Tuesday, January 28, 2014

From the desk Jan. 28th 2014


Hello friends, I hope all is well with you in your world this week. My world lately has been like a rollercoaster up and down, with dealing w/my many different facets of works that I do/involved with, also dealing with certain family and friends being toxic to me. Not ALL but a select few anyway. I touched base on ridding my life and my Entertainment teams circle of creative folks, on my recent Saturday Night Ride Radio show uncut episode. One of my resolutions for 2014 is to rid the toxic people, relationships, things, etc. from my life source. So far I have rid myself of atleast 30 toxic so called "friends" and am still working on weeding out the negatives and make room for the POSITIVES to enter into my life. I also have had to rid myself of my own toxic attitudes and such. The whole point of this blog is to help YOU be happy without the negatives/Toxic people in this world...You don't have to go very far to find negativity. Just watch the news, listen to the radio, even on the internet and in social media, it can feel like where ever people gather, complaining, whining and negativity will follow.
Try to KEEP your attitude positive, and you'll find more things to be positive about in general. Life will get better, you'll feel happier. The secret is surrounding yourself with good people, and avoiding the rest. Avoid these 3 types of people, I broke down a "Toxic category of People" lol
Troll.  They lie waiting for someone to say something and then BOOM they will swoop in and burst the bubble. A troll is someone who comes in and says something destructive to you or about you, with no purpose other than to get a reaction from you. You probably don't even know this person. This happens a lot online. Through email, Facebook, Twitter,etc.  People will say things they wouldn't dare say face-to-face. All they are looking for is attention, so by not giving it to them you win and they will disappear.
Dream-Stealer. This person likes to be always 'realistic." You have some exciting news, or a great idea, or a big dream and all they want to do is make you see all the possible chances for failures. They say things to make you doubt yourself even. They also love to be right and will do what they can to make sure that they're right and you're wrong. They also enjoy being able to say, "I told you so." Easiest way to deal with a Dream-Stealer is to protect your good news.  If you have something to share, got a great idea, or have an opportunity coming up do not tell this person first. Tell others first. This protects yours positive energy.
Frienemy. This someone who is a Friend and an Enemy. I encourage you to look at this kind of friend.. How do you know you have one?
· You dread calling them if you have to for any general reason.
· You always feel worse after spending time with them.
· You have been friends for a long time, but aren't sure why you have kept in touch.
· You become someone you don't like when you're with them. (whiny, complainy, negative).
· If you have a frienemy....talk to them about it if you want to remain friends (they may not be aware of it)
· If you don't want to remain friends just stop spending so much time with them. If avoiding them bothers you, tell them outright that you are in different places in life and have nothing in common any more. Toxic people have a way of draining the life energy from you, leaving you negative, numb and unsure of how to deal with them. These kinds of toxic people can be really hard to deal with alone. If you are currently dealing with a "Troll," "Dream-Stealer" or "Frienemy you'll want to snip that connection SOONER than LATER! Well Friends I hope this little tid bit helped you some. Now I must go broadcast on Spreaker.com, If you would like to tune in just simply go to spreaker.com and search " Dennis Kelly" and you should find me on the Saturday Night Ride Radio Show Uncut edition. Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate you all!                                                                                              Truly, Dennis Kelly

