Monday, October 27, 2014




Hello Friends! I hope all is well with each of you wherever you may be across this earth, I appreciate you stopping by my blog. I have a lot to write but little time for now, but I will let you know a few things friends. First I am very happy at the Reader report for the month it is listed BELOW, Here at the Dennis Kelly Center we now have over 7K readers per month from around the world! I have noticed you readers of mine in Ukraine have increased so much UKRAINE is the in the lead as far as the readers here. SO thank you friends of Ukraine for being such Avid readers even if some of my blogs are a bit boring lol.                                       Pageview chart 7076: Average Monthly



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Wednesday, October 15, 2014



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Monday, October 13, 2014

The Chronicles of Alice Tarpley...

Hello Friends here is some widgets or codes to copy and paste So you can go directly to the book I wrote and has become open to the public over just a week or so, It is available on The book is a short story one of which is just the first one in three part trilogy with the next two books getting longer. Hope you enjoy and for the record I usually dont write books but this story that you will eventually get if you get all three books that is, would not leave me be, it kept eating at me until i wrote it. Its The Chronicles Of Alice Tarpley  First book titled Alice:

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fall time is Change Time...


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  Hello Friends! it has been a long time since I last blogged. My apologies as Life has thrown me many curve balls so to speak. I rarely blogged at all this summer season that we just finished for 2014. Summertime here in my region this year did not feel like summer at all! We had some days that was very hot but overall it was a very mild summer. Fall time is here, I don't mind autumn except for when I think about what comes after...WINTER! I HATE, I am not a cold weather type of person yet live in a region where it gets bitterly cold in the winters. I am hoping and praying for a mild winter season. So far our Autumn has been somewhat normal.....whatever normal is. Much has occurred since my last much that it would take all night and day to type lol. As most of you know already the Radio show I host is now exclusively on iheartRadio available worldwide atleast 4 days a week. I have moved as I think I did mention in a previous post, I moved across the city I live in. Over this past summer I have had many opportunities that have crossed my path, it has been a very interesting summer in many ways in my personal life. My personal life is still in the midst of changes. Change can be hard as well, some of the things in my life are very hard to change but having the drive for change is a got to start somewhere right? I did get some roles in a few feature films over the summer one film is out already the other two are not out in the theaters yet. I have made many new friends as well as clipped the connections to certain former friends....When a person causes you more negative feelings  and is constantly trying to shove their agendas down your throats and being spiteful behind your back...well watch out that is not a friend whatsoever. I will admit I am not perfect by any means BUT when more than certain Ideas of mine are taken for other's personal use/agenda that is a red flag of an energy vamp in my opinion. I know this blog is all over the place today but that is how I am flowing today lol. We are also doing Internet Television and in production of a television we shall see how things pan out so to speak. Also this past summer I did win the best Radio Personality/DJ of the County for the 5th year in a row by many many votes. I was pleased to win but I didn't let that award inflate my ego Instead I used that and any negative crap as MOTIVATION TO DO EVEN BETTER at ALL things I do. Some people will get an award big or small and they will let it totally go to their heads like they have won the Nobel Peace Prize or something lol. My point is STAY HUMBLE no matter what you may achieve don't continue to brag for weeks on end, that will just make you look pathetic and a few other things that I will not say LoL... Moving on....I have had some great guests on the radio show this year, and still have many more greats on the list coming each week! You can now tune in ANYWHERE in the world at any given moment, if We are not live ALL of the shows are archived on iheartRadio and So feel free to join us for our next episode tomorrow Friday October 10th 2014 at 8:00 P.M. Central time zone. SOON I will tell you all how to WATCH US LIVE on the internet from anywhere and anytime in the world. I highly enjoy all of you and your feedback and emails! Now moving on to something that has bothered me for a long time and that is corruption...especially corruption of those in authority positions...

I have observed over the  past few years the slow increase in abuse of police departments, local, state and federal by our government that says it has our safety in mind. Even somewhat local Riots, in nearby St.Louis that stemmed from Police misconduct.  The riots in Los Angeles over the Rodney King incident, was also brought on by abuse by the police and subsequent acquittal at their trials. All broke loose after that, with a good part of the city of  Los Angeles put to the torch. More closer to home is  the recent killing of  18 year old Mike Brown of Ferguson, Missouri led to two weeks of rioting, there with more lives put in danger. Government Control Everywhere The government controls what goes on in our school lunches, tells our kids how to learn with common-core, monitors our private communications on Facebook, Twitter,Social networks, have been determining the content of many peoples prayers in public places, all in an effort to control the American people on whatever THEY think, do, say, worship, even who we are in contact with, what we talk to God about and who we vote for.  Our Leaders  are daily, and continually trampling our rights as though they have the right to do so. Mike Bloomberg, mayor of New York, inflicted his tyrannical rule on the population of New York by leading the change to ban super-sized sodas, trans fats, cigarette displays and the bewildering ban of Styrofoam! Government Tightened even more its Grip In 2010 with the IRS beginning to target and harass conservative groups and denying them the formation of tax free organizations. In 2012 there were reported instances of the EPA using drones to monitor your farms for compliance to environmental regulations! Yes your government was and IS STILL spying on how you use your farmland! In 2013 the media reported on White House plans to give the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) the ability to track and access financial data on Americans, the same year we learned through Edward Snowden that his former employer, the National Security Agency, had been collecting information on Americans. From traffic light camera to phone tapping, from militarized police forces to targeting specific groups of people like the Political Tea Party folks and selfless, natural living, and more all being called domestic terrorists, to spies in the sky, the government is unfettered in its desire to control the American people. Doomed to Repeat the Same Mistakes Solomon's observation as one of the wisest kings of Israel once stated, "What has been done will be done again, what has been will be again; there is nothing new under the sun." What is happening here in America now has happened to countries in the past and the consequences are quite clear. People have liberty; people take liberty for granted; people become apathetic; people lose their liberty and freedom. We are moving down the road to the loss of our freedoms and liberty and the encroaching elimination of the expectation of privacy. How clear does it have to be we are living in an all-consuming police state with no one to rein them in. God help us! It seems as America is becoming more and more like Nazi Germany was. Please Pray for our Nation! Well friends As always feel Free to Comment, follow, tune in while you read, or just enjoy! Be safe and Be Blessed Friends!                                                                  Truly, Dennis

Sunday, September 14, 2014


NEW BLOGS COMING SOON TO THE DENNIS KELLY CENTER! Friends My apologies for not blogging for quite sometime, Much has occured and I will catch up on all that very soon followed by some new FRESH BLOGS. Now for you enjoyment is The Sunday Edition of The Radio show I host. Enjoy and be back to you all soon! Truly, Dennis Friends here is a link to our SHOW on iheartRadio ENjoy!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Dennis Kelly Center: why not Russia...?

