Monday, July 29, 2013

Do YOU have any VALUE??

                                 VALUE WHO YOU ARE!

Hello Friends, My apology for not getting this blog issue up sooner. I have been super busy in the world of "Dennis" lol. This month has flew by just as the entire year seems to be doing. Today I would like to discuss something ALL of us need...SELF WORTH/VALUE....Yes that's right did you know you are worth something...YOU are matter what your situation is. I often battle with this also...with my highly stressful life and health issues...sometimes I forget my own self-value. But NOT today my friends, lets think about who you are, including your dreams,we know all this will not be more important to someone else as YOU will be to you. Yes, you are the only one who will have a vested genuine interest in your life and in your dreams. Many times we want others to value us, we want them to consider us important to their lives and we want them to take an interest in our dreams. But, not everyone is going to be for you, so they won't care about you and your dreams. Therefore it is up to you to VALUE yourself, know who you are and ending the need for others to be for you always, to know you and to see you as important. Sometimes the only time someone will have a vested interest in you is when they are looking for their own gain. They are looking to use you or what you have to offer for their own purpose.
When you are not looking to use others and capitalize off their success you won't even recognize when others are doing it to you. Once you figure them out it may be too late. You may have invested a lot of time and emotion and such in them. This is why it is important to have a high value on yourself so that you have a deep strength to fall back on once you have figured out their intentions. Sadly, there are many individuals who USE people and VALUE things. They value their car, their job, their station in life, but yet they turn around and take people for granted. Because they are only in this life for themselves, they never see how their intentions and actions can affect those around them. They block themselves from having any feelings of empathy for others and they will leave a path of pain and destruction and such in their wake. And of course when they are unable to get anything more from you, when they are done with you, they won't think twice about moving on to the next person.
Encountering these individuals in your life can take a lot out of you emotionally. I call these types "emotional Vamps"  Even if your life may not have prepared you for those individuals, there is a way to counteract their fangs so to speak. Learn to VALUE yourself and don't wait on someone else to validate you. When you depend on others to validate you, you leave yourself open to their emotional state. If they are emotionally immature and you don't value yourself, it is easy for their neurosis to enter your mind and leave you feeling very insecure, hurt, and angry with yourself that you will beat up  yourself for giving them room to even be in your life. There are many spiritual folks, including myself, that will tell you that we attract a WIDE array of people good and bad. Although we are mirror images of each other that does not mean that a person's intent/actions should be acceptable in our lives. Many folks have emotional issues that originated in their childhood perhaps, that came as a result of  early caretakers. Then they were conditioned and programmed socially. Then they grow up to be Adults. There are many individuals who continue to be who they were programmed and conditioned to be in their childhood. They never took the time to take a closer look at their lives and at themselves to see where they need to grow. To make matters worse if they are still living in the same environment that they grew up in they may have never seen the need to change. It may never have crossed their minds. Everyone around them is the same way and the need to change and the pressure to conform will make it difficult for them to grow. They may not realize that for them to grow, they need to extricate themselves from the environment that is familiar. Many individuals are so afraid of walking away from the only people they have ever known that they decide to remain in that environment even if it is sucking the very life out of them. Remember, no one likes change and if they see you changing and growing they may feel threatened. Their way of life, their way of thinking is being challenged. You are forcing them to take a look at their life and at their unhappiness. They may have been living that way forever and they have become comfortable with what it is. Now here you come along talking about growing, expanding and moving up. Of course they are going to try and stop your growth. They are going to criticize you, they are going to try and cut you down. They are going to blame others who they may think is influencing you. Misery does love company. Becoming a leader, whether it's leading others or leading ourselves, we need to be strong enough to go against the crowd when/if needed. We need to be strong enough and believe in ourselves enough to stand alone. Not everyone is going to be for you, remember that. They may think that by you growing you are leaving them behind. That may be true, because if they are not growing you can't afford to let them slow or sway your growth. They may have been use to you being insecure, needy, clingy and unhappy and you may have needed them during that time. They may even think that is who you are, so your healing and growing threatens them because they no longer feel needed. BUT, you need to VALUE yourself and your growth even when others don't. Your emotional and mental health is very important. You are not going to be able to help everyone, and sometimes not even the ones you love. If they don't want the help or they may resent it coming from you, there is nothing you can do for them, except keep sending them love, prayers, and healing energies. Don't allow those that don't value you, to prevent you from reaching out and being there for those who do truly need and value what YOU have to offer this world. But make sure you are helping others because you want to help them and not because you are looking for them to value or validate you. Value and Love yourself first, strengthen your core self, it is then that you can be emotionally healthy and strong to be there to help others in need. I personally think many of us do not realize the importance of Loving ourselves and seeing the true high VALUE that each of us have. Take today to LOVE and VALUE yourself, for who YOU really the good, bad, and the ugly...LOVE AND VALUE YOU! YOU are special and unique and valuable in YOUR own ways. Don't let this ignorant world bring you to the point of feeling worthless, because you are NOT by any means are of great VALUE! Well my Friends I hope this blog today made some sense and perhaps helped someone out in this big world. I THANK YOU for stopping by and visiting my blog little corner here on the worldwide web. Please FEEL FREE to comment, follow, share, or just enjoy. I always Love YOUR feedback and comments. Bless each and everyone of YOU! LOVE and Big Blessings to YOU! Truly, Dennis Kelly