Saturday, January 25, 2014

From the Desk Jan-25-2014

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The majority of us grow up thinking we know something that we've learned from our parents, our teachers, preachers and/or peers. But how much of what we actually know is truly a fact?
How many times have you had an argument with a friend over who was right or wrong on a certain issue and after much research you've had to go back with your tail between your legs apologizing because you were wrong and they was correct? I think it's happened more than once to many of us, which means somewhere along the line we've gotten our wires crossed and either didn't learn the material properly or the person teaching us didn't have their facts straight.
A recent example is the interview a well-known TV celebrity from the shoe Duck dynasty, had with an American men's monthly magazine. The celebrity made a lot of comments during the interview, but the one that especially caught my eye was the following:
"Don't be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers-they won't inherit the kingdom of God... "This gentleman calls himself a "Bible-thumper" which surprised me as it appears to be a derogatory term directed towards REAL Christians and this person definitely considers himself a "Christian". The Urban Dictionary defines Bible thumper as "One who uses the Bible to attack/defame others' characters instead of as a guide to proper living." I would think anyone that considers themselves a true Christian would want to guide others along the right path with the Bible, rather than attack and or defame, that's my strong personal opinion. Based on the fact this particular Duckdynasty cast member was unable to quote 1 Corinthians 6:9 properly it shouldn't be surprising if he also was not totally versed in the definition of the words' Bible thumper'. Whether we agree or disagree with this person's line of thinking can we even begin to criticize him for not reciting the above verse correctly? Not in this lifetime!
There are at least a total of 46 different Bibles that are published in the English language, and although none of these Bibles use the exact words quoted, at least 20 of the 46 use some form of the word "homosexual" in 1 Corinthians 6:9.
I don't believe I've ever read any of the 20 Bibles where the word homosexual is used, i.e., Amplified Bible, Complete Jewish Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Lexham English Bible, New Living Translation, Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, etc., so I'm not sure what information they actually contain, but I'd be interested in knowing which Bible our he reads.
I personally use the King James Version,NIV,  as my Bibles of choice and the verse reads as follows in my compact edition: 1 Corinthians 6:9
"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind"
The Holy Bible, New King James Version, Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., however reads as follows: 1 Corinthians 6:9
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, [a] nor sodomites,"
Footnotes: a. 1 Corinthians 6:9 That is, catamites.
That tiny footnote in the NKJV of The Bible is the difference between night and day. A homosexual is basically a person that is sexually attracted to a person of their own sex. Men sexually attracted to men, women sexually attracted to women. There's little doubt Americans have extremely controversial feelings about homosexuals, but what happens when we insert the word 'catamites' for homosexuals? What is a catamite? A catamite is defined as a young man who has sexual relations with an older man. Is there any controversy surrounding men having sex with young boys in America? The majority of Americans agree that a man having sexual relations with a young boy is guilty of child abuse. A prime example is former Pennsylvania State Coach Gerald Sandusky who was sentenced on October 9, 2012 to 30-60 years behind bars for sexually abusing 10 children, what a sicko! When we are reading anything in our Bible of choice, we must keep in MIND that some of the writings in the Bible date back to the first century when they were originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. The earliest translation was in 280 BC from Hebrew to Greek, then from Greek to Gothic (German) in 340 and from Gothic (German) to Latin in 381. The first English translation of the Gospel of John was in 735 and it wasn't until the 14th century that the entire Bible was translated from Latin to English by John Wycliffe. In the year 1611 King James I authorized the King James Version of the Bible and it became the translation of choice by English scholars, replacing the Latin Vulgate. The very first Bible printed in the U.S. was published by John Eliot between 1660 and 1663 when he translated the scriptures into the Natick dialect of the Algonquin tribes. It wasn't until a full century later [1782] that the first English language Bible was published in North America. "The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments: Newly Translated out of the Original Tongues", was published in Philadelphia by Robert Aiken.
If you actually think about the scriptures and how they have evolved through the centuries from one language to another can anyone really sit in judgment of anyone based on a word that may, or may not, have originally been written in the Bible? I don't Think so! THINK AND READ...
Although I disagree with much of what was stated by the duckdynasty celeb in the article, I whole-heartedly agree with ONLY one statement he made as follows: "... family really believes strongly that if the human race loved each other and they loved God, we would just be better off." Amen! So that is my blog/Rant for today friends. feel free to follow, share, comment or just enjoy the read.                        Truly, Dennis Kelly