The Dennis Kelly Center: why not Russia...?: Hello Friends! Hello Friends, It is now officially summertime! Hot but yet my favorite season besides the spring time. Much as o...

Just for YOU!

In this blog I am not going to speak much instead I have chosen to share some of My photography to give those eyes and mind of yours hopefully a treat. The photos are below, if you have any questions or such about a certain photo feel free to send an email or comment. Enjoy friends!

why not Russia...?

Hello Friends!

Hello Friends, It is now officially summertime! Hot but yet my favorite season besides the spring time. Much as occurred since my last blog....won't go into too much. The surgery I had just days ago was a success now I am in recovery. The Saturday Night Ride radio show is taking off faster than I ever anticipated, Especially the Uncut version of the mainstream show. YOU can check it out by going on iheartRadio and simply search my name "Dennis Kelly" And you should find the show that way, if you enjoy it please do follow so that you can be up to date on ALL shows and so much more. As we move into season 12 on the Mainstream show, SO MUCH CHANGE is happening daily. It is mostly positive but of course there is a bit of negative. However the positive does outweigh the negative thank GOD. Now today's blog is actually a blog I had prepared months ago and have been waiting for the right time to share it. So since many people will be traveling for summer vacations and such, I chose to touch base on RUSSIA, I know you are probaly wondering why russia? Well inlight of the current world political drama....Personally I still feel it is not only safe to visit russia but a chance of a lifetime. There is so much beauty and unique culture there that NEVER gets talked about on American Mainstream media....Think of their capital building the Kremlin....the building itself is a true work of beautiful! DO NOT let the mainstream news and Political plays/dramas stop you from doing what you desire and or stop you from traveling to a place of your choice within reason obviously. So here is a bit about russia and if you have and questions or comments etc. feel free to leave them below friends! I WISH YOU ALL A GREAT BLESSED SUMMER! Truly, Dennis
It comes as no surprise that Russia, a country considered to be the largest in the world and beating its closest rival by a huge margin, is a mystery to most people. With an area spreading over 10.5 million square miles, the most people know is what they have studied in textbooks; the Tsars and their bloody rule, Mongolian invasions and the horrifying tales of their looting and Marxists lead revolutions. This is a very narrow view of a country that by sheer mass of its border qualifies as one of the most versatile destinations in the world. However, before embarking on your adventure across Russia, remember to look for the best bargains in airfare as there are quite a few available options.
Some of the places to visit in Russia are:
o Moscow- Russia's gigantic capital. It has numerous tourist attractions for those that crave for a bit of adventure.
o Irkutsk - this popular Siberian city is located at a distance of merely an hour of the breathtaking Lake Baikal on the Trans-Siberian Railway.
o Kazan - for those traveling after a bit of research on Russian history, this capital of Tatar culture offers immense attraction and is in the very center of the Volga Region.
o Saint Petersburg - the city boasts of containing one of the world's best museums, the Hermitage. This historical city is also home to a unique open air museum, its city center. All this makes St. Petersburg a popular choice amongst tourists.
o Sochi - hosts to the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, this is Russia's favorite Black Sea beach resort. It is a virtually unknown destination but that will change drastically after the Olympics.
o Volgograd - once known as Stalingrad, it is the sight of the final deciding battle of World War II. A huge war memorial is erected here to commemorate those that lost their lives.
o Lake Baikal - or as is affectionately called the "pearl of Siberia" it is arguably the world's deepest and biggest lake. 25-30 million years old and home to 2500 animal species it is the perfect destination for those who enjoy nature and crave it.
o Trans-Siberian Railway - seen by some as the longest train track in the world, a tour aboard the train means going all around Asia as well as a good part of Europe.
Several of the travel restrictions imposed specially during the Cold war were lifted in the 1990s making it possible to get a true flavor of the picturesque country. The Siberian town of Ulan Ude is a must see. The restored Tibetan Buddhist Monastery is located here.
Traveling to Russia is quite easy. With over 70 international airports, getting a flight that matches your schedule is no problem. Due to the competition between airlines, cheap airfare is easily available. Daily flights are available to Moscow and St. Petersburg from all over Europe as well as North America and the U.A.E.
There has been a new trend in the behaviour and approach of modern Russia towards foreign tourism. Once hostile to the curious visitors, it now accepts them with open arms

Time to wake up folks!

Hello Friends, I had to do a total update on this blog, I intended it to show you many things the "shadow government and such" with videos, however the videos did not upload correctly that is odd because Ive never had that issue before.....SOO I have chosen to touch base on a Little Youth Group I created roughly six years ago, It is named " The Adventure Club" And their motto is "With GOD'S help we can do anything" I formed this group for my nephew and many little cousins that are just as nephews and nieces to me. I formed it to help them develop Positive life skills,faith,discipline, learning and knowledge all in the name of FUN! Since forming the group, in recent years other kids have asked to join so now we have between 20=22 members and about 15 that are 100% active. They get to do so many fun and life learning things, such as volunteer at nursing homes, go sailboating, air plane riding, trips, and just so much more. So I shared just a few out of thousands of photos from THE ADVENTURE CLUB, Enjoy friends! Truly, Dennis

