Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Are You happy?

Hello Friends, before I get to the blog I prepared for you, I have some stuff to vent about lol. So bare with me of course it is my blog, but I enjoy YOU stopping by too :-) Well Lately has been so busy with Doctor appointments, Meetings, Prior engagments/events, The radio show and LIFE lol. Now I don't like to talk about my health issues in public but right now I need ALL of YOU prayer warriors to send prayers my way please. :-) 2moro I will be getting yet another urology surgery, This is a must I can not get out of the surgery...trust me I would. Without going into great detail on the actual surgery/my business, the surgeons will be going into my bladder and the kidney areas to remove any and all scar tissue. This condition is rare and not much is known about it, it did not begin until I was around 26 I think..could be off a bit on the age, but nevertheless I had got smaller similar surgeries after but only like 2 in a four year period. But the past 3 years at least the tissue grows back at such a rapid rate that I  now must recieve surgery every 6 weeks 8 if Im lucky. The doctors tell me they are baffled at the speed of it as much as I am. Yes I have been to many doctors. Moving on and btw if you have a question regarding what I just told YOU, email don't ask on a public social network Thank you....A few days ago was the local trunk and treat here downtown, and then the following evening I went with family to take my little cousins and nephew to Hazlet state park, a really beautiful Camping and Nature Reserve. The place had treats everywhere for the kids and was decorated beyond belief! Hats off to all the good people that put the event together. On a side note, the radio show is finally starting to spark my interest again thankfully. I have been trying to add some interesting change slowly to the show such as having a monthly Guest Co-host Ms. Roxanne Bare. She is a local lady that owns and operates an awesome shop Terra Matter Botanicals and Market, heres the site if you would like to shop www.terramatermarket.com Anywhoo Roxanne has co-hosted once so far and the radio/hosting dynamics during the show was great and fun, I really enjoyed having her on and I was suprised a bit by her too because she handled herself very well on-air especially with the crazy guest we had on lol. So yes I'm optimistic about the show a lot more than I had been. We also have a new short segment "Words of Dawn" where a Local woman comes and shares some of her homegrown poetry with us. Also We have a Guest DJ monthly Named Konner :-) Konner is a very special 9 or 10 year old <not sure if hes 10 yet lol> You see Konner suffers from a Horrible Horrible Health Issue(s) I wont go into detail but you can find more info on Facebook. He does a great Job being a DJ and I pray for him to grow up and have a great life in radio, he seems to like it a lot :-) Ok Now I will shut UP! LOL..below is a blog I put together, it came to me at about 3a.m. Last night so I figured It is for someone out there or perhaps myself lol. Enjoy my friends!

