hope ALL is well with each and everyone of you. Things in my world as of lately have been very hectic to say the least lol. So the Radio interview I did with The Anti-War Activist Cindy Sheehan went very good, probably one of the smoothest shows I have done thus far.
The following day on Sunday the 26th of May I attended the Monthly PEACE VIGIL courtesy of the wonderful folks of the OWL CREEK GAZETTE MAGAZINE. The Peace Vigil went great, lots of diverse, interesting people attended and of course I had to bring my lil teacup Rex along lol. Cindy and Her team attended the Vigil also. NONE of this would have been possible if it were not for Don and Jan Stover the Editors/Publishers of The Owl Creek Gazette Magazine, for it was them that not only provided a way for Cindy and her Tour de Peace to come here but they also connected myself with her and the Tour de peace team. So BIG THANKS AND HUGS TO DON AND JAN STOVER! Moving on to the topic of this blog, as you probably already guessed it is about FAITH...above is a simple definition of what faith Some of YOU may say you don't have faith...well here is a generic example of faith in action....Say every morning when you use the restroom and the toilet flushes properly....Well without realizing it YOU used faith...YOU had faith that the toilet would flush proper after use. Or without hesitation Most of us jump in our vehicles expecting them to start right? OK then That's another generic example of faith...YOU catching on now? I hope so. Now my point finally lol, I have let my faith dampen over time lately....until recently GOD gave me a big faith boost...even on horrible days where I can barely walk or function, I STILL keep faith that no matter what the physical eyes see MY faith kicks in and reminds me NOTHING is forever while we are still here on earth that is. NO matter what your belief system is, FAITH is something WE all should have and actually use it and not merely say it. I personally have faith that the fibromyalgia and other health issues I live with will be healed/cured...and not years from now but no later than the end of this year even. I am going to attach some VERY faith boosting videos to this blog to help YOU...I know if you're reading is not by accident but by divine appointment :-) So NO MATTER WHAT your beliefs are FAITH works...atleast for the GOOD AND POSITIVE...not to have faith for something negative that would be just flat out ignorant honestly...but either way YOU get my point...SO each video ON THIS blog is carefully picked by each one and then recollect on what you just viewed/read and SEE how YOU feel and such.... Truly,DENNIS KELLY