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Hello Friends!It has been a few weeks since my last blog here, my apologies. Life sure has a way of getting in the way of things. Where to begin....well in recent weeks as you may know from the most recent blog,I and the Mindzalike Entertainment team have been making many many creative changes, including going on Internet televison on the Network sit If you would like to watch any of our new shows and programs simply go to that website and search for "mindzalike" and simply follow us so you are kept up to date on everything. SOOO I have been fairly busy with helping get that internet TV channel up and going, more importantly we are in the process of getting set programming for the mindzalike internet tv channel on; so that ALL of you can watch a wide variety of shows, films, movies, concerts, and so much more. WE have started some programs as a way of testing the network as well as getting the feel of Internet TV. I have acted many many times personally in front of the cameras through the years, but my main niche' so to speak is Talk Radio. SO yes it has been a challenge lol, the biggest challenge for the new mindzalike Internet TV channel is the fact that everything is broadcasted LIVE! Sure there is archived shows, but that isn't until it airs LIVE first. Therefore airing LIVE leaves no room for any mess ups, we basically have to be on "Q" and know what we are doing. Thank God I have LIVE Talk radio expeirence it helps very much. Speaking of radio the radio show I host "The Saturday Night Ride Radio Show" has an uncut version of the mainstream syndicated show. The Mainstream show airs LIVE weekly, the Uncut version of the show airs a few times a week and has recently been chosen by a huge broadcasting and entertainment platform,which I am sure YOU have heard of it " iheart Radio" very recently. When I got the notice via email and a phone call, I almost was in literal shock...the reason being is because I feel the Uncut Version of the show is still in it's infancy stage as a radio show, but apparently iheart radio has seen the potential and such. I am very thankful for this opportunity, Not only does this open the door to over 30-60 million listeners worldwide but iheart radio definitly know what they are doing when creating shows and Award ceremonies and so much more. So I think to find us on iheartRadio you search my name "Dennis Kelly" or possibly even "Dennis Kelly's tracks" I still am unsure why the company used my name instead of the name of the actual radio show...perhaps because I host the show? who knows lol either way WE are all thankful and will continue pursuing this new adventure and see where it leads, after all Father God doesn't give me blessing opportunities for no reason....and especially not to waste or misuse them. I always try my best NOT to take foregranted any gifts the Father gives me because he can easily take it away as fast as he gave it to you......Moving on, I am sure you all know how the world is falling apart unless you live in a cave maybe a good idea lol Anywhoot movin on this world is so much different and dark compared to when I was just a small 7 year old..that was only in the 1980's! NOT that long ago and so much of just everything has rapidly increased, including technology big time! What I personally and Intuitive Empathically FEEL and Sense are a few things. One a world war 3 is a definite.Two, there will be what most of the population sees as aliens or extraterrestrial beings....NOW what I feel these things will NOT BE OF PEACE AND ALL THAT NONSENSE IT WILL BE PURE EVIL HIDING BEHIND THE FRONT OF GOOD.....Third, I kinda feel the 3rd World war will or may be caused by this "Alien contact" perhaps THE powers that be that plan most world events will out right cause a false Alien invasion make world war 3 and then guess what you have after the world joins together and perhaps wins this war....well then you have World unity, sounds nice huh world unity without wars....well on this one I feel its possible for all of this event to take place so that the powers of the world or puppet masters that be so to speak can form a One world government,one world religion, currency and dictator under the mask of PEACE AND UNITY....I hope I am wrong, Last one I shall share for now that there could be an event or something similiar i feel that could and would allow our current president to stay in power longer than normal and longer than american history. THAT would be a wide open door to form a dictator, NOT GOOD at all...ANYWAY Friends these are just some of many "feelings" I get I could be totally wrong I am not claiming to be right just sharing some private things with YOU. :-) Yesterday here Locally was the annual "Graffiti car show" I attended to take some photos with Dream Big Photography a small photography agency I created. So I was invited by someone from the city and took many many photos, it was a nice sunny day out as well so it was nice. Once thing though I didn't get to go down to a friend's shop as I wanted to, due to the fact i felt I would encounter a couple people I have cut ties with recently and didn't feel like any confrontation positive or negative, You ever just have situations or people you just do not want to conversate with? I am sure you do we are all humans....most of us anyway lol. Well friends I will stop rambling now, I hope you all have a wonderful FATHER'S DAY and those of you who have a father present in your life show him appreciation and love or any male figure in your life that is fatherly to you for that matter. Thanks for stopping by dear friends! Feel free to COMMENT,follow, share, or just Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

From the DESK MAY 28, 2014

Hello friends, It has been awhile since my last blog, I do apologize I have been very busy with LIFE and other things such as some creative projects with the Mindzalike Entertainment team. We now have an Internet Television Channel on just simply search for "mindzalike" and click FOLLOW and you will see the few broadcast videos that we have begun. There is a lot that goes into any films, televised shows compared to the LIVE radio shows that I do. I have been somewhat absent for the past month or so from the mainstream show The saturday night ride radio show, due to many reasons. Big reason is doing the New Mindzalike Internet television channel on here is the LINK to OUR NEW CHANNEL BELOW THE BLOG feel free to follow and watch also many new programs are coming to the Mindzalike channel. Moving on...the short blog/rant I prepared is due to seeing too much of today's society following and worshoping Pop culture like its their religion and it really bothers me I believe in our world today, it's really challenging to find people (especially the young) who yearn to be unique, genuine, and exceptional. Yet, we unconsciously allow musicians, actors, and mainstream media, politicians,and other "celebrities" to set the standards for us. The level at which our "celebrities" influence the lifestyles of today's youth, is highly alarming and dangerous in the long run so to speak, that almost every young person wants to appear the same way a certain "celebrity" does. How dare you allow a celebrity OR anynone dictate your lifestyle, dress-code, walking steps,faith, belief systems! Why not make yourself become a celebrity of your own and in your own right? It's not that hard to be unique; simply look for (positive and uplifting) things that others around you are not doing and imbibe them into your lifestyle and jouneys. I tell you, others will soon trample upon each other - just to follow your steps. Be unique, the world is already falling apart at it's seams, what do you have to lose? The level, I realized, to which not being like others and being your unique self, is not just limited to those aforementioned, but applies even in our homes, schools, churches, mosques, communities, and the world. Why on earth should you be using another person else's ideas or lifestyles, etc, when you could be unique, innovate your own ideas and dreams, and then let others copy you? Must we always envy the achievement(s) of our neighbors, and earnestly keep looking for ways to either eliminate them or be more successful than they are? Why do we have to always spend our money on things that will not only stop us from being unique, but also spoil our reputations? This was just a little rant/blog for you to think about friends. below I have decided to share a poem/writing out of my personal journal...not something I usually do but I felt this one was appropriate for ONE of you out there across this vast planet in which we all reside on. Bless You all and Thank you for stopping by my blog, feel free to follow,comment,share, or just enjoy..Thank you ALL. Truly, Dennis
"morning" As each morning gets brighter and the days longer, I sit and breathe in the sweet summer air...many memories of old come flooding in...some good, some bad. What a life it has been, what a life it has become. What a world it was....What a world it has become. To each of us we know deep inside the end of this play of life is insight. Bittersweet it will be...sun shining, the birds singing the perfect song of the morn, taste and aroma of the first cup of jo...thinking of all this makes me want to live life a bit more slow...always be thankful no matter how distasteful this cup of life gives me, for i know the next cup will be sweeter than honey and overflowing....days gettin' longer. D.Kelly
OUR LINK>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Friday, May 23, 2014

Positive Pain....


