Tuesday, November 19, 2013

People are strange....

Good day friends and family I hope all is well with each of you as you read this. Well before I get to today's blog, I will update you all on the insurance claim I had to file recently due to a drunk driver smashing my vehicle. For about a week or better, the other driver's insurance company tried very hard to basically rip me off on the total loss of my vehicle. Well today was the day to meet with the adjuster, so before I met with him I made sure to pray and meditate very strongly. The Good news came within 30 minutes of the examination of my vehicle. The insurance company that was so much against me actually did a big turn around and gave me a check for more than I even paid for the vehicle years ago. So I feel that was a small victory in my favor. Other news in the world of Dennis, I have a NEW monthly guest co-host on the radio show that I host. She is absolutly GREAT for many reasons, not just a great radio voice but more importantly she is VERY knowledgeable on a very wide array of topics, issues, and Life in general. I am super excited to see where this goes, I feel something very good with this mix  of dynamics. SOON the radio show I host will be going back to the Internet as the uncensored version of the mainstream FM radio show. I shall still host the mainstream show but will put more EFFORT and focus on the Internet version of the weekly show. OK, enough with my rant and onto my blog for today. some of you WILL NOT understand the blog at all, Some will get critical, and then some will actually "get it" So here is my blog for November 18 &19/ 2013 
   Over the past year or so I personally have  had a lot of questions/comments from people who found my insights on the spiritual realm, and many other  "out of this world" topics and such including the indigo breed useful. My focus today is the "Indigo", this refers to what some believe about indigo children as well as adult indigos, and describes a certain personality, constitution, and perhaps even vibration. This blog is from my own opinions, thoughts, life expierences and a lot of other things that I won't go into until the time is right...all in due time. I finally came to the conclusion that perhaps I was an indigo. I personally realized this roughly 4 years ago and it answered a LOT of my questions about myself. Questions that I wanted answers to ever since I was a child.. "Why do I feel so different?"  "Why can't I fit in to normal society? Is there something wrong with me?" "Why do I have odd feelings and/or very high intuition etc.?" The List goes on and on...I am trying to keep this basic without confusing or making YOU think I'm nuts lol. Indigos seem to be very highly strung, energetic individuals, with intense emotions, love,  and a powerful drive to do something meaningful - whether or not they know what that something is, which in my case it goes both ways. Sometimes they can be lazy and passive, but even in those times there is a sort of intensity to their passivity. They don't do things by half measures easily and if they do they may feel tremendous guilt. Indigos can be somewhat resistant to authority, particularly anyone telling them what to do. The reason I personally feel f this is twofold: one, they are extremely intelligent in one way or another, revolutionary individuals who have their own idea on what is right or correct in any situation and resist doing anything that goes against that (whether an authority has told them to or not); secondly they seem to be naturally unable to work within a system of hierarchy and want both themselves and others to be seen as equals. In many texts and articles about an indigo person/child,  they seem to have high self esteem or very low self esteem no middle ground so to speak is mentioned. They are said to feel like Leaders  in their own ways. You could say that the high self esteem is what refuses to be placed on a rung below anyone; but themselves indigos do not like to place  above anyone, either. Other possible traits of indigos include a great sense of humor, a powerful sense of love and passion, even a feeling of not being "from here" in some way or another. Indigo is also a color that was known as the shade drops involving blue and violet. It's reported in which due to its regularity, also individuals with good and bad eyesight can be color blind in a sense, this usually occurs in the male indigo.Individual Indigo kids who're currently adults, probably acquired quite possibly just about the foremost difficult time in their lives for most, simply due to the fact of "not understanding why they are different", perhaps there were a few other people which they could recognize; or couple of grownups, teachers, among others etc. which understood all of these or even realized a way to satisfy their demands or perhaps support these children that are now adults.From my research and personal life I think that many Indigo children can frequently have a problem with contouring to methods as well as professions that our society believes is "typical" They are extremely sensitve (or even fragile), highly talented or talented; and are usually very metaphysically inclined. Many Indigo children seem to be smart over and above their years in many cases. Many Indigos may even a have religious cleverness or even certain abilities. Many people will explain them as being created as "outdated or old souls." They have been referred to as having an inner truth detector/ High Intuition. These adults and children are especially empathetic and thoughtful, often going out of their particular way to assist somebody that may be in harm or need help and guidance. Sadly many indigo children are misdiagnosed with ADHD or some other medical issue. Indigo children who're continuously prescribed medication (for these kinds of problems as ADHD) lose their expertise and possible gifts. Additional indigo youngsters who have no support or people who can not compensate for all of there needs or help them to grow or develop their abilities, might also become dull or even drop their ability. Many of these Indigo children are riduculed and also like additional talented youngsters, will certainly curb their cap-skills. Parents and also instructors are affected also with the difficultly that may come with these youngsters because  they are very enhanced as well as psychological difficulties, which can make them frustrated due to the common person's lack of knowledge and also familiarity with their actuality. Indigo kids need parents as well as adults in order to realize that they are Okay. Same goes for Indigo adults, many require very similar care -particularly for those in the workplace. They also require freedom to be innovative and unmanaged to an extent. They will evidently also have used around the duty associated with helping most of humankind within reaching the same amount of awareness they on their own seem to experience in life. Many Indigo adults will find they are a magnet for common people to come to them with their issues and/or guidance and advice. Now I am by NO means an expert on the Indigo phenomina, but this blog is a bit of what I do know personally as well as much research and life events I have and still deal with in many ways, I hope I didnt lose you because I know my blogs can be all over the place when reading them lol. I know  I have never discussed this openly nor do I like to. However there is a time for everything....right? Ok my friends I appreciate YOU ALL for stopping by  my blog today/tonight wherever you are. I have noticed in my blog insights that YOU all are reading from all over the globe from america to russia to spain and the list goes on....THIS I appreciate and motivates me to continue blogging. FEEL FREE to comment, follow me, share, or just read...also If you DO NOT want to post a comment publicly then here is my PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS: mr.denniskelly@gmail.com For those of you who want to remain private. I will try my best to answer each and every email, Thank You! 
                                Truly,  Dennis Kelly