Sunday, January 19, 2014

From the Desk 1-19-2014

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Hello Friends, I hope all is well with you all! Things in my world have been a roller coaster as usual lol...I have much to cover but i'll spare you the boredom lol...moving on...The weather today was actually decent, still very cold but atleast the sun was shining all day. The sunshine makes a big difference on me personally. Lately I have been doing a lot of recording and Radio Shows, more than usual. That is ok though..it keeps me busy and productive. Although I did find myself overwhelmed today from all the extra work I have been doing on several different projects. Last Night on the Radio Show, I was Joined by another NEW guest co-host. I really enjoyed hosting The Saturday Night Ride Radio Show with him, the studio/radio dynamics flowed great! I have seen and felt a lot of positive shifts in my life so far in 2014, I hope and pray the positive continues and the negatives vanish. My blog today was going to be about one of my Dog-children "Rex". Rex is my 5 year old teacup chiuhuha <spelled wrong lol>. He is the biggest baby out of all of my dogs, I literally can't even go to the bathroom without having him sit at the door whining for me. Rex whines about everything and has done so since he was a baby literally lol. He won't even eat unless I am home with him...yes I know it's ridiculous lol. I will blog about my dog-children soon, but today I wanted to touch base on the St.Bernard Breed. The reason I chose this breed is because of many reasons, mainly because a family member of mine had one for almost 11 years before she recently passed away. Her name was "Sugar" and she was such a sweet and loving family member/pet. I remember when my cousin first brought her home, "Sugar" looked like a little chunky ball of fur...very adorable. Even with her stinkin' slobber and loud intimidating bark...."Sugar" was as gentle as could be...the "Gentle Giant". She was such a great dog and an important part of the family, so I would like to dedicate this little blog to the life of SUGAR a beautiful saint bernard. Here is some history and such that I have researched about this unique and beautiful breed of dogs.. Dogs can be great rescuers/heros. What could be nobler than saving lives. "Barry", who lived and made history between 1800-1814, was one of the greatest rescue dogs the world had ever seen. "Barry" was a beautiful Saint Bernard dog who earned worldwide fame for the brave and noble rescue operations he carried out during his lifetime. He even had his portrait painted, his painting by Salvatore Rosa still hangs in a place in the Swiss Alps of Switzerland.
Saint Bernard dogs have such a keen sense of smell that they can smell out people buried deep in the snow and sand even. Barry, like other Saint Bernard dogs, was trained by  monks to rescue lost travelers in the Alps. The Saint Bernards, when finding a man to be rescued,  they would lay on top of the person and start licking his face to wake him up. Simultaneously they bark out aloud calling the monks for assistance, hearing which the monks would come with a stretcher and warm blankets to keep the person warm. The fellow is then taken to the monastery for help/treatment. "Barry" was an excellent rescue dog well versed with the rescue drill and amongst his famous rescue adventures there is this famous story about a young boy who was found stranded on an icy ledge, all covered with thick snow under an ongoing, heavy snowfall. It was not possible for any man to climb that icy ledge, but Barry, being brave crawled inch by inch to the injured boy.  Barry started licking the boy's face but the snowfall was too heavy and the ledge too difficult to climb for any monk to reach the boy. So, there was no help coming. The boy, however, woke up due to Barry's warm licks and wrapped his arms around Barry's strong neck. The dog/hero pulled him carefully and bravely from the ledge and brought him to safety. This is just one of the many gallant rescue stories of this great rescuer Saint Bernard. He lived from 1800-1814 and saved more than 40 lives in his lifetime. WOW! What a Dog! See this yet another example of why pets are so much more than just something to play with...they are literally family and love us just like a family member would. Well Friends, Time for me to hit the hay so to speak, I have an early rise tomorrow and a busy week ahead. Feel free to comment, share, follow, or just enjoy!                                 Truly, Dennis Kelly

Sunday, January 12, 2014

From the desk..Jan/12/14


      Hello Friends, I hope all is well with each and everyone of you! It has been somewhat of a strange beginning of the year...I honestly can't really even put my finger on it, but something about 2014 is going to be very different than years passed. My hope is that these feelings I have been getting are about positive things to come. So far this year, I personally have had many business opportunities that have just come out of thin air so to speak. I have already had more auditions for several different productions, All this in the past few weeks. So I auditioned for  a stage production and got a lead role...the pay is exceptionally GREAT, But after much prayer and meditation I had to pass on that certain role. Part of me is a bit disappointed but I know in my heart of hearts that I made the right decision. I don't like to be controlled, I like and ENJOY being as FREE as possible....In the entertainment industry Freedom seems to be a curse word LOL! My point is no amount of money in the world can sway my Faith, my desire for peace, my freedom, my creativity, or any other part of ME. I understand the industry...maybe a bit too much, but I would rather know more than less....When someone gets in the entertainment industry they really need to know all the dangers and such that come along with this type of work. Eventually I will put a blog together about this topic. So last night on the radio show we had our very FIRST psychic on air, I have passed up hundreds through the years in the radio world....however this particular Intuitive Light-Worker is with out a doubt genuine and NOT out to make a buck...She actually has a heart for people and humanity in general. This is what a "Light-Worker" should be like....NOT charging for every service. When we are born with spiritual gifts...it is to help others NOT to make money off of those in need! That is something I still have a hard time with....anytime (weekly) I use my spiritual gifts and such, I have such a hard time charging people money. SO instead I let the Holy Spirit Guide me on each case......some may pay a small fee....some will make a donation, and some pay nothing. Either way paid or no pay, I think if YOU have ANY kind of abilities or gifts that can help humanity, MONEY should be the last thing on your mind...People should be the FIRST. With this very materialistic world we live in today....it seems to me EVERYTHING is tied to money some way, directly or indirect.....I won't rant much more LOL, but I do have a blog I am working on about Gifts of the spirit and such. So Moving on.....I know I am all over the place lol....I want to thank all of my readers that have come here over the past year...I am still amazed at ALL the NATIONS that come and stop by just to read what I may be ranting about LoL. Malaysia and Russia, I have seen a gigantic increase in readers from these nations as well as about 18 other countries besides America. I want to take this moment and THANK YOU ALL ACROSS THE GLOBE! I appreciate each one of you! Feel free to send me an email mr.denniskelly@gmail.com  I love your feedback and again If I have not responded to your email yet please resend it with the subject line "BLOG", This helps me sort out any spam mail. As always friends feel free to comment below, follow,share, or just read...either way I appreciate that you stopped by. Well I must go for now friends, tonight I must record and broadcast the"uncensored" version of the radio show that is on Spreaker.com YOU can tune in easily if you just Search my name on the Spreaker.com website. Peace, Love, and Blessings to you....                                          Truly, Dennis Kelly