    Hello friends, It has been a while since my last blog. I apologize. Much change has occured and with change we all know there is the good and bad that comes along with it. I have moved residence into a much peaceful setting 19th century Victorian house. Very spacious and lots of energy. I have also been doing a lot of extra and different types of Radio broadcast and now a Televised LIVE internet TV channel if you would like to watch simply go to   And click on follow, much more programming to come for your enjoyment. Now the blog I prepared stems from a lot of different emotions, meditations, and such that I have dealt with as of recent. So I want to share with you and hopefully lend a hand in having hope no matter what your situation is. So enjoy my friends!

The Positive pain......

I believe if we Control our thoughts before we allow our environment(s) to do it for us. If your years of bad habits dominate and rule our present then our in for a negative near future is likely.  Now trying our best in Avoiding all these negative sources, people, places things,situations, Occupations and habits etc. Family and friends can be hidden treasures and our source for motivation in our business pursuits. so enjoy their riches. But Don't let The family be a negative influence if that is the case, it can and will drain all of your life flow. None of us has absolute control over our physical possessions, as so many of us may think... on this earthly plain. Yet we can create wonderful experiences with our thoughts, imaginatos,gifts, and emotions. History has recorded the aspirations and emotions of human beings who acted upon their thoughts. We must remember the atrocities as well as the triumphs of people when their thoughts reach full force fruition. What we can be remembered for is how we acted upon with all good intentions,love,compassion,understanding,and those thoughts that propel and potentially shoot us forward for the good of all others and humanity as whole even for ourselves. Thankfully there are no thoughts and mind police yet that is lol, or we would all be betrayed by our thoughts. Thousands more prisons would have to be constructed to house the "thoughtless" so to speak. 
If only we allow the thoughts and realities that bring advancement in our daily lives and goals, then eventually we'd see the joys of life that were meant for each of us atleast more often than not right? . Are you therefore what you ponder? Ponder much longer and ya' be put asunder. Let's wrap this around our brains. Put up an imaginary fence around our heads and guard that one gate that is truly our own. Only we hold the key to that entrance and exit of the precious and poisoness. So Let's all try to Feed our minds well and you'll run a better race than the rest.  Lets ALL Wake up to the breakfast of life and think feel like a brand NEW person. Truly, Dennis
Feel free to comment friends, share, follow,or just enjoy Thanks for stopping by once again I appreciate each and all of you and your support~

Monday, April 28, 2014

Hope through pain....


                       HOPE THROUGH PAIN....

         Hello friends, it has been a while since my last blog. My apologies life has got in the way somewhat. Not all bad, but equally good and bad, of course I know through faith I am personally moving into a Positive Period of transition in myself and my life. Change is always scary a bit, but when you are positive and have faith you won't be shaken....too much lol. So that past month of April has been interesting to say the least, besides all of the crazy things going on with the world itself, it seems to me people in general are is hard to put into words but I feel a big shift for everyone on the planet, some good, some not so good. I pray ONLY GOOD for you my friends! I would like to thank you all, I now have well over 5000+ readers, and I appreciate each and everyone of you. Do feel free to share ME with your friends and family if you'd like. SO to touchbase on my world lately....the entire month of april I took off from the radio show for several reasons. To recharge myself and I had and still have other side projects, Recently I went to a Red Carpet Event That I was invited to, it was the World Premiere of a very good  Hollywood film. I not only had a great time but also met many great people and came across some blessed opportunities. Hollywood rarely puts movies out these days that have a message of inspiration and hope. I am fortunate enough to be in contact with the Director and the Executives from the film company now. They are very nice people. So yea it has been an ok month, I go make to The saturday night ride radio show May 3rd 2014 at 7:00p.m. central time YOU can tune in by going to our partners webpage and click on listen LIVE. Well Todays blog friends I have prepared it over the course of three days, usually I write a blog in a day. However this blog I want to really touch you in whatever way your heart and spirit may need....MUCH LOVE and BLESSING TO YOU ALL! A friend of mine named chad wrote a beautiful album and after listening to it. I was inspired to write this..

There are times in life -  where we all have entire seasons and some folks  even entire lives - where pain, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, affects the experience of life so much we are numbed to joy and happiness to the point our life becomes a daily battle. Such pain inevitably winds up as an exercise of spiritual survival in my opinion kind of like the saying " what does not kill makes us stronger" . Pain always ends up affecting our well being and quality of life as a whole by which our souls reside within this existence called life. Almost like being a prisoner in your own body.
Survival is our goal, but we might often ask, what is the point in mere survival? Still, there are many who would be satisfied to achieve just that-to simply endure their lives. BUT we have to be proactive and fighters about our well being!
                                                                    HOPE BEYOND THE PAIN
    It may be easier said than done but  a pain-filled life without a good and solid source of hope and a good support system,  through which to bear the considerable weight of our tumults, tribulations, and to help motivate us in order to fulfil the quota of effort required to do our daily tasks as humans and to be able to function as much as possible. To survive great pain we need great hope and faith. The greater the pain the greater the hope  and faith is required And we are fortunate, every single human being, to have nothing less than God's full Presence and Mercy and Grace through the ever so loving and powerful Holy Spirit in order to guide us to the fullness of hope sufficient enough for all of our unique need(s). The Holy Spirit is the Advocate, the comfortor, and the Encourager. When we know no hope we can still know hope through what is written and powerful. We can know hope and faith through the encouraging voices, both ancient and contemporary. We can know hope when we know that God has a plan,a call. a duty. and a future hope , for each and EVERY one of us. Sometimes we simply need to be reminded of these truths. I know I need to be lol But  enduring most pain it can seem that hope and faith is not enough trust me I have and still sometimes deal with this. Indeed, it doesn't feel like it is enough, but we can know from reflecting over our past experience that we got through; especially times it seemed possibly more impossible than the present challenges. Somehow hope and pure faith transcends the pain - but not really by present experience. The pain can seem bigger than us and our hopes and faith. But as we look back we see how our hope and faith was kept strong by the almighty to have even faith to simply go on, and not giving up. The fact is we are still here, fighting still, is testament to the fact we haven't ultimately given up. and NEVER SHOULD.. That is the testimony of hope - not of joy - but of teeth-gritting hope. That's faithfulness and I continue to try my best to have the faith so strong it could move a mountain with a mustard seed...WELL friends I hope that this blog helped YOU in some way shape or form. I thank you for stopping by. feel free to comment, share,follow, email me or just enjoy, Truly, Dennis
 P.S, Remember....Hope and Faith, though it seems insufficient at the time of our pain, always gets us through. The grace and love and mercy of God - to get us through, despite our struggles - is always sufficient. When we hold onto such hope, grace is unfolded and ways unexplainable and gracious...

