Monday, October 14, 2013

From the Desk Oct, 14th 2013


Hello Friends, it is a sunny chilly autumn day here in the Mid-west. Today's blog is about something I recommend to ALL, Affirmations. To a big extent, I believe our happiness and our success in life is determined by the thoughts we hold in our subconscious mind. Positive affirmations are powerful statements that are used to build a positive internal dialog to one's self. By consistently repeating positive affirmations to yourself, you create positive subconscious thoughts. These new, positive, productive thoughts will replay automatically throughout your life. Each time they replay, they'll reinforce the new positive inner-image you have of yourself and your life in general. By replacing old, negative thinking with new, positive subconscious thoughts you'll be able to access the endless resources of positive energy you have within yourself. And you'll be able to create a new, positive reality for yourself.
When you use positive affirmations, let yourself really feel them. Fully experience each one. Enjoy them. Assume each affirmation to be true in your physical reality. Feel the positive emotions that are appropriate for this positive reality. This will help you make positive changes more quickly and automatically.
At the end of this blog you'll  carefully chosen,tested, positive affirmations that will help get you started. I personally have and still use affirmations daily including some below. Select the ones that you think will be most helpful. Write them down, carry them with you, and use them often. Get into the habit of saying them while you're doing routine things such as brushing your teeth, work, driving, washing your hands, etc. You get the point.
Utilize the Benefits of Using daily Positive Affirmations
You must continue to actively "eject/get rid of" the negatives you experience daily. If you use affirmations occasionally, but allow negatives to dominate your thoughts/actions throughout the day, any progress you make will be quickly negated. So, if you find yourself thinking a negative thought or being negative, consciously "eject get rid of" that thought and replace it with one of your favorite positive affirmations if you have any. Below are some Affirmations I put together, You may find them useful, silly, useless,and so forth BUT don't knock it until you give it a try. I know ALL this is easier said than done....but what do you have to lose by trying...? NOTHING! Try which ever one you feel keen to and do it for 30 days and see the DIFFERECE :-) Everyday is a NEW day....
o I feel calm and relaxed.
o I breathe slowly and deeply.
o With each breath I become more relaxed.
o I breathe as a calm relaxed person.
o I feel completely carefree.
o I am free of worldly cares.
o I am free of unwanted stress.
o It is healthy and wise to let go and relax.
o I choose to enjoy this moment.
o I feel very positive and confident.
o I feel so peaceful and calm.
o I feel so comfortable.
o I feel like smiling.
o I am smiling.
o I am happy and content - and so relaxed.
o I am at peace with myself.
o I accept myself.
o My self-esteem is growing daily.
o I love the real me.
o I'm happy being who I am.
o All I have to be is me.
o My life is meaningful.
o My life is important.
o I now make good use of my life.
o I'll now be the best me I can be.
o I don't have to be perfect; I just choose to be perfectly me.
o I now recognize my talents and skills.
o I feel good about myself.
o I feel better each moment.
o I'm happy being me.
o The more I accept and love myself, the more I can accept and love others.
o I now eject negativity from my mind and inner self.
o I now control my thoughts.
o I now control my feelings.
o I'm building a storehouse of positive energy.
o I'm storing positive thoughts.
o I'm storing positive images.
o I am in charge of my mind and thoughts.
o I am in charge of my life.
o I choose to be positive.
o I am positive.
o I have great potential and I'm going to use it.
o Every day life gets better & better.
o I expect good things to happen.
o I see something positive in all situations.
o I turn negatives into positives.
o I am totally positive.
Thank YOU for stopping by friends, I hope this blog was able to lend YOU a helping hand in one way or another. As always feel free to comment,share,follow,or just simply enjoy :-)  Truly, Dennis Kelly