Friday, November 15, 2013

Are YOU Disappointed??


                   NOVEMBER 15, 2013

     Hi Friends, I hope each and everyone of you are 

well and happy. Today I am not going to touch base 

on my life too much, instead I will get straight to my 
blog point. 

You see I do many types of works, not just 

Radio/Entertainment. One of the Jobs/Service that I do is Intuitive advisory. I counsel great people locally and globally, this is all done in a highly sensitive and confidential manner for many reasons. I often get clients that have major relationship issues with loved ones and so forth. There are some people that become very distraught and disappointed when a breakup, divorce, fight, or even loss of occupation(s). So let's say you're disappointed. Your dream, hopes, etc. has ended in the trashbin you may feel. So, after you get finished with the tears, cursing, laying on the floor, kicking your heels, and screaming; or going on a drunken/drug/food binge, or even beating someone up, you find you're still disappointed, and all that 
acting ignorant hasn't fixed anything. Now what do 
you do? Disappointment is a dead-end in your road of life. 
Now you need to figure out a new direction.
When what you're doing in a job, project, relationship 
or to pursue a dream is not working no matter what 
you try, even if you've gotten some expert advice on 
the issue at hand, (relationship counseling, etc.) that 
it's not going to work, it's probably a sign to move 
on. I think One must first Check to see if you are resisting doing what you know you need to do to make it work, and if you won't or can't do it, then you're wasting your time, emotions, energy, and it's time to change directions. If you gave it your absolute very best shot, and you still know it's over, then don't waste ANY time whatsoever in resentment and anger. It will hold you back and could eventually harm you in many ways.
If you do however need to get therapy of sorts to help 
you through this transition, I say without a doubt do it, so you can grieve what's lost. 
Even if you ended it, you still may feel you have lost all of your hopes and dreams. My personal opinion is to focus on moving forward to building a good 
life in your newly disappointed feeling circumstance(s). Make sure you take care 
of yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically. 
You'll feel a lot less resentment if you keep yourself 
together and in good health, spend time with a good 
friend or family member this needed for your support 
This is the definite time to have your TRUE friends and/or 
family around you, you need support everyone does in some way. Don't isolate yourself(trust me I would know), you don't have to go right out and start something new again at all,  I strongly suggest going slow with that. Also you should have a social outlet of sorts with friends and family. 
Even when you don't think you feel ready to see 
people, push through and go and visit/see your closest 
friends and family. Spend time with them they'll help 
you heal, (along with time of course) and remind you 
that you still have people who love you.
Here's some little "do's & don'ts" that I recommend:
DO put it all in an "outer" perspective when thinking about the disappointment, and YES it does hurt, but your life is not over. Look to your future, and see what you can do to make that disappointment into a blessing.
DO understand that you had some control, but not complete control over this. Look at what happened. What possibly caused your loss? You can improve your effort, your skills, your spirit and look forward to the next chapter in your life. On the other hand, don't blame yourself for the things you couldn't control. Take a balanced view of the entire situation.
DON'T give up No one is a failure until they quit. 
Don't quit when you're behind. Instead, get determined to do the BEST you can at every task you encounter.
DO try to for sure learn from the experience, Every disappointment/failure is a moment you can grow from. You can learn from whatever went wrong. Re-play your (mental or actual) tapes of the event, and try to figure out how you can improve.