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Just a Dream...?


           Hello Friends, It has been quite sometime since my last blog entry. My apology for that, Life is like a rollercoaster for me most of the time. So much to catch up on but I don't have time to touch base on everything that has happened since my last entry. To start, last month on March 5th I had another urology surgery. The surgery went well but the recovery portion was the worst surgical recovery I have ever had....this brings to mind the previous surgery that I had to get back in dec. 2013, When under the Anesthesia during surgery a person does not dream....atleast I NEVER have and i have had many many surgeries. My point while i was under the powerful drug Propophal ; same drug that killed michael jackson. That is what they use to knock me out completely before surgery....well nevertheless during this particular surgery I "Dreamed" so I thought. In the Dream I was in a very bright room that was endless and i was sitting next to this huge chair but the chair in the "dream" looked more like the right side of a big throne, as I felt very small in the dream. Now that is all I remember of that "Dream".  But Once I woke from surgery and was mentally aware, the doctor came and talked to me and informed me....that apparently during surgery they lost me for 5 seconds! This news blew my mind to say it lightly, but the "dream" made sense then....I now personally feel that was not a dream but a trip, possibly a trip to my FATHER GOD. Now that I look back at it. March 31st 2014 marks 14 years that I have accepted Christ into my heart and have come to love him more than anything or anyone.  That March night Changed everything about me....every single detail about me, all the way to my inner most being.....I became a totally NEW creature, before that I was VERY VERY skceptical about Christianity and Christians periond...I was more of a borderline "witch" NOT that I practiced witchcraft, BUT I had dabbled enough to not want to mess with it again BUT if it were not for that March night in 2000, I would have most likely stayed in the wicca/witchcraft junk and eventually would of died...there has been  many times in my life I should have died and well...Im here though right lol? Anyway moving on to a totally different subject lol, I am talking about change as the overall message...trying to anyway lol, I have been on a personal Journey of Transitioning as of lately. It is a good thing, I am trying to be more Proactive in many departments of my life and I have decieded to move, I am not moving very far just across the city to a much different surrounding altogether. I am a bit anxious to see how it goes, The Home is very antique Victorian style with some beautiful woodwork and such, It has a very positive liberating feeling the home does. So starts the stress of moving which I hate with a passion lol. This is the next step I will post some photos of the New Dwelling place. :-)  Now I have not done the radio show for quite sometime due to taking a break and refreshing and CHANGE....WE are going back on the air in just a couple weeks. So we have season 11 of THE SATURDAY NIGHT RIDE RADIO SHOW, beginning in weeks and that is more than you'd think to prepare for. Speaking of the beloved radio show. Recently SOMEONE called and complained that we (the show) was promoting the occult! Ofcourse the GM didn't believe it as he chuckled when he told me. He has known me since i have been about 12 or 13, any way I am certain I know WHO did the feeble minded call/complaint. IT didn't work because we do not promote such, we are a talk show that covers almost every topic,guests etc, and the occult may of come up during a show with a guest, example an author wrote a book about the dangers of the occult, BUT NEVER do we promote such garbage nor do we support any kind of witchcraft/dark magic junk. There are some changes i have made with some friends also, never to be malicious but sometimes when certain things just either dont feel right or life gets in the way sometimes you just gotta distance yourself for a short time, but when you do this many will sadly take it personal. Just try not to lay it on thick or hurt the friends feelings even if you feel hurt by them. Moving is the blog that kept me up super late lol 
Change is all around us. We see it  everywhere we go and everything we do. Even in things that we consider solid and permanent, we eventually see change. For example,  Most people a home is important to them because it makes life easier and better. A house is built to last, however, as long they may be ever lasting as they are, they still are changing; they will need repairs, new windows,roof,etc. or to be replaced. As a house gets older it changes and I feel the energy does too, it may not look as good as it once did. It may not be as safe or secure. We may want new items of technology or comfort. So most folks make improvements;  they make changes. Many things in our lives are changing and how we deal with change is very important. In some areas it is important to work for change, working to make things better in our life and for others. In other areas we need to fight against change or fight against the odds of things. The nature of this world is decay; we see it in many things. If we do not work hard at resisting change, change will happen and often even faster. This is one of the reasons we work so hard to maintain our houses, to slow the change of it getting older. These things happen in the spiritual realm as well I believe, change and resistance to change. In some areas there is a need for change, for example, people need to be changed. There is a great need for people to get saved by Christ in the Christianity and secular world. This is a good thing, and a big change. There is also a need for resistance to change. If we are not careful the things we hold most dear to faith and belief; can slip away, lost to the decay of change. An example, In the Bible we see change. To move from slavery in Egypt to the Kingdom of David and Solomon is a dramatic change. Paul's move from persecutor of Christians, to the greatest spokesman of the faith, is a radical change. Change is a part of life. The question is will the change be positive or negative. Job endured extreme negative change, all he had was destroyed and taken from him. Then by the end of the book, his world had changed again, he had twice as much of everything. Change is all around us and our choices affect change. For example, if I never service my car, never change the oil or do anything to the car, it will be changed and the change will be negative. By contrast, if I do the suggested servicing of my car, I am resisting the change of time. We know our actions make a difference when it comes to a change in spiritual things as well. If I tell people about Jesus, they may get saved, that is a dramatic change in their life, both now and for eternity. Our prayers should lead to change as well; they did in Jesus' life. He prayed and the blind saw,people healed, etc. He prayed and the dead were raised. Prayers made for radical changes for those around Peter and John; for example, the lame walked. Throughout Christian history we see men and women who prayed and then life, nature, people, governments, or situations changed. Prayer has not changed; it is still an effective force for change. And all around us there are people and situations that need change. The question is; are there people who will pray. Are there people who will make the necessary changes in their life so they can be a man or woman of prayer? So they can be effective in prayer and pray for change? The change that affected the lame man is a good example of the key points of this question. There were thousands of people who walked past that lame man every day. His friends brought him to a good place to be seen by people, a place where he could successfully beg for money and help. And day-after-day, people walked past him, some even gave him money, but he did not get the change he wanted, he was not healed. People had pity on this man, they saw his need, their hearts went out to him, but he was not healed. However, on that one day, men of faith and prayer saw this man. They prayed for change, and change came, he was healed.Now friends whatever faith you are I respect it, I used this because it is my personal belief and that is the best way to fill you in is from the heart. I thank you for reading, I want to thank you all that is across the globe that are regular readers and new readers, we have reached over 5K people/readers now from all over the world, it is amazing to share all of my blogs with so many all over and I appreciate ALL of you. Truly, DENNIS

