" The secret of my influence has always been that it remained a secret" ---Salvador Dali
I am quite the "people watcher"...lol...yes maybe even a bit nosey. I have been this way my entire life, always observing people like a zoologist observing some rare species of an animal. My point in case, is Over the past 5 years at least, I have seen such a NEGATIVE shift in people in general. People don't seem to care for each other as much or at all anymore. There is hardly any Love, Care, Compassion, Community, Openness, and just being all around decent and kind to your neighbor so to speak. This is a sad and bad thing....its no wonder the world is in such chaos. No one seems to CARE....personally thats what I see and feel. But the good side is that there are still some folks out in this world that do still CARE and try to have community with each other, if you come in contact with good caring folks like that...my advice is to appreciate them because they are far and few. Nevertheless, moving on to other things..:-)
I have been doing Yoga sessions a few times weekly now for at least a month, this was a suggestion from my neurologist to help with Fibromyalgia. I was very skeptical at first, but I must say I do notice a difference with my body and mind. Some folks have mistakenly thought I was doing some sort of "religious yoga" LOL! That is not the case, a person can benefit from the actual exercises and meditation of yoga without being some guru. I also believe you can not put limits on GOD as Most fundamentalist christians and catholics do. He is so powerful and all knowing....just look at the trees for example...what an awesome living thing...and its just a tree(hope i'm making sense lol) My point is Us, that believe in Christ should NOT put him in a box and think even for a moment that there isn't so much more to this life and world than meets the eye. Think about it...FAITH is the substance we don't see with the naked eye. Anywhooo enough with that ramble for now but I do intend to do a blog on the topic of Fundamentalists and how they push people away from GOD instead of bringing them into the kingdom like we are supposed to do. In conclusion of this all over the place blog lol, last week I found hundreds of pages of my poems, writings, and such from through out the years...so today I am going to share one....after you read it you may think i am even more nuts LOL!
"Flame" from2008
As I gaze into the flame of the candle, my thoughts prance around as if they have minds of their own...parading and dancing to the song of my misery while i feel like history...the heart beats, the pulse is there, the warmth of my skin is still here...yet coldness inside, no place to hide. Scattering around like the sounds of breaking glass.....I bought a ticket to the nowhere train, one way with no stop in sight, only open track. Candle light giving it's glimmer brings the memory of being a child....the innocence, the wonder,...the magic and mystery that came with each day....my ticket is an endless clock, that never stops. As the flame dims down to darkness, the coldness creeps back to play the game. Where there is no shame..but just a flame. ---D.kelly