Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mind your Mind....

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will even forget what you did, but people will never forget how YOU made them feel..."--Maya Angelou
   Hi Friends! Today i would like to touch base on how powerful our minds and thoughts truly are. I for one am trying to be a positive person through thick and thin....often very hard to do. But our Minds have a lot of power when it comes to everything we do on a daily task. We focus and think on the negative....well then that is what you'll get....focus on positive and that's what ya get...understand? This is all my personal opinions from life situations. Moving on lets talk about the subconscious mind we ALL have but few use lol....

   WE have the power to create the kind of life you want, simply by directing your subconscious mind.
But most people don’t know how to direct their subconscious mind so they have more of what they want. Instead, you may be (unknowingly) directing your subconscious to bring more of what you don’t want. Let me explain how your subconscious mind works.
To understand what your subconscious mind is creating you need to know your beliefs and your regular thoughts.
You subconscious mind gets its directions or instructions from your mind, your thoughts, and your beliefs.
It is what you believe, what you truly feel is real, how you view life and what you consider to be the truth about your life and the world that your subconscious mind creates.
For example: if you believe that it’s difficult to find a job or meet someone then your subconscious mind may guide you to the people, situations and opportunities so that you have a difficult time finding a job or meeting someone.
You may say the wrong thing in an interview, put the wrong thing on a cover letter, pursue the wrong kind of people for a relationship, do the wrong things when you meet someone, etc.
In many ways you may end up sabotaging your chances.
While you truly want to get a job, meet someone, or achieve any other goal, you won’t succeed because you don’t believe you can, you don’t regularly think you can, you don’t regularly feel you can and you think it’s difficult to achieve what you want.
Now I know this isn’t what you want.
You want to enjoy a better life.
So what can you do to turn the tide?
How do you stop the negative spiral?
Start with your thoughts.
Think about your goals.
Write them down.
Then start tracking your thoughts about these goals.
Write down what you come up with.
Do you think you can achieve them?
Do you think you will succeed?
If you don’t think you can, then why not?
What are some of the obstacles you may face?
What are some of the hurdles you see?
Write down everything you come up with.
Then go about your day, do what you have to do and when ever you think about a particular goal, make a note of the thoughts you have that come up.
Go back to your list and update it regularly.
Any negative thoughts that you come up with should be removed, or replaced.
Change them, get rid of them as quickly as possible.
Create thoughts that empower you, thoughts that allow you to succeed and enjoy your life.
Negative thoughts and negative beliefs may create a negative life. They might destroy any chance of success.
You cannot succeed and enjoy life with chronic negative thinking.
Remember, your subconscious mind follows your thoughts and beliefs. It sees them as instructions and simply follows them.
Your subconscious mind can be your great partner in success, when you give it the right care & instructions.
This is all my opinons and observations, I am no expert...But I do have a degree in LIFE lol.
      On to today's affirmation about our "inner voice"......
                                            "My intuition is my guide"

I now trust my intuition and let it guide me in enhancing every area of my life. Today I will pay attention to the voice inside, my intuitive self. I will take time to listen, to evaluate and to act appropriately.
My Intuition is a GIFT that bestows knowledge on me when I need it. Right Ideas are always available and waiting in my consciousness to be used for my good. I often silenced my inner a child my intuition kept me safe and at the same time urged me to express myself. In adulthood I will no longer live with this double bind. So today I welcome my inner knowing and listen attentively. Today I appreciate the creative ideas my intuition brings.....
Thanks Friends for visiting my spot in this big world :-) PLEASE feel free to express your thoughts and such I always like to hear from YOU ALL. Blessings! ---Dennis

Mind your Mind....

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will even forget what you did, but people will never forget how YOU made them feel..."--Maya Angelou

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dogs are better than medicine!!

"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a big way.'--N.Hill

Good day friends! I am blogging today about dogs and how they are more than just great pets and family members. I have posted photos of my dogs<kids> for you all to see who I come home to daily. After a tough day these three sweeties are at the door with a loving greet. 

  A recent UK study reveals that owning a dog is good for your health. And having a pet dog improves your physical and mental wellbeing more than having a cat.

This is the conclusion of a study by a senior lecturer, Dr Deborah Wells, from the Canine Behaviour Centre of Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Dr Wells has published her study in theBritish Journal of Health Psychology.

The study is a review of research papers that have explored the connection between domestic dog ownership and human wellbeing. In her research Dr Wells found papers that suggest domestic dog ownership can prevent people from getting ill, recover more quickly when they do fall ill, and give warning of early signs of cancer, seizures and hypoglycaemia.

She also explored the research into dogs and human psychological health, including the therapeutic role that dogs play in aiding the disabled and also in hospitals, prisons and residential homes.