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hot off the press!! March 11th 2014

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"Are YOU really a GOOD friend?"

   Many times, people are too concerned about finding a good friend and we forget to ask ourselves whether we are good friends to people or not. Ask yourself... Are you a good friend? To really answer this question sincerely, you need to make sure that you look deep within your heart of hearts and really see the kind of person you truly and  really are. Many will discover that they have the element of jealousy in them. When you are jealous about your friends, you have a cancer that will just keep on growing ,and eating at you inside if not dealt with properly. You might be very good when it comes to smiling and talking to people but deep inside, you may be burning up with jealousy. In life, you cannot have the good element of growing a true friendship if you are a jealous and self-centered person. Therefore, you have to look for ways to make YOU a better person. You will heal from your problem(s) only if you are willing to change your negativity/attitude. It is a vital time to embrace healthy competition in life without feeling mad or malice at your close friends. We will always find people who are beyond us no matter how hard we may try, and there is no reason EVER in becoming something you are not. Always stay TRUE to yourself no matter who likes or dislikes it.
        A genuine good friend will overcome jealousy and any negativity by simply confessing. Start by confessing it to yourself. This way, you will help train your mind/heart to actually feel bad or guilty when you do something that you know will not please your friends or hurt them. To become a good friend, you must embrace the spirit of Love, Compassion, understanding, and genuine true affection and this is exactly what you should get back. In many instances, people think that their friends do not notice them being jealous or negative, but the negative fangs of jealousy are pretty hard to hide and chances are that you will make comments, remarks, and decisions that will give you away. Work on this to try and overcome it. Once you are good to go, your life will be much more smoother. You may find that people will give you more respect and such, also you will become more lovable. Let us look at another problem that keeps you from becoming a good friend. If you are out to spoil/smear the names of others, you are likely to remain without a genuine good  friend for a long time if not for life. The moment people know about this sort of attitudes/ behaviors, they will avoid you like the plague.  So SIMPLY Remove your mind from being petty and grow up, may take some time but it will work friends. To make a genuinely  good friend, you need to know that honesty, love, and affection will always carry the day. If you are in a friendship for convenience, what you are gaining will eventually run out and, when this happens, here comes your true colors. Therefore, if you are not willing to show genuine REAL love in a relationship, it is best that you do not enter it in the first place. Be yourself at all times and avoid all those issues/vices that might compromise your friendship. In the end, a genuine true GOOD friendship will always pay and it is worth investing in something real. Try putting the above tips to work, and start to see the differences. You will also be happier instead of just being in limbo, wondering what everyone is thinking about you. In conclusion NEVER worry what others may think of you, good or bad. It is YOU that knows YOU the best, no one else, so do your best in being or becoming that Genuine GOOD FRIEND! Thank You Friends for stopping by my blog, as always feel free to comment,follow,share,email, or just enjoy. Either way I appreciate each and everyone of you that take the time out of your lives to stop by my slice of the web and read what ever it is I may be writing about. Thanks again friends! Truly, Dennis

Sunday, February 23, 2014

2-23-14 Protect the Children...