Monday, July 15, 2013

Do You Have LUCK?

Ernest Hemingway once said: "The world breaks everyone. and afterward,many are strong in the broken places."
When we are going through adversity and/or bad times in life, it is not always possible or easy to believe that everyone suffers loss and heartache. It feels, looks, acts, very personal when bad luck and bad or horrible life experiences happen to good people.
Our first response is " Why Me? " We may question whether we did something to deserve this punishment or trouble. We may feel resentment for others who are not suffering and question why trouble or bad "luck" did not choose them. We may even add up all the bad, selfish and dishonest things a certain friend or acquaintance has done and yet still has good health and a big bank account good "luck" and so forth.
It's Not Fair
Life isn't fair. As a person who lives with chronic pain and illness daily...this "Life is not fair" has become prevalent in my daily life. The amount of stress and general life issues is enough for ten people to bear... Before I had any major or minor health issues...I dealt with mountains of stress...and still do to an extent.But once the health went down hill It as took a toll on me mentally and physically but finally after a couple years of much soul searching, prayers, meditation, alternative health, and other techniques to "feel" better, I have Finally woke up so to speak. I have realized there are so many people in this world with much worse life issues/problems than me and that the more I focus on the bad side of my life....the more sick I would get...So the more I do for others that are suffering or in need and the more I focus on the good things I AM blessed with in this life,....things slowly started to  come together as a whole instead of just seeing things as a puzzle piece...take a step back and look at your life as a whole puzzle not just the pieces that make up the puzzle. Once we put all the pieces together then we can better focus on how/why certain pieces aren't too pretty so to speak....this makes it much easier on knowing what we need to work on in our lives and how..because lots of folks know what pieces are bad but don't have the "how" to fix the pieces to fit evenly with the whole puzzle. I personally believe having a strong unshakable faith, support system, motivation, and surrounding ourselves with positive people, mind-set, places,things, etc. Helps tremendously during adverse times in our lives and being positive should be our nature no matter what, and YES I know its much easier said than done but what do you got to lose by trying?  Everyone's Life is filled with" luck" and also filled with change and chance. As Ernest Hemingway said earlier, we all get broken in some way and it is the broken places that make us strong. "Bad Luck" is described as unforeseen occurrence, happenstance and yet "good luck" is described as prosperity, wealth, windfall, success, advantage, profit and triumph, happiness and blessings. It is often from the "luck" that the opportunities for growth and development come to us in many different shades so to speak. When we take the chance to allow growth within through loss, grief and adversity, we will become stronger and more resilient. I know this is true, because I have experienced in my own life and the lives of countless friends and family.
Things To Think About
    Do you consider yourself lucky or unlucky? Why?
  1. Have you ever said "That's not fair." Why?
  2. What do you think about when bad things happen to you?
  3. Can you look back in your life and recognize how a certain situation helped you to grow personally and spiritually? 
  4. Lastly Love Yourself.   Well Friends I hoped this random blog helped someone out there a bit. I thank you ALL for stopping by my blog. As always  Friends feel free to follow,share,comment, or just enjoy the read                                                                                                       Truly, Dennis Kelly

Sunday, July 14, 2013

From the world of DENNIS...