An Israeli research paper said it was likely that animal companions helped people withschizophrenia feel motivated and calmer. And another UK study suggested that the companionship of a dog helped children with chronic illnesses endure painful treatments.

Some of the evidence was found to be weak, but in other areas Dr Wells found strong evidence to suggest that dog owners have lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and are less likely to have minor and serious health problems.

In one paper dated 1985, Dr Wells found that dog owners had an 8.6 higher one year survival rate after a heart attack compared to people who did not have a dog.

Dr Wells suggests there could be a number of reasons for the health benefits of dog ownership. There is the more obvious direct effect of increased physical activity, but then there are also indirect effects such as that brought by increased social contact and the possibility that the human-dog bond provides a psychological buffer against stress.



                                                                      AFFIRMATION FOR TODAY
                                                                "You are you're own work of art"
                                                   Today reflect upon the meaning of your life.
 Harbor within a vision of your  most perfect self, a dream of what you could become.
Today pursue this vision and work toward making your dream a reality.
In this way, you will give meaning to your life. Like an artist painting a picture, pause,
step back from the canvas and consider what needs to be done.
This will be a day of reflection. As you pursue to make your life a work of art,
so may these moments of contemplation help you to turn back to the canvas
of life to paint a portrait of your most perfect self.
This day and everyday hereafter,  hold before your eyes the vision of what your becoming.
Thanks friends, Dennis

Comparing cat and dog ownership, Dr Wells found evidence that people who take cats and dogs from rescue centres reported reductions in minor health problems such as headaches, dizzy spells and colds as soon as one month after taking their new companion home. However, it was only those people who had taken dogs, as opposed to cats, that still had the improved health conditions up to ten months later.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

From ME to YOU:-)

" I call him religious who understands the suffering of others."--Ghandi

Hello Friends, I have much I could touch base on, but not today. War is something that has been on my mind today...due to it's everywhere. One can't even turn on the television these days without war propaganda and such. I have friends in the military and this is not to single out any one person, but rather tell you my opinion on  war in general. I don't think War is EVER necessary.... There is something called open communication.... When we hear of peace talks in the middle east and so we ever see peace? NO! Why peace talks then....propaganda of course... Example.... The world has been breathing down Iran's neck about sup
posedly having nuclear weapons yet Israel actually does have nukes and our U.S. media conveniently does not mention it yet it focuses on Iran and Syria lately especially. Look what happened to Libya....the propaganda machine told us all it was going to be peaceful and now look what happened to the largest oil reserve in Africa I think it's a little coincidental that it is one of the largest oil reserves in the world and yet we supposedly went there for peace but instead destroyed it like we did Iraq and soon Iran and Syria my point is this is nonsense we are all humans on this earth brothers and sisters no matter what race sex Creed religion we are all humans war is not an option ever! that's all I choose to say about war for right now I am very strong opinions about this subject Below is a video watch it and then you see if you feel the same about war in general. 1 thing I want to make clear I am NOT against defending our nation I am against invading other nations where we do not belong. Especially for propaganda false reasons good example is Iraq and their so called weapons of mass destruction that they did not have..

Thanks for stopping by friends:-)  --Dennis

Friday, February 22, 2013

Only blog I am ever doing about this!

"If only you could delete feelings the same way you delete text messages." unknown
Today Friends I am touching base on Fibromyalgia, due to yesterday's blog. The two videos Here are to not only help bring awareness but most importantly help people to understand such a monster that some of us deal with. I suggest watching the second video first and then the top/first video. the bottom video gives a slight definition as well as a little information. The top video is an example of another person that suffers from this as every person with fibromyalgia suffers somewhat differently.
I hope this blog... Though short... Helps show you and give a better understanding of this monster named Fibromyalgia.
Thanks Friends! Dennis

Feel free to follow/share/comment:-) 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blizzard, Fleas & rudeness :-)

"Never allow someone to be your priority, while allowing yourself to be their option."--unknown