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Love&Appreciate them,,,,

   Hello Friends, I hope all is well with you all! I have enjoyed the feedbacks/emails that I have recently received from many of YOU readers, I hope you all got the responses I sent. So it is still very cold here in my region, with ice and a lot of snow; has made life a bit harder as far as getting from point A to point B. This Blizzard has caused many schools,offices,clinics, and other public places to close for days on end. This past week has been fairly hectic as usual..however today was different in the sense that...the day was routine for the most part except when I got a call from a future radio guest...not only did I find another interesting guest but she is VERY intuitive and gave me some very interesting insight on some things that I have needed clarity on.....Moving on....this evening my 13 year old African Basenji dog-child, died....we believe she did die of natural causes, she passed away in her sleep peacefully. This upsets me very much but at the same time I felt this coming for a few months...I could tell that her age was catching up to her. She was such a sweet and unique dog, she NEVER barked...that is in the Basenji breed. Instead she would sound like a wolf howl or a beast lol....she will so much be missed and I am saddened but I know she is at rest now. I have literally lost three of my dear dog-children in about the past 11 months. First it was my 9 year old teacup chiuahua <(spelled wrong), bubba died on after noon after lunch....I was just finished feeding them and bubba comes up to me and I begin to love on him, then suddenly he went into a seizure.....needless to say I FREAKED OUT! Bubba became totally limp;entire body...I was so shaken I even began mouth to mouth CPR on him...no response yet he was slowly breathing with a very slow heart beat..I rushed him to the Vet...he had died upon arrival. The Doctor said that Bubba's lil heart just stopped due to old age and most likely a stroke too. I asked if he suffered and the doctor informed me he was positive he didn't suffer at all....so months went by. Then on April 23rd 2013 RUCCA,;My (chocolate) Dalmatian, died just a week after her 10th Birthday...She had been laying around and whining a bit for almost a week and acting like she had a flu, so I used what I had to treat her combined with love and affection, but I noticed within ONE DAY a lump on her cheek so I immediatly took her to the VET hospital..after the doctor took blood, did tests, I got the horrible news that my baby girl RUCCA;that I have had 10 years who was with me through so much in my life...had Cancer...the doctor informed me that the cancer had spread so fast that it was through out her entire body and that no amount of treatment could save her.....I may be a grown man BUT I broke down in tears and didn't care who was around....RUCCA was the best dog I ever had in my entire life! So The doctor;which is so kind and caring....came and told me that they could put her at rest or she would continue to suffer....so I had to make the horrible decision to let my baby go back to her creator....As I walked into the surgical room, Rucca had an IV in her front leg, I had some alone time before the doctor came in.....I spoke to her and told her how much I loved her.....how much she made my life positive and that No matter what I will never EVER forget her....and I finally told her that "I know you are ready to go my lil baby"...I got a chill sensation all over my body...as if she was agreeing with me....so the doctor comes back in....she then tells me once she injects the medicine RUCCA would pass after about 10 seconds.....I held her and looked straight into her eyes the entire time....I bursted with tears as I felt the unspoken bond and the mutual understanding her and I had during this....I told her how much I loved her and was going to miss her but also told her its ok to let go.....She slowly went limp in my hands....I watched her eyes literally change instantly and I could feel something unexplainable STILL.....I still get upset some....every once in awhile when I think about her and the last moments I had with her. Now this evening, I am just thinking and realizing more and more how pets really do become family members and how it is very sad to lose one. SO friends if you have a beloved pet. Treat them with love and appreciate them while they still have life in them. Thank YOU all for stopping by...I apologize for such short dry blog today....I'm just seriously exhausted. Thanks again Friends!
                                                            Truly, Dennis

