Sunday, March 31, 2013

13 years ago today

Hi friends, Happy Resurrection day and happy easter!
it has been a beautiful day outside today, beautiful day to spend with family members but more importantly on a personal level of very important date to be reminded and thankful to my creator and what he has done for me. Without going into great detail 13 years to this day....march 31st 2000.....I was filled, moved, and sanctified by the power of the almighty. This date I will never me it is a second birthday....on that march evening in 2000 I was touched by my father GOD in such a profound way that I was left with no choice but to believe in HIM and all his glory. I am not  going yo blog about the details of this profound event....but I will say I have always been the type of person who had to SEE/FEEL "it" to believe it...nevertheless If it weren't for that divine appointment 13 years ago today.....I WOULD NOT be the person i am today and most likely would be dead....I know this deep down in my spirit. So YES I am thankful for that evening 13years ago today. I will leave you today with an affirmation about sharing my/your goodness:-) 
As always thank you for stopping by! Truly, Dennis
I will continue to share my goodness and wisdom with those who are close to me.I will not use gifts to buy love. The love I want flows freely given from person to person, shared generously reciprocated, no strings attached, no fine print, no "love now pay later." I share my goodness with others with unconditional care, love, and appreciation. I recognize important moments and special events. I highlight them with notes of gratitude and expressions of Love, caring, and appreciation. Without pressure or stress, I can remain separate and still be part of the lives of my family & friends. Today I will give thanks and appreciation to MY creator and for the people HE has placed in my life. I love him and the people placed in my life by HIM. 
Thanks for reading friends! Feels free to comment share etc.
Bless YOU!