                                  "Are You Happy?"
Most,not all but most people spend their lives in a cycle/ routine. They wake up, have breakfast, go to work, go home, have dinner, pay bills, Family matters, sleep, etc. For others, they spend their days at home doing chores or watch the kids etc. and do same the next day and so on  and so on... It's not surprising that people feel bored and unhappy about their lives and experience way too much stress  than they should more often than not, I know I've been there plenty of times personally. Although there are others that are comfortable with the life they have and don't have any plans or goals of making any POSITIVE changes in life or in the life of others..We all want to live a happy life, one secret most do not realize is to simply enjoy life without having to make excuses that you don't have enough time, money, materialistic things, because you can start enjoying your life now with what you already have, because remember someone out in this world has NOTHING..... Add excitement to your life and it doesn't always mean that you need to go out, shop or even go for a vacation. You can still have fun while doing your daily routine or use your personal time to do exciting things. GET CREATIVE AND START THINKING POSITIVE NO MATTER WHAT!  Here are simple ways that I try sometimes, YOU can GIVE THEM A TRY yourself and SEE the difference my friends!
 Explore - Have you been taking the same route when you drive to work or home? Why not take a different route next time so you'll get to see a different scenery.
 Be more adventurous - Doing something new or different once in awhile. Try eating an exotic food or engage yourself in sports that you haven't tried before. Try doing something creative, painting, drawing, creating, etc.
 Challenge yourself - It doesn't matter what it is, just do something that you normally don't do and then push yourself to the limit. It's exciting if you have accomplished something you never thought you could and boost your self-confidence and add to your self-esteem. I know this from past events in my personal life.
 Make new friends/networks - In meeting new people, you may also discover new things about many interesting people, I certainly have met plenty of people especially certain ones that have had and still do have positive impacts on my life..
 Plan an adventure - Take your kids or kids in your family  to a park,  hiking, boating, to the beach or go camping. There's nothing more exciting than spending time with your family kids and have an adventure together. It's priceless to watch them learn what you teach them and watch them grom, They are a true Blessing!
 Do volunteer work - Helping other people are both exciting and rewarding. You will truly find joy if you do something good for others. Nursing homes are a perfect place to start these poor lonely people need love and attention just like YOU do.
 Get a hobby - do something you love the most and follow your passion because this will make you centered in times of irritation, works for me anyway :-)
 Laugh more - Watch a funny movie, show, or read a funny book. You can even watch cartoons with your kids or go to a comedy club. Laughter is fun, it's good for your Soul, and it's free.
 Live in the now - Forget the past and the future is not here yet. Live your life today and make the most out of right now.
. Stop worrying - Don't waste your energy and time thinking about things that are not worth thinking about or things you can't change right now. Every time your mind is stuck at worrying, you are wasting a good opportunity to enjoy your day and Life. Think positive and don't let your negative thoughts get the better of you. What do you actually think you are gaining something from being a worry bug? NO. Trust me I should know this is something I battle with sometimes also.
It is our days that define our life and no matter what our choices are, you have to remember that you only have one life to live so don't waste it by depriving yourself of the simple, materialistic, pleasures in this life. No amount of money will help you enjoy life to the fullest, no relationship will complete you to the fullest, these temporary material things will make you a false happiness if you convince yourself that your life will be better if you have them. But in the long run do YOU honestly think it's worth it? Make the choice to be happy now and enjoy life to the fullest.
Friends, thank you yet again for stopping by my blog. I appreciate each and everyone of you around the world. Feel free to share, comment. follow, etc. Bless you all! Truly Dennis

Monday, October 14, 2013

From the Desk Oct, 14th 2013


Hello Friends, it is a sunny chilly autumn day here in the Mid-west. Today's blog is about something I recommend to ALL, Affirmations. To a big extent, I believe our happiness and our success in life is determined by the thoughts we hold in our subconscious mind. Positive affirmations are powerful statements that are used to build a positive internal dialog to one's self. By consistently repeating positive affirmations to yourself, you create positive subconscious thoughts. These new, positive, productive thoughts will replay automatically throughout your life. Each time they replay, they'll reinforce the new positive inner-image you have of yourself and your life in general. By replacing old, negative thinking with new, positive subconscious thoughts you'll be able to access the endless resources of positive energy you have within yourself. And you'll be able to create a new, positive reality for yourself.
When you use positive affirmations, let yourself really feel them. Fully experience each one. Enjoy them. Assume each affirmation to be true in your physical reality. Feel the positive emotions that are appropriate for this positive reality. This will help you make positive changes more quickly and automatically.
At the end of this blog you'll  carefully chosen,tested, positive affirmations that will help get you started. I personally have and still use affirmations daily including some below. Select the ones that you think will be most helpful. Write them down, carry them with you, and use them often. Get into the habit of saying them while you're doing routine things such as brushing your teeth, work, driving, washing your hands, etc. You get the point.
Utilize the Benefits of Using daily Positive Affirmations
You must continue to actively "eject/get rid of" the negatives you experience daily. If you use affirmations occasionally, but allow negatives to dominate your thoughts/actions throughout the day, any progress you make will be quickly negated. So, if you find yourself thinking a negative thought or being negative, consciously "eject get rid of" that thought and replace it with one of your favorite positive affirmations if you have any. Below are some Affirmations I put together, You may find them useful, silly, useless,and so forth BUT don't knock it until you give it a try. I know ALL this is easier said than done....but what do you have to lose by trying...? NOTHING! Try which ever one you feel keen to and do it for 30 days and see the DIFFERECE :-) Everyday is a NEW day....
o I feel calm and relaxed.
o I breathe slowly and deeply.
o With each breath I become more relaxed.
o I breathe as a calm relaxed person.
o I feel completely carefree.
o I am free of worldly cares.
o I am free of unwanted stress.
o It is healthy and wise to let go and relax.
o I choose to enjoy this moment.
o I feel very positive and confident.
o I feel so peaceful and calm.
o I feel so comfortable.
o I feel like smiling.
o I am smiling.
o I am happy and content - and so relaxed.
o I am at peace with myself.
o I accept myself.
o My self-esteem is growing daily.
o I love the real me.
o I'm happy being who I am.
o All I have to be is me.
o My life is meaningful.
o My life is important.
o I now make good use of my life.
o I'll now be the best me I can be.
o I don't have to be perfect; I just choose to be perfectly me.
o I now recognize my talents and skills.
o I feel good about myself.
o I feel better each moment.
o I'm happy being me.
o The more I accept and love myself, the more I can accept and love others.
o I now eject negativity from my mind and inner self.
o I now control my thoughts.
o I now control my feelings.
o I'm building a storehouse of positive energy.
o I'm storing positive thoughts.
o I'm storing positive images.
o I am in charge of my mind and thoughts.
o I am in charge of my life.
o I choose to be positive.
o I am positive.
o I have great potential and I'm going to use it.
o Every day life gets better & better.
o I expect good things to happen.
o I see something positive in all situations.
o I turn negatives into positives.
o I am totally positive.
Thank YOU for stopping by friends, I hope this blog was able to lend YOU a helping hand in one way or another. As always feel free to comment,share,follow,or just simply enjoy :-)  Truly, Dennis Kelly