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thanks Malaysia Friends!

Hi friends, This is just a Post/Blog That I wanted to mention, I have noticed a large number of readers from Malaysia over the past few months. So this evening after the Chilli I made LoL..I did a bit of research on this VERY unique and interesting lil country. So below I shared the wikipedia free info, since I didn't have time to really do as much research as I plan to on malaysia. I think this would be a nice place to visit, from what I have researched they are very diverse and have many feedoms and Many Unique things to check out. So if you get time do some research on Malaysia. To my Readers and especially in this blog my readers from Malaysia, Thank you I appreciate you taking the time to stop by by blog on such a regular basis.                                                               Truly, Dennis Kelly

Culture of Malaysia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nuvola Malaysian flag.svg
Life in Malaysia

The culture of Malaysia draws on the varied cultures of the different people ofMalaysia. The first people to live in the area were indigenous tribes that still remain; they were followed by the Malays, who moved there from mainland Asia in ancient times. Chinese and Indian cultural influences made their mark when trade began with those countries, and increased with immigration to Malaysia. Other cultures that heavily influenced that of Malaysia includePersianArabic, and British. The many different ethnicities that currently exist in Malaysia have their own unique and distinctive cultural identities, with some crossover.
Arts and music have a long tradition in Malaysia, with Malay art dating back to the Malay sultanates. Traditional art was centred on fields such as carving, silversmithing, and weaving. Islamic taboos restricted artwork depicting humans until the mid-20th century. Performing arts and shadow puppet shows are popular, and often show Indian influences. Various influences can be seen in architecture, from individual cultures in Malaysia and from other countries. Large modern structures have been built, including the tallest twin buildings in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers. Malaysian music has a variety of origins, and is largely based around percussion instruments. Much early Malaysian literature was based on Indian epics, which remained unchanged even as Malays converted to Islam; this has expanded in recent decades. English literature remained restricted to the higher class until the arrival of the printing press. Locally created Chinese and Indian literature appeared in the 19th century.
Cuisine is often divided along ethnic lines, but some dishes exist which have mixed foods from different ethnicities. Each major religious group has its major holy days declared as official holidays. Official holidays differ by state; the most widespread one is Hari Merdeka, which celebrates the independence of Malaya. Although festivals often stem from a specific ethnic background, they are celebrated by all people in Malaysia. Traditional sports are popular in Malaysia, while it has become a powerhouse in international sports such as badminton. Malaysia hosted the Commonwealth Games in 1998, the first Commonwealth Games where the torch passed through more countries than England and the host.
The Malaysian government has taken the step of defining Malaysian Culture through the "1971 National Culture Policy", which defined what was considered official culture, basing it around Malay culture and integrating Islamic influences. This especially affected language; only Malay texts are considered official cultural texts. Government control over the media is strong, and most media outlets are related to the government in some way.

