Monday, March 25, 2013

LiL' ramble & such

Hi friends, today will probly be my shortest blog ever lol due to the fact I have to use my tablet instead of my normal laptop/PC. Seems like everything I own that is electronic weather it be cell phones televisions, computers, tablet, and so forth always seem to mess up in some way or form no matter if it's a brand new device or used makes me wonder is it possible for a person can give off too much electricity or energy so to speak....? This has been occurring for well over the past five years. Anywhoot, here we got so much snow that it is beyond ridiculous what a way to welcome spring lol. So I woke this A.M. @3:00a.m. in a full out fibromyalgia attack/flare body was in pain from head to toe with my muscles feeling like they were on fire and nothing would help with the relief so after tossing and turning for hours I finally decided heck w/ it! I'm getting up for the as horrible as I felt I managed to go into my meditation/prayer room and performed a Reiki treatment on myself for about 45mins. This helped me to at least feel better mentally completely better and physically and help me enough to be able to start my day. As the day went on I could feel the fibro attacks trying to come back, off and on all day long...the later part of my day consisted of private projects, then off to my Yoga session, today's yoga helped tremendously in many ways. After Yoga I gave two reiki  treatments and both people felt much I too found myself feeling better during the reiki. Reiki is such a blessing to me and of course to others that are willing to receive the healing. As I become more experienced with Reiki I will blog much more and more in detail about this wonderful life CHANGING to speak. I have do not have to be live on air again till april 6th 2013 thank god! Sometimes folks just need a break from things and PEOPLE lol.
Well friends I will end today's ramble with an affirmation of sort and I hope it helps or inspires YOU:-)  Truly, Dennis
The below affirmation is about the best gift...LOVE, remember friends read the affirmation for YOU out loud :-)

                                        THE GIFT OF LOVE
Love is the most healing  therapeutic gift I can give myself. I do not have to reach outside myself to find love---it already exists within me. Today I embrace myself in unconditional love. My parents, friends,lovers, etc. may not have given me the love I need. However,today I realized that love has never left me. I frantically search for someone to love me. This desperation leaves me as I go inside myself and discover that I AM LOVE.
Today I will open wide the door of my heart and allow the love to come flowing in. I accept this love and rejoice and be glad in it.

As always friends love & blessings to YOU! Feel free to follow, share, comment, express, etc.