DON'T expect everyone to sympathize beyond the first few moments. Sympathy is OK and needed...but only for a short while, it can debilitate you in the grand scheme of things. Makesure to meditate/pray often and eventually You'll feel better and strong enough  build yourself  back up, dust yourself off, and get back in the game of life friends because not one of us is promised a 2moro.
Well friends, I hope this little blog helped someone out there in this crazy world. I'm no doctor "Phil" but I know the HUMAN ways of things for the most part anyway lol. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.
                        Truly, Dennis Kelly

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Just a lil random rant...

Hello friends, It has been a busy and cold day to say the least. So I am in high hopes to get this insurance crap situated soon so It stops slowing my schedule down and causing more stress than needed. Lately I have been doing a lot of self-reflecting, I have noticed how I haven't had a Miracle lately...call me crazy but they really do occur, small and large. I with my personal belief system give credit to my creator. However I respect YOU that have other belief systems. We are all still brothers and sisters on this earth. Now most if not all of this blog is directed to the fundamentalist Christians and Believers in Christ. I am pointing out how a GIGANTIC portion DO NOT believe in Miracles....to me miracles are normal and should be expected if one truly claims to be a christian according to the Holy bible...Im not here to bash whatsoever I wanna make that CLEAR friends. I usually don't blog about my faith but today I am pointing out something I have personally noticed through the years when I actually attended a church on a regular basis. I had noticed at many of the churches I had went to they almost all did not speak of MIRACLES, with me personally miracles from my creator is not unusual but feels normal. Anywhoot, so these local churches that I had visited mainly preached on two main things MONEY and SIN....now sin, yea that is ok sometime...we all need a good peptalk...but MONEY and when all the services at the churches seemed to be built on digging in the pockets and constantly pointing out personal flaws instead of building one up...This is when I realized I can worship and have time with my Father without going to some "Church Show" I call it that because that is what they all were just like a play you go watch except YOUR apart of it lol, NOW don't get me wrong there are A Lot of GOOD fruitful, spirit filled churches out there....just be careful of WHICH spirit that church may be operating under. I think an open mind is a must to receive miracles and an open heart, but I think it begins with an open MIND first.
Every Christian/Believer, is at some point affected by church traditions and cultures. Depending on denominational or church backgrounds, we will have different concepts of miracles. This Even goes for other religions that believes in miracles, you still need to have an OPEN mind about it. Many Fundamentalists and even some believers, do not all study the bible by ourselves. Most of the time, we depend upon our elders, bible teachers and "godly" leaders to show us what they THINK the bible says. We make the assumption that they are more knowledgeable than we are and so we simply trust what they have taught. This can be very dangerous in my opinion, Can be good and very fruitful the RIGHT WAY...the Fruits of the Spirit is the KEY to finding the right Spiritual Leader, I personally believe.
Many church traditions have their positive aspects but some of these are producing negative and damaging results. Therefore, it is not whether my church tradition/belief system is better than yours or vice versa. The key is to find out which aspects of  traditions are in line with what the word says about Miracles as well as knowing in your spirit what is right. It is dangerous to simply take things for granted. Man is not perfect.
                                                     Well my friends thanks for stopping by and reading my little rant lol, feel free to follow, share, comment, or just enjoy and of course excuse any and all grammar and spelling mistakes LOL.
                                                Truly, Dennis