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Did You Know......?

                                    YOU ARE SACRED...DID YOU KNOW THAT??

Once in a while an event will occur either directly or indirectly in our lives which will cause us to reflect on our humanity. Do we treat each other with a sense of honoring that each person is sacred? If not then we need to do just that. Human life is fragile, and we need to protect that life as best we can. We can do this, and it's not very difficult to do. It requires a bit of decency, a realization that everyone has their own problems, that dignity and integrity should be shown to all people we encounter; no matter what race, creed, social-economic background or sexual orientation. None of those descriptions matter in how we treat others, or how we are treated. This blog comes after just sitting back and seeing ALL the tragedy in this screwed up world we all share.... All of that doesn't really matter; what matters is the loss of something sacred called, Life..... 

What would happen if we could take each life/person we meet, and consider that life as sacred? What if we thought about each person we meet as a son, a daughter, father or mother? Would that make any difference? Here's another question to ponder: What does it say about a society who allows innocent children, young adults, elderly, our troops, citizens around the world, and more recently in the middle east, to be shot and killed or be considered "collateral damage"? I honestly do believe that we fully don't appreciate the sacredness of life in our society. We have way too many deaths that occur from people who kill for either no apparent reason, revenge, senseless wars,and/or because they think it's the right  thing to do according to their agenda(s). Our lives are truly fragile our skin does a pretty good job protecting us from disease, but it won't stop a bullet now will it! The only thing that I can figure out that would stop a bullet and ALL the senseless wars and killings that occur daily....is to realize that each of us is truly sacred.
To treat someone as if their life was sacred is the ability to treat them as you would want to be treated. Remember that golden rule? That rule is still very accurate, and could/should be used many times each day. We need to learn to send out to each person we meet a sense of love, peace, compassion, dignity, and integrity. You know the quality or state of being worthy. Each of us need to be considered as worthy individuals now and forever. Each of us needs to have a sense of integrity about ourselves and OTHERS. This means to have a sense of moral values, and an adherence to a worthy code of honor. For some reason I always think of a "Marine" lol... when I hear the words dignity and integrityYes, Sacredness and treating life as sacred does imply a sense of knowing there is a higher power, a God. For most of us that would be the norm for we are to be made in the image of God. What we do to each other we do to God. Even if you don't believe in God, surely you can understand dignity, integrity and honesty. These are the qualities that make us different, because we can choose our path, our actions and reactions. Therefore we can choose to treat all life in a sacred manner. We need to be able to disagree in harmony, love, and peace. When we see our fellow human walking even if we despise him/her then we will remember that they are worthy and honorable.....easier said than done...but somehow we have forgotten to take care of our youth...our FUTURE... I believe that all of us, yes all of us will need to be a part of this care. Children and young adults should not need to be afraid that something will happen to them as they ride their bikes, walk to work, the neighbors' house, the park or out to play etc. We are all sacred individuals, and we need to treat each other with that same ideal. Honesty, Dignity, Love, Compassion, and Integrity are worthy and should be innate characteristics in us and our lives. My Heart bleeds to ALL the families and nations who have suffered so much loss by senseless, careless, senseless wars, and all tragic deaths. May we all learn to take a hand in caring and having LOVE for each other.
THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY THE DENNIS KELLY CENTER BLOGSPOT FRIENDS! Feel free to follow,share,comment,or just enjoy. Much LOVE to ALL MY READERS WORLDWIDE! Truly, Dennis Kelly

