Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Just a lil random rant...

Hello friends, It has been a busy and cold day to say the least. So I am in high hopes to get this insurance crap situated soon so It stops slowing my schedule down and causing more stress than needed. Lately I have been doing a lot of self-reflecting, I have noticed how I haven't had a Miracle lately...call me crazy but they really do occur, small and large. I with my personal belief system give credit to my creator. However I respect YOU that have other belief systems. We are all still brothers and sisters on this earth. Now most if not all of this blog is directed to the fundamentalist Christians and Believers in Christ. I am pointing out how a GIGANTIC portion DO NOT believe in Miracles....to me miracles are normal and should be expected if one truly claims to be a christian according to the Holy bible...Im not here to bash whatsoever I wanna make that CLEAR friends. I usually don't blog about my faith but today I am pointing out something I have personally noticed through the years when I actually attended a church on a regular basis. I had noticed at many of the churches I had went to they almost all did not speak of MIRACLES, with me personally miracles from my creator is not unusual but feels normal. Anywhoot, so these local churches that I had visited mainly preached on two main things MONEY and SIN....now sin, yea that is ok sometime...we all need a good peptalk...but MONEY and when all the services at the churches seemed to be built on digging in the pockets and constantly pointing out personal flaws instead of building one up...This is when I realized I can worship and have time with my Father without going to some "Church Show" I call it that because that is what they all were just like a play you go watch except YOUR apart of it lol, NOW don't get me wrong there are A Lot of GOOD fruitful, spirit filled churches out there....just be careful of WHICH spirit that church may be operating under. I think an open mind is a must to receive miracles and an open heart, but I think it begins with an open MIND first.
Every Christian/Believer, is at some point affected by church traditions and cultures. Depending on denominational or church backgrounds, we will have different concepts of miracles. This Even goes for other religions that believes in miracles, you still need to have an OPEN mind about it. Many Fundamentalists and even some believers, do not all study the bible by ourselves. Most of the time, we depend upon our elders, bible teachers and "godly" leaders to show us what they THINK the bible says. We make the assumption that they are more knowledgeable than we are and so we simply trust what they have taught. This can be very dangerous in my opinion, Can be good and very fruitful the RIGHT WAY...the Fruits of the Spirit is the KEY to finding the right Spiritual Leader, I personally believe.
Many church traditions have their positive aspects but some of these are producing negative and damaging results. Therefore, it is not whether my church tradition/belief system is better than yours or vice versa. The key is to find out which aspects of  traditions are in line with what the word says about Miracles as well as knowing in your spirit what is right. It is dangerous to simply take things for granted. Man is not perfect.
                                                     Well my friends thanks for stopping by and reading my little rant lol, feel free to follow, share, comment, or just enjoy and of course excuse any and all grammar and spelling mistakes LOL.
                                                Truly, Dennis