Hi Friends all over the world! It has been quite a busy HOT week in my world....Recently I took a 3 day break from society and went into nature...yes it was very hot and humid and physically miserable lol...BUT I did a lot of meditating, prayer, thinking, and just reflected on my life and just LIFE in general. I have realized much that I need to change personally and things that EVERYONE in the world needs to change or begin, which is LOVING others as we love ourselves. But YOU must first LOVE yourself before you can even attempt to love others. Theres so much HELL & Suffering going on in this world of today....LOVE is the only thing I personally think will put an end to the senseless wars, the civil unrest across the globe and everything else evil and negative happening as YOU read this. It hurts my heart to know of others suffering in ANY way. I can NOT fathom how anyone could NOT love others in an unconditional manner...maybe I am just naive about life....either way LOVE and PEACE go together like food and water lol. There is a little word called Altruism....SOMETHING ALL OF US should be..what is this word you may ask...well here it is...from my perspective anyway...Altruism:  One definition of altruism is "loving others as oneself". French philosopher Auguste Comte coined the word altruisme in 1851, and two years later it entered the English language as altruism.
       In America and  in most societies, we acknowledge the importance of altruism, but in a limited way. We are most often altruistic/loving  within the family. This model, however, limits each person's altruism to a small number of people so that we have groups of "altruists" whose loving is limited and self-regarding. We love our family members as ourselves, so that we are in good relationships with them, we get what we need (emotionally and materially) and we are loved and cared for.
Outside of the family unit, most folks have the mindset that when we help others, we put ourselves at a disadvantage. This "I/me/mine" mentality fuels consumerism, wars, unrest, negativity, depression. (both economical and psychological)and much more negative junk that none of us NEED! . We need to move from a paradigm of "if you win, then I lose" to a paradigm of "When you win, I win" and to try our best to always BE loving and positive towards others even if it is hard for you...all things are possible with love.
When we love others as we do ourselves,  then we can  let go of the desire to have power over others, we let go of hatred. We certainly have not lost this desire for power - war, ecological destruction, financial greed, and tyranny, threaten us all. The good news in all of this is the possibility of establishing a global consciousness of altruism/LOVE OF OTHERS, a consciousness of love for all beings, a realization that to love life, we need to reach out to others.
There are many benefits to be gained by being altruistic/All Loving
  • creates positive relationships with others
  • is the basis for self-esteem boost
  • lessens the desire for material objects, money and power (hatred) 
  • brings us a sense of joy, and love for our own lives.
In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr, "There is a power in love that our world has not discovered yet. Jesus discovered it centuries ago. Mahatma Gandhi of India discovered it a few years ago, but most men and most women never discover it. For they believe in hitting for hitting; they believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth; they believe in hating for hating; but Jesus comes to us and says, "This isn't the way."
The Buddha, as stated in the Dhammapada, said "... hatred does not cease by hatred at any time: hatred ceases by love, this is an old rule."
So, how can we change the individualistic global consciousness to an altruistic/unconditional loving consciousness? How do we move from depression, the "I/me/mine" mentality, greed and the "If you win then I lose" paradigm? We begin, as individuals with awareness and love  of ourselves falling into these states and then we mindfully change our thinking and our actions. We become kinder, more compassionate, more generous with others and less self-involved. It works - the next time you are feeling depressed or less than self-confident, or just feeling down,...go  do something Loving and positive  for someone else - you will see how it changes your life - you will love your life by reaching out to others. I know this is ALL easier said than done...but how do you know if this works unless you try it wholeheartedly?  I wanted to touch base on this topic friends not only to shed some light, but also because of the state our world is in right now....It saddens me that I SEE this beautiful planet full of beautiful souls....dwindling away into darkness. I know this blog will not make sense to some of you but to the ones that understand where I am coming from...I hope YOU apply this to YOU and YOUR LIFE. Moving On to a completely different RANDOM topic lol.....I think random should have been my middle name lol. This week like I previously mentioned has been eye/mind/heart opening on so much...yes I admit physically I was miserable due to the heat and health junk I deal with daily....BUT I am thankful for the time I got to spend with myself. Monday July 8th was my Dad's Death anniversary....It was a tough day on my heart but nevertheless, I have to keep on truckin so to speak. My dad has been gone for many years now but It always feels like it was just yesterday to me personally. I often catch myself doing the "what if" like what if he was still alive and would he be proud of me and much more that I am not going into right now...I try to get rid of the "what ifs" because its pointless and holds me down from being positive and productive. I know I am being random again...but that's ME :-) SOMETHING GREAT that I am super excited about is the opening of a NEW local shop named " Terra Mater Botanicals&Market" IT is such a comfy and unique place to shop and visit. The Owner is also my Reiki Master, a very sweet, genuine, and wise woman that I thank God for crossing our paths. I am supposed to be taking my second degree in Reiki this month godwilling....Reiki is something that has changed my life in more ways than not and totally Positive. I won't go into details about Reiki in this blog but in the near future I will. Today Is favorite day of the personal day to rest and recharge lol. Last night the radio show I host went well, my passion and motivation for hosting the show is now coming back thankfully.....I have realized how BLESSED I truly am, and I do NOT want to take ANY blessings foregranted whatsoever.  Before I wrap this blog up I want to say a big thank you to ALL of YOU who stop by and read my blogs..I appreciate ALL the diverse people and great nations that take the time to read the topics and thoughts and such that I blog about. Again Thank You All! Feel free to Follow, Share, Comment, or just enjoy the read. Much Love and Peace to each and everyone of you. If YOU have ANY topics/issues you would like to see me blog or touch base on Please feel free to let me know just send me an email:         Thank you Friends!
                                                                                         Truly, Dennis Kelly

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Much Randomness...ok maybe a lot lol..