Monday, October 7, 2013

From The Desk OCT: 7th 2013

Hello Friends, It has been a super long day full of appointments and meetings. I think I drove a total of 200 miles altogether in just a few hours...phew long day lol. So I am touching base on TOXIC people again due to a blog I found wrote by my FORMER Radio show Co-host "JOY" is her/it's name. Not only did she fill her blog full of lies but also slandered me without mentioning my name, but anyone with a brain knows who she is speaking of. I have kept my mouth shut long enough about this Vampire named Joy T. YES I said it JOY T. That's her Dandy Dandy name that We shall call her. My Point....I helped this woman a lot...and in many many ways from financial help, mentoring, giving her a fiance even,  and even got her a position on the international radio show I host that has worldwide listeners. I not only put my own professional reputation on the line for her but also I put my personal life on hold so to speak to help her in any way she needed, including helping her and the fiance I introduced her to; into getting them a New place to live. I am not here to bash her like she deserves, but I sure will tell the real TRUTH about JOY T. She had the nerve to call me an energy vamp and many other horrible things in a private message today....at first I was pissed off really bad but after much prayer and meditation..I forgive her but I won't forget just how devious and FAKE she is. Lastly She even had the nerve before I fired her from the show, to attempt to ruin a great friendship that I have with two awesome people that edit/publish a great magazine....SHE made up some horrid things about them and ALL THEY did was offer her kindness and compassion and even work. Nevertheless this is all I will say about JOY T. unless she really wants to see the other side of me that would make her run for the hills with her 8ft tall legs lol....yes I am being a bit harsh and yes I know thats not right but you know what....One person can only handle SO much before they finally let loose. Now I have broken down TOXIC People into five categories....I've tried my best to be as descriptive as possible...Sorry for the rant lol...Moving on...
1. "Dirt Diggers" - 
These people store up a lot of resentment, bitterness and suffering. They feel satisfaction every time they tell you a snide remark about something in the past that they blame you for - regardless if this something is true or not. And if you have somebody like that in your life, then you know that they never miss a chance to "remind you" how bad, wrong, not good enough you are, every time they speak to you. In this way they feel superior. Something that they never had earned or never could have earned any other way. To protect yourself from them, simply find an ADULT debate/ argument that states the facts and the real truth for every situation that they dig up about you and don't leave them with the last word on any subject.
2." Greedy Backstabbers"
Unfortunately, they can't make it on their own to the top, can't be the center of attention in the family or the heart of the company in a friendly circle, and they know it. So, their success strategy in life is: pull down the competition. One way or another, they see everyone as their competition and this is how you will easily recognize them. They make up stories and spread lies for just about everyone in their circle, including themselves. Just that the lies they make up for themselves are flattering for them and the lies towards others are not flattering for the target. They thrive only when they involve everyone around them to believe that their make believe benevolent, peaceful, and virtuous persona is their true color. When in Reality it is total opposite.
3. " Black Holes"
Have you ever felt "the negative presence" of someone else? I know I have felt it many times around certain people. You live your life happy and hopeful, making plans and dreaming out loud. Then, you have the misfortune to spend time with somebody who cuts your wings every time you want to fly. They don't just criticize, they tell you in the face that "You can't do it!"  whatever you are up to. So you end up defending your dreams, convincing them that yes, you can succeed and do whatever you put your mind towards, over and over again. In the end, you start thinking: Maybe they are right. Maybe I can't do it, I am not cut out for this. And this is the moment when the last drop of positive energy is drained from you. Like a black hole, they don't have great ideas, and plans for the future. That's why they take yours. But don't dive back. So, start mental/ psychic protection rituals, and or PRAYERS OF PROTECTION daily. I know that I daily pray for a hedge of protection around me and my family.
4." Haters"
They just can't stand someone else to have more than them, or what they want. They hate it when someone in their environment is popular, wealthy, has nice things and nice friends. They don't like fair competition or investing in yourself to succeed. You will recognize them when they do something "innocently cruel" and then pretend that they were just joking. They fancy being superior so they just declare it and make their top priority to ruin your life so that there's no evidence that someone else can be better than them. For some reason.....hate propaganda for people and causes are very popular in recent years but not a very happy place to be in or around.
5.  "Victims"
They are always the victim of others, of circumstances, of their environment. Always bad things happen to them and there needs to come a "knight in shining armor" and save them. Needless to say, some of those skillful "poor me" manipulators are men and women and they wait for the Powerful, Gifted, people to take them under an arm and take care of them. What they do is: blow up smoke in your face with complaints, half-truths and excuses why it was never their fault, never their responsibility and always someone else or something else is to be blamed. If they target you, just like con men, they have an agenda and want something from you - your power, your position, your contacts, your money. If you can't run away, find out the tricks they use when lying and avoid their traps. 
All of the above kind of people I mentioned need to shipped off to a remote island so they can ALL Vamp and feed on eachother...I highly recommend RUN FOR THE HILLS from folks like this...and MY former so called "co-host" fits the above 100% and folks who know her and the situation will understand. Now I did not want to have to blog about this certain Vamp but I felt it is well needed after the needless attack on me today from her. Name is Joy but should be named "Gloom"
Ok Friends this is all the energy I am wasting on this monster, I know ME and I know who REALLY cares about me in this life. I thank YOU for stopping by feel free to share,follow,comment or just enjoy..I hope this blog gave some help to ONE of you that may have needed to read this info. Thanks Friends!                                                             Truly, Dennis