From the Desk January 5, 2014

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      Hello Friends! I hope ALL IS WELL with YOU! Here in my region the weather is literally blizzard conditions, many people are stuck in their homes due to so much snow we have got and we are STILL getting it! I hate winter and I hate the bitter cold. It really does a number on my physically...phew! So today was a long snowy day, I was scheduled to have two auditions today in St.Louis,Missouri. With the blizzard and the dangers that come along with it, I felt it was a smart idea to cancel them....even though this HIGHLY disappointed me. It actually turned out good! The first casting director knew of the weather issue so she kindly rescheduled me and the other audition I was able to actually do over SKYPE....something I have never done. I've been to hundreds of different auditions for many many gigs, but never have I had a casting director be so nice to let me use a computer program(SKYPE) to audition. So I feel good about both auditions...I will keep you updated. Tonight I think I am going to make some homemade chilli, not sure how good it will be but I can cook when I actually want to lol....I just usually don't like to cook much. Today is a perfect day for a nice relaxing evening to stay warm and have some good ol' homemade chilli and perhaps a good book or film to watch. I may actually get slap happy and make a few side dishes to go with the chilli LoL...I spoke with a good friend also today from France, which leads to why I even blogged today....I really think it's A great thing  having an online/social media presence is being able to make friends from other all over the world. One of those friends inspired me today,that is the reason for today's blog topic.. My friend "laura", who lives in Europe and I were catching up like we do every once in a while. After our regular chats and updates, the conversation always comes back to how we are coping with life since our last friendly "session." During our talk, I'm reminded inside of how things can actually creep up on you. I start to wonder where the time went or  how I lost track from all those goals I had set out for myself through the years. "Laura" said it so perfect, "It's like a drift. If you're not actively driving, then we drift... and that's okay as long as we decide to turn the engine on again and make progress on our route."  That statement of her's totally and simply blew me away! It's so true that so many of us abandon whatever it is we want for ourselves because we momentarily "rest" from actively pursuing it. We have to remind ourselves now and then to reconnect to our inner self. Pray and Meditate, manifest those things we wish, and release old beliefs and thought patterns that hold us back. Realize the power within yourself. During lauras's epiphany she, "realized the power thats within me, and now I am like the superhero who discovers her powers and flies into the garage 100 times." lol! In that statement she hit something I often think about, perseverance. Sometimes we all need to fail 100 times before you discover what works. Sometimes you need to try again until we finally bear the fruit of our labors. Most importantly, she spoke about not giving up, keeping the faith, and staying the course. This my friends is very inspiring to me personally. More inspiring than any quote or post on the internet. The type of inspiration you want to be around. The type of people who have positive energy, thats what we all need to be around. We need to keep reinventing and loving ourselves until it all becomes clear. These challenges are to test our thoughts, beliefs, spirits, etc., and sometimes even our faith. When they rock you to your very core they should inspire change. A new way of thinking. A new way of doing things. That is good. The outcomes are entirely up to us...So the next time you're sitting there disappointed or depressed about not achieving a goal or such, just remember these awesome words by my friend "Laura".  'It's never too late to turn your engine on and continue on your route"

