Thursday, November 7, 2013

Did YOU know???

Hello Friends, I have been working on this particular blog for a few days lol, it seems everytime I get the chance to sit and write this blog, something comes up lately as if trying to stop me from doing this blog lol. Anyway I recovered from the recent surgery, slowly but surely. I am beyond fed up with the healthkill world yes healthkill not healthcare because that's what it is here in America. America has become such a ridiculous nation that I am disgusted and saddened to what "WE THE PEOPLE" have allowed the elite terrible and power hungry officials/government to do to our nation and our constitution to fit their SICK agendas. YES, we Are at the beginning stages of a full out police state society with martial law coming sooner than later, I don't personally feel ANY Genuine freedoms we once had as AMERICANS....are even in existence anymore with our rights being took from us minute by minute. At this point I often wonder a lot if its too late to even STAND UP and give a crap anymore. BUT no matter what happens in this once great nation, I personally will always try my best to stay positive and help my fellow brothers and sisters here on earth. This leads me to my blog topic. I want ALL OF YOU to realize YOU are SPECIAL and is on this planet for a reason and not just to exist but to LIVE a full abundant happy LIFE! With all the hate, crazy crap going on worldwide, the hate crimes, school shootings, etc. I felt it was more than the right time to remind YOU that YOU are so special. At the end of the blog I included a music video that really makes a good point about being special no matter what people may say or you may think about yourself, the song is a touching song full of raw truths, please take the time to watch it and if I would LIKE your actual feedback on your thoughts and such on the video/song, YOU don't have to leave feedback but YOU know I do appreciate it.
You are special. Just like your fingerprint is unique, you are a unique person with a special purpose. No one is born to do the things that aren't fruitful or to better your life. YOU have purpose!  "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous--and how well I know it." (Psalm 139:13-14 NLT) A great philosopher James Allen wrote in his book 'As a Man Thinketh'  I think thats the name of the book lol.."As a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself what he wills."Do not compare yourself with others. There is no need to compare yourself with another person. If you look around, there may be many people who excel in your field. You can learn from them, but do not let them intimidate you. Never, ever compare yourself with others whether you feel they are superior to you or inferior to you. Do not let that hinder your genius and gifts. Be your best and be totally dedicated and that is all what matters. When you are at your best, everything you do is still a masterpiece because YOU did your best. You do not have to prove anything to anybody. You have the same three-pound brain like everybody else, which is capable of doing wonderful things. I once heard  a story about a man named " C.V.Raman", a genius who won the Nobel Prize for Physics: One of his students was once experimenting with an X-ray tube of 1-kilowatt power. The student got discouraged when he found out that a scientist in the united kingdom is experimenting on the same problem with a 5-kilowatt X-ray tube. With a smile, Raman suggested his student, "The solution is very simple; use your 10-kilowatt brain on the problem." You too have the 10-kilowatt power brain and you too can use it for your own special and unique purposes in life. The whole world of opportunity is open to you. Think of all the wonderful things you could do and enjoy.
Why and how does it matter?:
By realizing that you are special, you can make a difference in the world, you can have a very positive and powerful impact on your surroundings and on others. The successful accomplishments of your dreams lead to greater contribution to yourself, your family, and the world. By being and trying your best, you can make a great impact on  society, like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, etc. You have the unique qualities and exceptional genius and gifts within you. Imagine the impact the world can experience by having hundred Edisons. Take action. There was a young man who was an artist. He used to get discouraged thinking that, may be there are other good artists who are better than he is. Hardly any of his friends encouraged; few others discouraged him. He went ahead and participated in the competition anyway. When he won the award, a guy commented, "This does not mean that you are the best. There may be other good artists, who did not participate in the contest". May be true, but participation and trying his BEST is what was important. By not participating/trying your best, you lose your chance to be successful and to use your gifts to better your world and others lives.. By taking full action, you bring your unique abilities and gifts to the table. You make the world a better place to live. SO Step out and do something with what you were created with my friends..
"The difference between what we are capable of doing and what we do, can solve most of the problems in this world." - Mahatma Gandhi.
There is enough for all of us. There is an abundance of good things ALL can be available to you. By keeping in mind that you are special,  you will hopefully  have an abundant supply of opportunities and ideas and so forth to excel in your chosen endeavor.
Something I do sometimes and it WORKS,  you can say to yourself to  feel great and remind YOU how  special YOU are always:
Take a piece of paper and write down the following self-affirmations. Keep the paper with you always and read it whenever you can out loud, at least two times a day. You will experience a difference, because spoken words are beyond powerful that its beyond your wildest dreams..
  • I am wonderfully and beautifully made
  • I am a lot stronger and more powerful than I think.
  • I have unlimited potential.
  • All the power is within me; I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  • I am abundant. My life is abundant with good things and positive people.
  • Every day, in every way I am becoming better and better.
  • I strive for excellence in everything I do.
  • I deserve the best this life has to offer me.
You deserve to be successful. You deserve to be great.

Well friends, I thank you for stopping by my blogspot. I hope this helped at least someone out in this world. Feel free to FOLLOW,SHARE,COMMENT,FOLLOW,FOLLOW,COMMENT. :-)         Truly, Dennis Kelly

"Same Love" Mackelemore