Hello Friends, this blog is not on any certain topic like most, today I am just letting out whats on my mind. That is usually random to say the least lol. Today is a beautiful sunny day here on this fourth of july this year sure is passing us by. So yesterday My Little dog REX went missing and still NO sign of most he is just a dog but to me he is like my child. I have lost three of my dog children this year. First 11 year old bubba died from old age, My 10 year old dalmatian Rucca died last month of cancer, and now my 5year old Rex has been missing for 24 hours..I pray and hope He is returned to me safe and soon. I won't harbor too much on this because honestly it upsets me more than you know. Moving on....Cindy Sheehan the Anti-war Activist and Peace Mom also host of her own radio show has completed her Tour De Peace. I was impacted in a very positive way by cindy, she changed my outlook on a lot of things. Her sister dede is also a VERY sweet soul. The mainstream media demonizes her very bad, just because she stands for PEACE and what is right and justice for all. Cindy is one of the strongest person I have ever met..I highly commend her and her works. OnWard.....The crisis that is going on in Egypt is very is so apparent that the world is crumbling no matter what our U.S. mainstream media says with all their propaganda. Americans WE need to wake the hell up and STAND FOR WHAT IS RIGHT! We are called the UNITED states right..? WE ALL NEED TO STAND UNITED AGAINST TYRANNY. I have been thinking hard on relocating to another country...only thing that holds me back is my family. If I knew they would be ok 100% then I would relocate soon! Even Russia seems like a decent place to visit...I dont know how the living conditions are but a visit I would definitly consider. Also ALL the tyranny that is going on in the middle east is just sick! Makes me so sad to know thousands of innocent people are being slaughtered by our military or affiliates. HOW is killing innocent people or anyone for that matter considered "collateral damage"!? That is just a sugar coated word for murder. Our Government goes after every nation that has nuclear capabilities...yet Little ol' Israel has tons of nukes and we say nothing about that? Does that make sense to YOU? It makes no sense to me at all! I love the land and people of Israel, but their government is no different than our messed up administration. Ok enough with that rant. Saturday will mark season 8 of the radio show I host I have been doing much thinking and this season is going to be like no other and most likely the most controversial season thus far. Could be the last season to broadcast from our affiliate station 89.5FM, we shall see how the ducks line up so to speak. Moving on...yesterday I picked up two bottles of a natural supplement called "Fibro-Response" It is packed full of many many vitamins and such that is supposed to help with fibromyalgia...I am hoping its the cure. I got it from the best health food store around "The Sunshine House" feel free to give them a call, they are very helpful and great on prices 618-283-0888. Today is day 2 of taking it...I will keep all of you updated as time goes on with the Fibro-response supplement. Today I plan on just relaxing with some family members, perhaps a BBQ and some good ol family time will help this overwhelming feeling of dread i have been feeling. But I am choosing to try my best to stay positive about my life, my situation, and everything else. I really think positive thinking works when applied. I have slacked a bit on my Normal Yoga routine...this is a big NO NO...So I shall start it asap also the Reiki helps quite a bit. So Yoga and Reiki I have some catching up to do. I know this blog has been VERY random but I am just being real and today i feel random lol. I have noticed all the different nations that read my blogs and I appreciate ALL of you. Feel free to comment, follow,share, or shoot me an email at:  SO the Mindzalike Entertainment lil group I have seem to be doing pretty well so far with auditions and photoshoots, I myself got cast for a wasnt that bad and it paid well. I recently got an offer to audition for an upcoming Feature Film that will be filmed partly in St.Louis....not sure if I am going to audition yet but nevertheless I appreciate such a unique offer...considering some of the lead actors in the film are oscar winners. All that Fame stuff doesnt shake or move me at all...I look at it just like another job that is creative and thats it. Well enough with my rambling on and on lol. I will leave you now with a nice video/song to remind you that NO matter what state this world is in...its still beautiful! Until next time friends, blessings! Truly, Dennis Kelly