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Dennis Kelly Center: SERIOUSLY!?

The Dennis Kelly Center: SERIOUSLY!?: Hello Friends, I must tell you I almost didn't even bother to write this blog tonight, but it kept itching at me. You see I have had...


Hello Friends, I must tell you I almost didn't even bother to write this blog tonight, but it kept itching at me. You see I have had a HORRIBLE day...not just  a bad day but one of those days where you think to yourself "SERIOUSLY!"...YES my friends that has been my day. It started when I woke, I actually felt ok for once this morning until I was finished getting ready for the day and rushed out the door..into the very chilly air and wind, then BOOM! The ignorant fibromyalgia that I live with kicked in high gear, whereas my skin began to burn all over<imagine the worst sunburn times 100> then the different muscle and joint pain kicked in also. I thought to myself "GREAT! Just what I need on a Monday when I have much to do and get finished." Anywhoot, I obviously jumped in the car, got it warm and cookin' and went about my day in basic agony BUT I tried my best to THINK POSITIVE, which is what my blog today is about. Anyway So I did my absolute best with pushing the negatives and THINKING THE POSITIVES as well as a lot of prayer lol. I finally was finished with the day and thought to myself "well, the day did suck but now I can go home and just relax." hoping to feel better of course. But I had thought about driving out of town to a nice little small country town near here to visit with one of my best and sweet aunts. So as I am driving I am still in some basic agony but some had let up, I payed close attention to the beauty and the nature, even the beautiful hills with some cattle in pasture. By doing my best to pay close attention to my beautiful countryside driving scenes, I diverted the negative thoughts and feelings and more positive came in, I am not saying I felt physically wonderful because I didnt and still dont, what I am saying is this beautiful country drive helped me mentally and gave me an overall feel of "ok Dennis everything will be ok in due time." So I arrive at my aunt's home in a much better mood,I came in and sat down in the comfy country kitchen. I was about 20 minutes into having a nice and well needed chat with my aunt, suddenly we all here a very loud Boom sound......WELL apparently some younger gentlemen I suppose early twenties side swiped my car...I felt tight in my chest and thought to myself "SERIOUSLY!.?" So The car is a total wreck unable to drive, the young man who hit my PARKED car...by the way I was parked in a parking spot on the RIGHT side of the road...nevertheless we all make mistakes so I forgive the young man without a doubt. But NOW you see is much more STRESS that I do NOT need mentally and PHYSICALLY....Insurance Time....I do believe he will be blamed 100% due to hitting a parked car but in the meantime I STILL have THIS NEW MONSTER on my back for the time being....SO the only way to get through this without going crazy lol is POSITIVE THINKING, MEDITATION, PRAYER, AND EXERCISE. 
Work got you down? Are these thoughts on auto-replay in your mind three months later - a year later? And do these constant thoughts make you feel more and more anxious or depressed?
We all suffer from anxious moments and feeling down occasionally, but if these feelings are part of your daily routine, perhaps it is time to evaluate your surroundings and your thinking to see if some positive energy will help. If you continue to focus on things that make you anxious and depressed, you will continue to attract more situations and thoughts that create even more anxiety and despair. What you focus on is what you get. What you think about is what you create. I think we all need balance in our lives in order to allow positivity to fully manifest in our lives, I am working on this DAILY lol.I think balance is the ultimate objective both in our surroundings and in our mind, soul, body,spirit/soul.. If we are always thinking negative thoughts and focusing on the things that have gone wrong our lives, we lose the balance and harmony in our life and attract only the negative things which snowball into more things that go wrong and so forth. To stop the constant replay of things going wrong in our life,  maybe we should try to shift to positive energy in our all of our surroundings and thoughts even our actions. What follows are a few things I try to apply, Just some suggestions on how to create positive energy so you can permanently push the stop button on negative thinking and create a better life which goes your way more often.
**Go outside where the sun is shining and take a walk. Or, open your curtains and turn on bright lights in your home. Light automatically raises your energy levels and thoughts.
** Find brightly colored rooms if you have any in your home, to spend time in when feeling down. Even you have the extra money Go shopping and purchase a LITTLE something for yourself<not over indulging> - it may cheer you up. If you are feeling anxious - spend time in a room that is QUIET and COMFORTABLE- you will respond positively to the calming energy of the pure Silence if you just close your eyes and let go.