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


"Research confirms - and quantifies - it. Your chances of becoming happy increase by at least 15 percent if someone in your immediate social circle is happy." - Dr. M. OZ

                           OCTOBER 2ND 2013

Hello Friends, This is my first blog since surgery and feeling a bit better than I have in a long time. Today I am posting a blog I wrote some time ago, but after much thought I feel now is the time to share with the world. The month of September has been the worse on me in many personal ways thus far. I am still trying my best to be optimistic and positive about life in general...some days are easier than others lol. Through ALL of this month of HELL, It has become very clear to me WHO is WHO amongst those people in my life that pretend to "care" and the ones that are truly a Blessing to me.....which is ONLY a SMALL handful of people. I have found many people that I thought was REAL to be nothing more than FAKES that love to gossip behind one's back. One in particular had the nerve to say I wanted "pity" pertaining to my health issues! PITY is the Last thing I want...a little compassion would be NICE! We have so much horrible things occurring in this world and folks would rather talk horseshit than make a POSITIVE difference in this world. Anywhoot here is the blog about TOXIC people and a few steps that I came up with to deal with these energy Vampires.
                                                              Toxic People
What toxic people do you know? A parent? A 'friend'? Everyone knows someone who's an emotional vampire -- draining you emotionally dry. But if you have an addiction, whether it's compulsive eating, or gambling or any other addictive behavior, these toxic people know how to trigger you to sabotage yourself by reverting to it.
Stress can result in automatic triggers -- and yes, we're all responsible for our own behavior -- but there's no need to let these toxic people set you back.
Ideally it would be best to be able to talk to the person, and see if you can patch things up, but failing that, follow these rules:
1) Talking: Giving the 'silent treatment' or pretending everything is 'fine' when it's not, will only make matters worse.. Your anger will resurface inappropriately somewhere in the future.
2) Distance: Give a call (no e-mail or text either) and say how you feel. If you need a break, tell them. Say, 'we can speak when we're both not so emotional'. Keep your conversation short.
3) Guilt Don't let others guilt you into doing what you don't want to do. You'll hear, "You SHOULD call your mother, -- after all a mother is a mother," - that type of thing.. If you call, do it for yourself. Keep the conversation short, and have an exit plan in gear -- no anger or guilt.
4) Gossip: Some people love to get involved. They will bad-mouth you privately or publicly. Don't deny that you have issues with the toxic person, but don't fuel the gossip. It will only add to more stories and nonsense.
5) Consequences: There will be consequences for your change in behavior, but Inform mutual friends or close family members what's going on. but, Do not allow them to take sides or be peacemakers.
If you've tried all these steps and nothing worked, you have no option. You must cut all communication. Set strong boundaries. To do this effectively, work through your anger, and then accept that you can't change anyone person. No matter what you do or say, they will be who they are. However, you don't have to accept being hurt any longer, so you're the one who's made a change. Rid Yourself of the Toxic people so YOU can LIVE to your FULLEST potential.                        Thank You Friends for stopping by! Feel free to comment, follow, share, or just enjoy :-)                                    Truly, Dennis Kelly