Hello Friends, before I get to the blog I prepared for you, I have some stuff to vent about lol. So bare with me of course it is my blog, but I enjoy YOU stopping by too :-) Well Lately has been so busy with Doctor appointments, Meetings, Prior engagments/events, The radio show and LIFE lol. Now I don't like to talk about my health issues in public but right now I need ALL of YOU prayer warriors to send prayers my way please. :-) 2moro I will be getting yet another urology surgery, This is a must I can not get out of the surgery...trust me I would. Without going into great detail on the actual surgery/my business, the surgeons will be going into my bladder and the kidney areas to remove any and all scar tissue. This condition is rare and not much is known about it, it did not begin until I was around 26 I think..could be off a bit on the age, but nevertheless I had got smaller similar surgeries after but only like 2 in a four year period. But the past 3 years at least the tissue grows back at such a rapid rate that I now must recieve surgery every 6 weeks 8 if Im lucky. The doctors tell me they are baffled at the speed of it as much as I am. Yes I have been to many doctors. Moving on and btw if you have a question regarding what I just told YOU, email don't ask on a public social network Thank you....A few days ago was the local trunk and treat here downtown, and then the following evening I went with family to take my little cousins and nephew to Hazlet state park, a really beautiful Camping and Nature Reserve. The place had treats everywhere for the kids and was decorated beyond belief! Hats off to all the good people that put the event together. On a side note, the radio show is finally starting to spark my interest again thankfully. I have been trying to add some interesting change slowly to the show such as having a monthly Guest Co-host Ms. Roxanne Bare. She is a local lady that owns and operates an awesome shop Terra Matter Botanicals and Market, heres the site if you would like to shop www.terramatermarket.com Anywhoo Roxanne has co-hosted once so far and the radio/hosting dynamics during the show was great and fun, I really enjoyed having her on and I was suprised a bit by her too because she handled herself very well on-air especially with the crazy guest we had on lol. So yes I'm optimistic about the show a lot more than I had been. We also have a new short segment "Words of Dawn" where a Local woman comes and shares some of her homegrown poetry with us. Also We have a Guest DJ monthly Named Konner :-) Konner is a very special 9 or 10 year old <not sure if hes 10 yet lol> You see Konner suffers from a Horrible Horrible Health Issue(s) I wont go into detail but you can find more info on Facebook. He does a great Job being a DJ and I pray for him to grow up and have a great life in radio, he seems to like it a lot :-) Ok Now I will shut UP! LOL..below is a blog I put together, it came to me at about 3a.m. Last night so I figured It is for someone out there or perhaps myself lol. Enjoy my friends!
"Are You Happy?"
Most,not all but most people spend their lives in a cycle/ routine. They wake up, have breakfast, go to work, go home, have dinner, pay bills, Family matters, sleep, etc. For others, they spend their days at home doing chores or watch the kids etc. and do same the next day and so on and so on... It's not surprising that people feel bored and unhappy about their lives and experience way too much stress than they should more often than not, I know I've been there plenty of times personally. Although there are others that are comfortable with the life they have and don't have any plans or goals of making any POSITIVE changes in life or in the life of others..We all want to live a happy life, one secret most do not realize is to simply enjoy life without having to make excuses that you don't have enough time, money, materialistic things, because you can start enjoying your life now with what you already have, because remember someone out in this world has NOTHING..... Add excitement to your life and it doesn't always mean that you need to go out, shop or even go for a vacation. You can still have fun while doing your daily routine or use your personal time to do exciting things. GET CREATIVE AND START THINKING POSITIVE NO MATTER WHAT! Here are simple ways that I try sometimes, YOU can GIVE THEM A TRY yourself and SEE the difference my friends!
Explore - Have you been taking the same route when you drive to work or home? Why not take a different route next time so you'll get to see a different scenery.
Be more adventurous - Doing something new or different once in awhile. Try eating an exotic food or engage yourself in sports that you haven't tried before. Try doing something creative, painting, drawing, creating, etc.
Challenge yourself - It doesn't matter what it is, just do something that you normally don't do and then push yourself to the limit. It's exciting if you have accomplished something you never thought you could and boost your self-confidence and add to your self-esteem. I know this from past events in my personal life.
Make new friends/networks - In meeting new people, you may also discover new things about many interesting people, I certainly have met plenty of people especially certain ones that have had and still do have positive impacts on my life..
Plan an adventure - Take your kids or kids in your family to a park, hiking, boating, to the beach or go camping. There's nothing more exciting than spending time with your family kids and have an adventure together. It's priceless to watch them learn what you teach them and watch them grom, They are a true Blessing!
Do volunteer work - Helping other people are both exciting and rewarding. You will truly find joy if you do something good for others. Nursing homes are a perfect place to start these poor lonely people need love and attention just like YOU do.
Get a hobby - do something you love the most and follow your passion because this will make you centered in times of irritation, works for me anyway :-)
Laugh more - Watch a funny movie, show, or read a funny book. You can even watch cartoons with your kids or go to a comedy club. Laughter is fun, it's good for your Soul, and it's free.
Live in the now - Forget the past and the future is not here yet. Live your life today and make the most out of right now.
. Stop worrying - Don't waste your energy and time thinking about things that are not worth thinking about or things you can't change right now. Every time your mind is stuck at worrying, you are wasting a good opportunity to enjoy your day and Life. Think positive and don't let your negative thoughts get the better of you. What do you actually think you are gaining something from being a worry bug? NO. Trust me I should know this is something I battle with sometimes also.
It is our days that define our life and no matter what our choices are, you have to remember that you only have one life to live so don't waste it by depriving yourself of the simple, materialistic, pleasures in this life. No amount of money will help you enjoy life to the fullest, no relationship will complete you to the fullest, these temporary material things will make you a false happiness if you convince yourself that your life will be better if you have them. But in the long run do YOU honestly think it's worth it? Make the choice to be happy now and enjoy life to the fullest.
Friends, thank you yet again for stopping by my blog. I appreciate each and everyone of you around the world. Feel free to share, comment. follow, etc. Bless you all! Truly Dennis