Hi friends, Not much of an eventful day..woke up early to just cold temps outside.As the day came along we got nailed with a butt ton of 7yr old nephew said (oh no! uncle Dennis its a blizzard outside, a real one!) As he said it so serious...all I could do was chuckle inside. I am truly blessed to have him...I love him just as my own son. Speaking of children my three Dog kids....Rex, Rucca, and Buster, have been getting very good at the art of manipulation lol. Lately they all three run to the backdoor, which means potty time...normally... BUT like I said lately, I will open the back door to let them out to go potty and they will be back inside in literally 2 seconds and automatically expect a treat and NOT go they think in there little minds that if they go outside they automatically get a treat and dad (me) falls for it LoL! My fault for spoiling them too much, but I wanted to share just a bit about their con games they attempt with me lol. Rucca is the 9 yr old Dalmatian, Rex who is 5 & Buster who is 6 are both teacup yea quite the Lil mix of personalities w/my dog kids lol.
    Yesterday I did my normal Yoga session & I can honestly say it is starting to work. When I say its working.... I am not anywhere as stiff as usual and my muscles seem much less tense than before I started the yoga sessions.  There is a lot more I have noticed but I will save that for a blog devoted to yoga only:-)
In the beginning I only started Yoga due to the fact my neurologist said it is beneficial for people who have & suffer from Fibromyalgia
although Now I think it would benefit all folks. Speaking of the Fibromyalgia, today someone very dear to me actually had the nerve to tell me (all I want is pity!) Because I have posted on Facebook about this monster disease and how it affects my daily life..SO apparently I want pity from people for posting about MY issue....Point is not only did it piss me off majorly but really hurt more than anything....its already a difficult health issue to even live with...let alone someone who I thought cared, saying such an evil remark like that. SO FOR THE RECORD I DON'T WANT PITY! I WANT SOME UNDERSTANDINGeverything I could even the census stuff for drops still bothered by that remark, but I have to just let it go & realize who is true to me in my personal life and who isn't. Moving on...and yes I know I go from one subject to the next lol sorry but that's how I'm wired:-)  Something I want to make mention of is Terramater botanicals.....last summer I battled fleas with the dogs like ww3...I used everything I could, even the expensive drops. Well I finally had enough of the fleas, so I went into The Owl Creek Gazette Magazine office because I knew they carried some products from TerraMater Botanicals.....I found some flea products that was all I figured what the heck won't hurt to give it a try. So I purchased a bag for only a few bucks. Got home used it on the dogs and everywhere else lol....Now a year later I STILL have not seen a flea since I used Terra Mater's Flea repellent herbs. So friends with pets I HIGHLY recommend ordering this...especially with spring on it's way. You can order it at OR local folks can easily go to The Owl Creek Gazette office on south second street, if you purchase from there you will see much more TerraMater products as well as Owl Creek Gazette items AND get yourself a copy of The Current issue of The Owl Creek Gazette.... which is a FREE publication! Free is the best price folks:-)  You will love the each month's issue is unique, informative, fun,and so much more. You can check them out at WWW.owlcreekgazette. com From that website you can read the current issue  also checkout their archive of ALL issues of The Owl Creek Gazette Magazine. I personally suggest you buy a subscription so that each month this awesome magazine is sent directly to you! For the business owners, this  magazine also have amazing Ad rates...their rates are the best I have ever heard of. So check them out too.
Well that's the last of my crazy ramble for today friends. Feel free to
comment,follow,share, my blog:-)  Thanks --Dennis

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

From the desk today

"When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another."---Helen Keller

Hi friends, busy day today in the life of Dennis lol. Something I want to touch base on is a website called, This site claims to be devoted to protecting consumers, business,etc. basically like a background check site. Well it was brought to my attention today by a Facebook friend that not only is the website very unprofessional but also allows Lies, Slander, and other unethical things to be posted as FACTS. I know we have FREE speech but Slander and Lies is not something that should be allowed on a site that claims validity in any way shape or form. My point is You or anyone can fall prey to lies and slander on the site....for example a scorn lover putting up lies and then the site putting it out to be FACT when the victim that has been slandered and lied about actually has Physical proof that the allegations against her on are complete FALSE....if the site is supposed to be legitimate whatsoever, this would not be allowed with out SOLID proof of the allegations at hand. Below is the video of the victim Robin Savage, she is a Facebook friend of mine that has been horribly affected in many ways by this ignorant tabloid site. All who watch this go to The site and DEMAND it to be taken down. This has even affected her personal and professional life. From my research this is just one of many many victims of the site.

Affirmation for today, for you and me :-)
     Each day gives me a new opportunity to express the perfection which is within me. With this realization in mind, I bless EVERY individual I encounter. I now release all old negative images and thoughts and refuse to give them any power. They are burdensome and have no place in my life. Today I replace the old images and thoughts with perfect acceptance of all that I am.