**Get a notebook or a book for writing and create a Gratitude Journal. Write at least 10 things you are thankful for every day in your journal. If you can't think of anything start with things like having a roof over your head, food on the table or having the ability to walk from your bedroom to the kitchen. Anything will do until you get the hang of it and get into the habit of writing, it can be a way of self therapy lol. The more grateful you are for everything and everyone in your life the less time you have to feel sorry for yourself, trust me I know I deal with that every so often,  you will find that a lot more things have gone your way than you thought.
**Play uplifting nurturing music instead of watching television, make sure the music is soft and calming. I personally prefer natural native american music, with it soothing waters and flutes and such really helps. Even SING out loud if you want to.
**LAST BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, Meditation, Prayer and Relaxation are strong essential tools to achieve positivty, to me anyway. Without having the meditation and Prayers daily that I do in my personal time, I can HONESTLY say I would either be completly insane or literally dead<thats another story lol> My point I feel wholeheartedly this is the most important little tip for thinking and BEING positive. 
Well my friends I hope I didnt bore you too much lol, I am sorry for all the grammar errors, its just been a horrible day and I honestly am not up to editing lol. SO good day, good night, good afternoon, to ALL my readers. I have noticed ALL the thousands of readers around the globe and I THANK each and everyone of you for stopping by my blogs, I appreciate you all, from the U.S, Russia, China, Malaysia,Israel, Africa,Spain,Bolivia,Germany,Japan,Brazil,South Korea, and ALL the others that I didn't mention, YOU ALL are equally Appreciatied. Truly, Dennis Kelly

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Did YOU know???