       Hello Friends, Best of wishes to you all and I hope and pray each of you are doing well. Today I am not going to talk about my day as usual. I am writing this blog about "The Adventure Club" this is a small youth group I formed about 6 years ago. It started with my nephew who was age 4 at the time and another little cousin the same age. I would take them hiking, fishing, climbing, nature walks, etc. Well since then the club has gained members from ages 5-13, We have roughly 10-12 active members and one Senior Blazer age 16. The Adventure Club is designed to basically help build these kids up in many positive and educational ways doing all this under "fun and adventures" I try my best to instill faith,morals,self-esteem,positivity, and much more into the kids. They have different levels similar to boyscouts and girlscouts, except the Adventure club is FREE and some of the children do come from broken homes, those ones i give a little extra attention to. So each member gets badges and points for many good deeds and adventures. An example of a typical "Adventure day" would begin in the late morning with first going over the schedule of the day with the kids, then off to the first adventure such as going and taking an airplane ride. After the first adventure we move on to the next, which may be sail boating, a typical day with the Adventure club usually consists of 2-4 "Adventures" keep in mind while they are having a lot of fun doing these activities; they are also being taught many things during the actual adventure. They have a Motto that they memorize in the very first Level(pioneer) it's " With God's Help, We can do anything." That simple little motto has went very far in these childrens lives in many positive ways. Now i understand and respect when they get older they may chose a different faith, but that isn't the point. The point is to instill a faith period and to show them it works. Many of the parents and kids have told me positive feedback pertaining the club such as grades at school improving, better behavior at home, and a lot of other nice feedback. It delights my heart to watch these children grow and learn, to put to use what they have been taught. Overall the kids have transformed into some peace-loving, smart, sharing, loving, kids. Now I will get to what bothers me...POP CULTURE POISONING THE MINDS OF OUR KIDS! I see it more and more each day with kids. Even as young as 9 or 10, young girls dressing like they are 21! My nephew is like a son to me and I watch and filter A LOT of what he watches and listens to. This immoral culture we now have more than ever is not going to poison my nephew if I can help it! This is yet another motivator for me to stay doing the Adventure Club and showing them the Poisons of this world we live in...One of my favorite parts about leading the little club is when the kids are on a nature walk or bon-fire and they begin to sing songs like "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine" kind of a quintessential theme of living to your fullest potentiality. And "I've Got the Joy Joy Joy Joy Down in my Heart" is a message of hope for everyone really. This makes me happy they aren't singing the latest Miley Cyrus songs LOL! Sometimes, when life gets too complicated, it's comforting to realize that a few resounding themes or songs offer sustenance, in a way provide food for our spirits. Most of the wisdom which has stood the test of time--and has crossed cultural, ethnic and religious lines--is accepted by almost everyone as just that: timeless wisdom. Time-honored truths which are self-evident. You don't have to attend a church--or put your kids into my little youth group--or be a citizen of my country or even live in my generation to appreciate them as such. Being honest has always been a treasured  virtue. As has being pure and genuine in heart. It's especially now--with the constant overkill of over-sexualization by our culture practically smacking our kids in their collective faces; lack of commitment to ideals and values, to spouses and friends; political corruptness; and materialism.--A wake up call of  the notion that instilling moral excellence into our children is arguably one of our biggest jobs as parents and adults! And it has never been a more urgent responsibility! At the risk of sounding like an alarmist lol,  today's kids face issues of monumental importance. That kids of previous generations never even had to think about.I remember how much different it was when I was a child, and that wasn't that too terribly long ago. It's quite another to realize that half of all sexually active teens suffer from STD's...and that the majority of teens,  are ALREADY sexually active. Or that one in five teen girls suffers from an eating disorder. Or that even the sweetest girl can find herself in intensive care for alcohol poisoning....SO SAD! It's not just the same old "drugs-sex-and-alcohol" drumbeat that parents have been sounding for generations. The cultural gap has never been wider and more dangerous in my opinion... Generation gap? To be sure. But changes in the way we view cultural norms have never been more pronounced; this generation faces the reality of witnessing--firsthand--the total collapse of morality. And I'm seeing it with my own eyes. Flip through any fashion magazine--it doesn't really matter which one--and study the images running rampant in clothing and cosmetics ads. Sex, Materialism, etc. Over and over again. It's no wonder that moms of eight-year-old girls--time and time again--ask me how to keep their daughters from dressing like Miley Cyrus. And now I read somewhere  we're getting parenting advice from Madonna!? LOL! Oh, please! The same Material Girl who brought us public prancing and dancing in her underwear? I will uphold with unapologetic fervor my desire to raise morally excellent children. I will always--ALWAYS!--set the highest bar for them. Regardless of what the media or celebrities or PopCulture or New York Times bestsellers, movies, MTV, or peers etc. deem as OK or "Cool" or "In". I still preach to them That character counts. Always and always will and much more moral and positive things to carry with through life. There are some things in parenting that deserve compromise in my opinion. And some things that don't. I urge you to instill values into your children that leave zero room for compromise when it comes to VALUES. I believe--very strongly--that our kids' very futures depend on it and more.
"O be careful little eyes what you see. Be careful little ears what you hear. Be careful little feet where you trod. Life wisdom distilled into thee" --Unknown
Well Friends, I hope the blog today made sense and helped someone out there. Thank You all for reading and stopping by feel free to leave a comment, send an email, follow, or just enjoy the read (hopefully lol) Truly, Dennis Kelly

Saturday, February 15, 2014

2-15-14/Hmm....Just thinkin


Hello Friends, I hope and pray all is well with you today! It has been yet another very cold day with more snow. The roads were slick, I did happen to slide almost into a ditch. I didn't though, thank God lol! So I will be SO glad when the springtime gets here. Springtime here in my region, in the countryside is so beautiful. With all the colors of the trees,grass,flowers, and the smell of springtime is magnificent. To me Springtime is a time of rejuvenation for all things. Moving on...Tomorrow night I have the radio show to host at 7:00p.m. central time, If you would like to tune in where ever you are. We broadcast and Stream to all four corners of the earth through more than one outlet and MORE to come. So you can tune in from anywhere in the world, just simply match up your time zones on Satuday Nights at 7:00P.M. Central Time Zone. By the web tune in through our partner and affiliate's webpage stream, go to AND CLICK ON LISTEN LIVE, I think its on the right of the page. Also if you have the free download app the TUNEINRADIO APP on your phones,tablets,ipad,etc. Just simply SEARCH: Saturday night ride   AND that will take you to our affiliate's stream. If you are local or further to an extent you can tune in by going to 89.5FM REMEMBER FRIENDS to TUNE IN you have to do this on SATURDAY NIGHT AT 7:00P.M. CENTRAL TIME ZONE. This IS a LIVE show friends that is why it's important you know what time the show comes on in YOUR time zone. Hope you are able to join me on air, WELL now moving on to my point for this blog is because I came across a message/article that moved me in many positive ways thus I wanted to share it with all of you no matter your faith. Of course this actual blog will most likely appeal more to christians than a non christian folks, but that's ok. I respect everyones personal beliefs, I try not to force my personal beliefs down others throats on the same token I will share my faith/beliefs with those who are genuinely interested. So the All Credit of the article below obviously gets all credits and such for the article, as I mentioned I am sharing it with you as I feel I should. Thanks Friends! Truly, Dennis

Expert Author Gabriel Agbo
A child of God is not supposed to die anyhow. When you walk in the knowledge of a functional covenant with God nothing is permitted to take away your life prematurely. Nothing! Be it disease, demonic power, evil, hardship, or whatever. Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing is permitted to terminate your life before fully fulfilling God's program. Everybody has an assignment(s) that brought them into the world. God cannot just waste His time and resources making a wonderful creature like you. Also look at all the things put into the process of bringing you into this world - your parents coming together, your miraculous formation in the womb and birth, your growth, etc. Millions do not survive these stages, but you did! This clearly shows that there is a definite divine plan for your life. True!

Now, also look at all you've been through in life. Almost everybody has some painful stories to tell. Some have theirs characterized with protracted pains, bumps of life, calamities, disappointments and regrets that though they are now successful, they still shed tears each time they remember what they have been through. Even presidents, business moguls, kings, celebrities, men of God are all in this category. So, you may not be wrong to describe this world as generally unkind. Once you are born, the world begins to unleash its unkindness on you. Yet, in all these, an unseen hand kept you alive and going! I remember preaching like this many years ago and a very wealthy man in Lagos, with tears, sat me down and began to tell me all he went through in life and how God's grace has miraculously kept him. Yes, God has a purpose for your life.

