Hi Friends all over the world! It has been quite a busy HOT week in my world....Recently I took a 3 day break from society and went into nature...yes it was very hot and humid and physically miserable lol...BUT I did a lot of meditating, prayer, thinking, and just reflected on my life and just LIFE in general. I have realized much that I need to change personally and things that EVERYONE in the world needs to change or begin, which is LOVING others as we love ourselves. But YOU must first LOVE yourself before you can even attempt to love others. Theres so much HELL & Suffering going on in this world of today....LOVE is the only thing I personally think will put an end to the senseless wars, the civil unrest across the globe and everything else evil and negative happening as YOU read this. It hurts my heart to know of others suffering in ANY way. I can NOT fathom how anyone could NOT love others in an unconditional manner...maybe I am just naive about life....either way LOVE and PEACE go together like food and water lol. There is a little word called Altruism....SOMETHING ALL OF US should be..what is this word you may ask...well here it is...from my perspective anyway...Altruism: One definition of altruism is "loving others as oneself". French philosopher Auguste Comte coined the word altruisme in 1851, and two years later it entered the English language as altruism.
In America and in most societies, we acknowledge the importance of altruism, but in a limited way. We are most often altruistic/loving within the family. This model, however, limits each person's altruism to a small number of people so that we have groups of "altruists" whose loving is limited and self-regarding. We love our family members as ourselves, so that we are in good relationships with them, we get what we need (emotionally and materially) and we are loved and cared for.
Outside of the family unit, most folks have the mindset that when we help others, we put ourselves at a disadvantage. This "I/me/mine" mentality fuels consumerism, wars, unrest, negativity, depression. (both economical and psychological)and much more negative junk that none of us NEED! . We need to move from a paradigm of "if you win, then I lose" to a paradigm of "When you win, I win" and to try our best to always BE loving and positive towards others even if it is hard for you...all things are possible with love.
When we love others as we do ourselves, then we can let go of the desire to have power over others, we let go of hatred. We certainly have not lost this desire for power - war, ecological destruction, financial greed, and tyranny, threaten us all. The good news in all of this is the possibility of establishing a global consciousness of altruism/LOVE OF OTHERS, a consciousness of love for all beings, a realization that to love life, we need to reach out to others.
There are many benefits to be gained by being altruistic/All Loving
- creates positive relationships with others
- is the basis for self-esteem boost
- lessens the desire for material objects, money and power (hatred)
- brings us a sense of joy, and love for our own lives.
In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr, "There is a power in love that our world has not discovered yet. Jesus discovered it centuries ago. Mahatma Gandhi of India discovered it a few years ago, but most men and most women never discover it. For they believe in hitting for hitting; they believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; they believe in hating for hating; but Jesus comes to us and says, "This isn't the way."
The Buddha, as stated in the Dhammapada, said "... hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love, this is an old rule."
So, how can we change the individualistic global consciousness to an altruistic/unconditional loving consciousness? How do we move from depression, the "I/me/mine" mentality, greed and the "If you win then I lose" paradigm? We begin, as individuals with awareness and love of ourselves falling into these states and then we mindfully change our thinking and our actions. We become kinder, more compassionate, more generous with others and less self-involved. It works - the next time you are feeling depressed or less than self-confident, or just feeling down,...go do something Loving and positive for someone else - you will see how it changes your life - you will love your life by reaching out to others. I know this is ALL easier said than done...but how do you know if this works unless you try it wholeheartedly? I wanted to touch base on this topic friends not only to shed some light, but also because of the state our world is in right now....It saddens me that I SEE this beautiful planet full of beautiful souls....dwindling away into darkness. I know this blog will not make sense to some of you but to the ones that understand where I am coming from...I hope YOU apply this to YOU and YOUR LIFE. Moving On to a completely different RANDOM topic lol.....I think random should have been my middle name lol. This week like I previously mentioned has been eye/mind/heart opening on so much...yes I admit physically I was miserable due to the heat and health junk I deal with daily....BUT I am thankful for the time I got to spend with myself. Monday July 8th was my Dad's Death anniversary....It was a tough day on my heart but nevertheless, I have to keep on truckin so to speak. My dad has been gone for many years now but It always feels like it was just yesterday to me personally. I often catch myself doing the "what if" like what if he was still alive and would he be proud of me and much more that I am not going into right now...I try to get rid of the "what ifs" because its pointless and holds me down from being positive and productive. I know I am being random again...but that's ME :-) SOMETHING GREAT that I am super excited about is the opening of a NEW local shop named " Terra Mater Botanicals&Market" IT is such a comfy and unique place to shop and visit. The Owner is also my Reiki Master, a very sweet, genuine, and wise woman that I thank God for crossing our paths. I am supposed to be taking my second degree in Reiki this month godwilling....Reiki is something that has changed my life in more ways than not and totally Positive. I won't go into details about Reiki in this blog but in the near future I will. Today Is sunday...my favorite day of the week...my personal day to rest and recharge lol. Last night the radio show I host went well, my passion and motivation for hosting the show is now coming back thankfully.....I have realized how BLESSED I truly am, and I do NOT want to take ANY blessings foregranted whatsoever. Before I wrap this blog up I want to say a big thank you to ALL of YOU who stop by and read my blogs..I appreciate ALL the diverse people and great nations that take the time to read the topics and thoughts and such that I blog about. Again Thank You All! Feel free to Follow, Share, Comment, or just enjoy the read. Much Love and Peace to each and everyone of you. If YOU have ANY topics/issues you would like to see me blog or touch base on Please feel free to let me know just send me an email: mr.denniskelly@gmail.com Thank you Friends!
Truly, Dennis Kelly