Hello Friends, I have been working on this particular blog for a few days lol, it seems everytime I get the chance to sit and write this blog, something comes up lately as if trying to stop me from doing this blog lol. Anyway I recovered from the recent surgery, slowly but surely. I am beyond fed up with the healthkill world yes healthkill not healthcare because that's what it is here in America. America has become such a ridiculous nation that I am disgusted and saddened to what "WE THE PEOPLE" have allowed the elite terrible and power hungry officials/government to do to our nation and our constitution to fit their SICK agendas. YES, we Are at the beginning stages of a full out police state society with martial law coming sooner than later, I don't personally feel ANY Genuine freedoms we once had as AMERICANS....are even in existence anymore with our rights being took from us minute by minute. At this point I often wonder a lot if its too late to even STAND UP and give a crap anymore. BUT no matter what happens in this once great nation, I personally will always try my best to stay positive and help my fellow brothers and sisters here on earth. This leads me to my blog topic. I want ALL OF YOU to realize YOU are SPECIAL and is on this planet for a reason and not just to exist but to LIVE a full abundant happy LIFE! With all the hate, crazy crap going on worldwide, the hate crimes, school shootings, etc. I felt it was more than the right time to remind YOU that YOU are so special. At the end of the blog I included a music video that really makes a good point about being special no matter what people may say or you may think about yourself, the song is a touching song full of raw truths, please take the time to watch it and if I would LIKE your actual feedback on your thoughts and such on the video/song, YOU don't have to leave feedback but YOU know I do appreciate it.
You are special. Just like your fingerprint is unique, you are a unique person with a special purpose. No one is born to do the things that aren't fruitful or to better your life. YOU have purpose!  "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous--and how well I know it." (Psalm 139:13-14 NLT) A great philosopher James Allen wrote in his book 'As a Man Thinketh'  I think thats the name of the book lol.."As a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, man holds key to every situation, and contains within himself that transforming and regenerative agency by which he may make himself what he wills."Do not compare yourself with others. There is no need to compare yourself with another person. If you look around, there may be many people who excel in your field. You can learn from them, but do not let them intimidate you. Never, ever compare yourself with others whether you feel they are superior to you or inferior to you. Do not let that hinder your genius and gifts. Be your best and be totally dedicated and that is all what matters. When you are at your best, everything you do is still a masterpiece because YOU did your best. You do not have to prove anything to anybody. You have the same three-pound brain like everybody else, which is capable of doing wonderful things. I once heard  a story about a man named " C.V.Raman", a genius who won the Nobel Prize for Physics: One of his students was once experimenting with an X-ray tube of 1-kilowatt power. The student got discouraged when he found out that a scientist in the united kingdom is experimenting on the same problem with a 5-kilowatt X-ray tube. With a smile, Raman suggested his student, "The solution is very simple; use your 10-kilowatt brain on the problem." You too have the 10-kilowatt power brain and you too can use it for your own special and unique purposes in life. The whole world of opportunity is open to you. Think of all the wonderful things you could do and enjoy.
Why and how does it matter?:
By realizing that you are special, you can make a difference in the world, you can have a very positive and powerful impact on your surroundings and on others. The successful accomplishments of your dreams lead to greater contribution to yourself, your family, and the world. By being and trying your best, you can make a great impact on  society, like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, etc. You have the unique qualities and exceptional genius and gifts within you. Imagine the impact the world can experience by having hundred Edisons. Take action. There was a young man who was an artist. He used to get discouraged thinking that, may be there are other good artists who are better than he is. Hardly any of his friends encouraged; few others discouraged him. He went ahead and participated in the competition anyway. When he won the award, a guy commented, "This does not mean that you are the best. There may be other good artists, who did not participate in the contest". May be true, but participation and trying his BEST is what was important. By not participating/trying your best, you lose your chance to be successful and to use your gifts to better your world and others lives.. By taking full action, you bring your unique abilities and gifts to the table. You make the world a better place to live. SO Step out and do something with what you were created with my friends..
"The difference between what we are capable of doing and what we do, can solve most of the problems in this world." - Mahatma Gandhi.
There is enough for all of us. There is an abundance of good things ALL can be available to you. By keeping in mind that you are special,  you will hopefully  have an abundant supply of opportunities and ideas and so forth to excel in your chosen endeavor.
Something I do sometimes and it WORKS,  you can say to yourself to  feel great and remind YOU how  special YOU are always:
Take a piece of paper and write down the following self-affirmations. Keep the paper with you always and read it whenever you can out loud, at least two times a day. You will experience a difference, because spoken words are beyond powerful.....so powerful that its beyond your wildest dreams..
  • I am wonderfully and beautifully made
  • I am a lot stronger and more powerful than I think.
  • I have unlimited potential.
  • All the power is within me; I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
  • I am abundant. My life is abundant with good things and positive people.
  • Every day, in every way I am becoming better and better.
  • I strive for excellence in everything I do.
  • I deserve the best this life has to offer me.
You deserve to be successful. You deserve to be great.

Well friends, I thank you for stopping by my blogspot. I hope this helped at least someone out in this world. Feel free to FOLLOW,SHARE,COMMENT,FOLLOW,FOLLOW,COMMENT. :-)         Truly, Dennis Kelly

"Same Love" Mackelemore