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


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                                                                      "MASKED REMOVED"
Hello Friends and Happy 2014! This is my first blog of the year so I better make it worth reading right? LoL So as we all know yesterday was the last of 2013 and millions around the globe celebrated the coming of 2014. Myself spent the end of the year last night with some family and friends at a family member's home. It wasn't a huge drunkin party, but it was nice and priceless. My last blog of 2013, I vented more than I have EVER vented my personal feelings, my friend Roxie made a good point in her comment about "wearing a mask" and she is right everyone does wear a mask so to speak. Of course this not only makes perfect since BUT it was in a round about way was showing what I was doing on that blog....I had more than enough anger,hurt,negativity,stress&pressure, built up inside of me for quite sometime. So up until just a few days ago, I wore my "Mask" 24/7 for the most part. During prayer and meditation time, I ask myself and my creator, why do I feel the need to wear this as if it was mandatory? The answer was simple....I have been doing work in and with the public for so long not to mention that my public "Mask" was always "Happy" that I basically lost WHO I was...thinking the entire time that I needed Peoples "approval" on almost everything I did or say or projects I was involved with and such. But MINE EYES HAVE BEEN OPENED! Thanks to a very special mentor that I have and I am beyond blessed for having in my life....This certain mentor I can relate to nearly all advice and lectures he gives me as he also has mentioned how he sees a lot of his younger self in me(good and bad lol). So YOU ALL are seeing ME with no mask from now on, of course there is still a certain extent of it when one is in media and entertainment....can't just spout off at the mouth without expecting some public backlash that could be bad for one's career in the entertainment industry that is. Another thing, when a person is working in entertainment it is a big NO NO to let out your personal life. I have a problem with that because I no longer chose to wear that "Dennis Kelly" mask/character, therefore I am trying my best to just keep MY personal life PERSONAL :-) I am not saying I haven't been real this entire time because I HAVE, I just wore a sugar coated mask that I got TOO complacent wearing. Again back to my last blog of 2013, I do apologize if any of YOU felt singled out, that was NEVER my intention. I just wanted the select "50%" to know that I have had enough of all the different folks "friends" around the world that I PERSONALLY know and interact with on a regular basis; being fakes or vamps to me, and back to Roxie's comment YES, I agree there is a difference between the vamps and fakes, When I wrote that I was actually meaning that most vamps are fake to your face therefore "Fakes/Vamps"..understand?Hopefully lol. So now moving on....this year My plan is to continue what I have begun when it comes to removing toxic people from my life, Try my absolute BEST to stay and BE positive, Love more, Share more, and make PEACE my middle name lol...seriously though friends, I think it would be good for ALL of US to try Loving eachother more and not waste anymore time on those who bring us down or waste any more time trying to earn peoples approval, the blog I prepared today is about just that, "Let go & BE YOU".
Let go of the need or idea of approval and just be who you are and spread love and appreciation around you like there's no tomorrow.
Have you any idea how common it is for people to think about what others think of them?
To be concerned about what others might have thought of them yesterday when they said something that wasn't what everyone else thought? And if they really could do this thing they really feel passionate about- what if people laugh at them, or thought they were.. well, different? This is what I felt for a long time until recently but the truth is that many do think these thoughts, while thinking they are the only ones who thinks these thoughts... People are more hung up on what others think of them, and haven't even had time to be worried about what you said at all.
The next time you find yourself consumed by these destructive and unhealthy thoughts like this; turn it all around and look at the other person as a person who has the very same concerns that you have. How could you give the other some comfort? What would you say to yourself if it was you, (which it is on a deeper level), that wondered if you had said something "stupid"or "wrong" etc.? What would happen if you turned your attention away from your little self now and put it instead on the other person and his/hers well-being? And what if that other person did the same to you and thought of you first..?
Well, things would be very different between us humans. :-)
Sometimes  people again think, "What will they think of me if I said this or that to or about this person?"  or "What if I don't perform good enough". It has to change; the fact that it is easier to talk negatively behind someones back, than it is to openly say something positive to someone.
To give someone appreciation for no reason at all, a compliment or a word of encouragement can really scare people, and sometimes you might even get a strange look from someone if you so do this openly, especially if you don't have any "reason" for being supportive and "nice". If we only knew or thought about how much it can mean or impact some one else to hear that YOU matter, or that which YOU do is appreciated.
My Mentor told me an interesting little story a few days ago I don't remember it word for word but  Anyway; the story was that a Beauty shop owner, had had a costumer who wanted a nice hairdo because she was going away later that evening, so while making her look more beautiful he also said many times that she is beautiful and so on; he gave her compliments and made her feel important. I don't remember the whole story, but the core message was, that the woman had planned to kill herself that evening, and went to the hair dresser to make herself beautiful before she killed herself, but that while being there she changed her mind because of this hair dresser who made her feel beautiful and important. From that moment on; the hair dresser has trained all his employees to ask within themselves "how can I make your day better?" or something like that to all of their costumers. I thought it was a wonderful and eye opening story. Thanks David for that!
Think about the effect a kind word or action can have! Let us be brave and open give compliments and encouragement regardless of what others might think of us.
I have had times in my life when I have asked myself if what I do really has any meaning at all, in times when I have felt discouragement, when suddenly I get an email or a call from someone who has been touched by my words, or someone says to me that what I have done for them has helped them to see things differently and therefor helped them to take a step in the right direction.
That has been the sign I needed form God to continue what I do regardless of how things have seemed to evolve.
Today; you should do something similar for at least 2 or 3 people in your life. Tell them that they matter, tell them that you appreciate and love what they have done for you. Make them feel important. Or just smile to someone on the street and say "hello". What I have done for years now is that I send a silent blessing or prayer to people I meet or see. When I walk by them, I say "God bless you"  and other Positive words in my mind to them, I may say "may your day be blessed with joy", "may you always be protected by the Angels" and so on.
I do this just about everyday no matter where I'm at; it has become a habit, and sometimes I can feel and see they knew something happened, I can see in their eyes that they on some level "heard" and received the blessing. I can feel love flowing between us, even if we have never seen each other before. I know it sounds odd lol but thats ME right? What if we all did that? I think it be wonderful? It can be done, and it's easy & simple; because it all begins with US! Thank you friends for stopping by! I appreciate each and everyone of you! Feel free to email me, follow, share, comment, or just read....Either way I appreciate you all! Truly, Dennis