When you eventually discover and walk in the knowledge of God's will for your life it automatically makes it impossible for your life or your mission on earth to be truncated. When you locate and obediently function in your divine place, nothing; no sickness, no situation and nobody is permitted to eliminate you before your exit time. The Psalmist understood this very well when he said, "I will not die, but I will live to tell what the LORD has done." Psalm 118:17. Yes, it is only the living that can praise God or give testimonies. Your staying alive after all those tough times, near-death situations will certainly bring glory to God.

But like the Psalmist, you must refuse to die before your time. You must insist that the will of God be fully executed in your life. This is the only way His name will be glorified. When you die before prematurely through the various means we had earlier enumerated please don't ever delude yourself that the will of God had been done. No way! I have problem with many statements that I see on obituaries today. Most proclaim the submission to the will of God, when actually the death was caused by Satan or carelessness or disobedience or lack of knowledge. Even Christians, unfortunately also die this way. True!

But, you are fortunate to be reading this message now. You can refuse to die prematurely. You can refuse to die through that sickness, through that demonic attack, through that difficulty. Yes, you can! The choice is absolutely yours. The Psalmist said that he shall not die but live to proclaim the goodness of God. It was declaration. I free you from those clutches of death now in the mighty name of Jesus! God said that we will live out our years in good health and in prosperity and nothing can change this. We shall go deeper into this message next week. God bless you!

Rev. Agbo

Thursday, February 13, 2014

FEB>13-2014 I am disgusted!!

Friends Thank you ALL for continuing to click the AD to the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hello  Friends, It has been a long week on me physically and mentally. I will be so glad when sunday gets here. Sundays seem to be the only day I actually get a day to myself mostly. Personally lately I have had such a Horrible time sleeping, not falling asleep but rather staying asleep. It's usually the same thing that has been waking me up for awhile now. It is supposedly carpal tunnel syndrome in both arms yet they both have almost totally different pains and such, but the pain is hard to describe. It is kind of like when your forearm and hands fall asleep except imagine that,multiply it by 100, and you might be there, lol literally they become so numb and painful it feels like a severe burning sensation combined with pins and needles. The same thing happens to my legs sometimes aswell. Yet my doctors DON'T help a person get cured or healed instead they want to try to push poison and merely just mask the symptoms, This is a KEY motivator for me this year to try my best to go ALL NATURAL including doctors. I am disgusted at our so called health care system here in America, it should seriously be called "HEALTH-KILL" Ranting, Tonight I attended a nice little concert at a Local Charity Concert at a Great Music&Coffee house. I got to see a few people that I haven't really had the time lately to see but I was still on a schedule tonight somewhat so I didn't get a chance to really socialize with folks I''ve been wanting to see. Moving on, My blog is an article I read today that has made me sick and mad all day! What you are about to read should outrage you enough to do SOMETHING ABOUT IT, EVEN CALLING YOUR LOCAL POLITICIAN, and move on up the ladder with persistance. Excuse some of the language in the article, I did not edit it since it isn't mine I am sharing it to spread this message. So if you love animals or a heart period this article should spark that heart fire so to speak, so here is the article friends>  NEW YORK—Lauding his sturdy build, immaculate pedigree, and unparalleled ability to latch onto opponents’ throats until they bleed to death, sources confirmed today that purebred American pit bull terrier Nitro is widely expected to secure top honors at this year’s Westminster Kennel Club Dog Fight.

As the most vicious canines among each of the club’s 190 recognized breeds square off Tuesday night, Nitro is reportedly the odds-on favorite to win it all, having already mercilessly ripped apart each of his opponents to become the last pit bull remaining in the nation’s most prestigious dog fighting competition.

“Since 1877, the Westminster Dog Fight has featured only the finest bred and most brutally trained competitors, and Nitro is one of the deadliest specimens we’ve seen in years,” said Sporting Dog Journal columnist Mark Halberstrom, adding that judges would give the 3-year-old animal high scores in categories such as jaw-clamping strength, incisor sharpness, and overall bloodlust. “He’ll likely tear his way through the toy breeds very quickly, tossing the Yorkshire terriers, the Maltese, and the pugs around like throw pillows.”

“I was pitside last year when it took him 11 seconds to reduce a Bichon Frise to a pile of bloodied fluff,” Halberstrom continued. “He’s just a beautiful, beautiful killing machine.”

At the Westminster Dog Fight, held annually in the basement of New York’s Port Authority Bus Terminal, Nitro will vie for glory against well-bred opponents who bear the mangy coats, shorn ears, and infected, staple-bound lacerations that are the hallmarks of the sport’s true elite. According to insiders, he has already won numerous regional matches against such infamous veterans of the dog fight circuit as Razor Jaw, Sergeant Darkness, Bricks, Scarface IV, and Cerberus.

While his natural talent can perhaps be attributed to his rarefied lineage—he was sired by 2006 Westminster Dog Fight victor Jackknife—much of his success is reportedly due to his work with legendary trainer Rusty “Ratchet” Caldwell, who is said to have kept Nitro chained to a water heater from an early age, forced him to run on a treadmill, and administered a strict regimen of beatings with a lead pipe.

The 55-pound pit bull was also fed a standard diet of hamburger meat, shelter kittens, anabolic steroids, and gunpowder, sources stated.

“Only once or twice in a generation are we presented with a fight dog like this,” said blood-sport enthusiast Trevor Wilburn, who described watching Nitro methodically take apart a former police dog during a match at an abandoned foundry in Tupelo, MS. “He has the poise, the genetics, and the raw savagery necessary to achieve true greatness.”

“I’d say the only two dogs who have a chance to win are Nitro and maybe [180-pound Tibetan mastiff] Dreamcatcher,” Wilburn added.

Caldwell, however, expressed total confidence that Nitro would be the one taking the victory trot back to his cage. The trainer said he would be rewarding his dog with a saline IV drip and 160 mg of Oxycontin, while any other animals still alive after the fight would inevitably be drowned, electrocuted, or shot in the head.

“I know he has what it takes to avoid being carried out of Westminster in a trash bag,” Caldwell said. “And for me, there’s nothing more satisfying than shaping a dog into a maniacal killer from the moment of its birth, torturing and starving it for years, and then forcing it to fight for its significantly shortened life.”

“That being said, this nasty son of a bitch right here is also going to make me a lot of fucking money,” he added, hoisting Nitro up by his tail.(article source The Onion News)