Other news friends check out THIS is the best place to get Herbs and a whole lot of natural things that YOU will benefit from. I did my Yoga session today and I can feel such a positive shift starting already...i recommend Yoga exercise to all of you. In conclusion, thank you for visiting my blog feel free to share and I always Love your feedback and comments.----dennis

Monday, February 18, 2013

A bit about Pendulums

Hi friends, I'd like to talk a little bit about pendulums. I am by no means an expert on pendulums, but I do know a bit. I will attempt to post a photo of one to give some of you a better understanding of what a pendulum looks like the basic form. the art of pendulum or dowsing so to speak has been around for thousands of years, at least from my research that I have done personally, they can be used for anything from finding and locating water just like dowsing rods all the way to having certain healing properties and so much more that I will go into on another blog. Many folks have different opinions on how pendulums actually work, my personal opinion is that it's a combination of working off of the subconscious, unconscious, and conscious mind as well as energy as  everything is made of energy. But like I mentioned I'm NO  expert when it comes to pendulums I just wanted to share just a little bit about my take on them I will elaborate on a future blog. I just wanted to take this moment and at least introduce pendulums.Friends if you have  any experience with pendulums feel free to comment and share Even if you don't have any knowledge  of pendulums I'd like to hear from you all :-)
P.S. The pendulum pictured is Rose Quartz Crystal

People Ramble & such ;-)

" The secret of my influence has always been that it remained a secret" ---Salvador Dali

             I am quite the "people watcher" maybe even a bit nosey. I have been this way my entire life, always observing people like a zoologist observing some rare species of an animal. My point in case, is Over the past 5 years at least, I have seen such a NEGATIVE shift in people in general. People don't seem to care for each other as much or at all anymore. There is hardly any Love, Care, Compassion, Community, Openness, and just being all around decent and kind to your neighbor so to speak. This is a sad and bad thing....its no wonder the world  is in such chaos. No one seems to CARE....personally thats what I see and feel. But the good side is that there are still some folks out in this world that do still CARE and try to have community with each other, if you come in contact with good caring folks like advice is to appreciate them because they are far and few. Nevertheless, moving on to other things..:-)
      I have been doing Yoga sessions a few times weekly now for at least a month, this was a suggestion from my neurologist to help with Fibromyalgia. I was very skeptical at first, but I must say I do notice a difference with my body and mind. Some folks have mistakenly thought I was doing some sort of "religious yoga" LOL! That is not the case, a person can benefit from the actual exercises and meditation of yoga without being some guru. I also believe you can not put limits on GOD as Most fundamentalist christians and catholics do. He is so powerful and all knowing....just look at the trees for example...what an awesome living thing...and its just a tree(hope i'm making sense lol) My point is Us, that believe in Christ should NOT put him in a box and think even for a moment that there isn't so much more to this life and world than meets the eye. Think about it...FAITH is the substance we don't see with the naked eye. Anywhooo enough with that ramble for now but I do intend to do a blog on the topic of Fundamentalists and how they push people away from GOD instead of bringing them into the kingdom like we are supposed to do. In conclusion of this all over the place blog lol, last week I found hundreds of pages of my poems, writings, and such from through out the today I am going to share one....after you read it you may think i am even more nuts LOL!
                                                 "Flame"  from2008
As I gaze into the flame of the candle, my thoughts prance around as if they have minds of their own...parading and dancing to the song of my misery while i feel like history...the heart beats, the pulse is there, the warmth of my skin is still here...yet coldness inside, no place to hide. Scattering around like the sounds of breaking glass.....I bought a ticket to the nowhere train, one way with no stop in sight, only open track. Candle light giving it's glimmer brings the memory of being a child....the innocence, the wonder,...the magic and mystery that came with each ticket is an endless clock, that never stops. As the flame dims down to darkness, the coldness creeps back to play the game. Where there is no shame..but just a flame. ---D.kelly

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thoughts and such

So I finished my first official blog with an affirmation, I am still very new to blogging but like I said in my previous blog, if I have the gift of gab use it as much as I can. I most often only use the gab on the radio show I host, but here I want people to get to  KNOW ME as ME not Dennis Kelly from The Saturday Night ride radio show or Mindzalike entertainment. Now with that rambling out of the way lol, I want to just express whats on my mind at this moment :-)  Recently I watched a film that came out in the 1990's titled "The Apostle" With Robert Duvall directing and starring in the film. I had seen the film in the 90's as an early teen, but totally forgot about it until recently. My point, the film not only boosted my personal faith but also helped me to appreciate even the smallest of things in life. I know it may sound silly that a film could be such a motivator, but it is to me. I think it was divine timing for me to watch that film. I recommend this film to everyone no matter what your faith, creed, belief system etc. is. Watch it with an open mind and heart and see if you come away with something personal and positive. If you do please let me know, i am curious about others thoughts and opinions.  As I sit here and feed my Coffee addiction and gaze out at the beautiful sunny (but cold) day, I am thankful for this small moment to appreciate all that I have been blessed with. I may not have millions of dollars in the bank, but I am a billionare in my heart with all the great people and things I am blessed with....perhaps not even a billionare because these things in my heart are priceless. On another note and completely different topic, my favorite read is The Owl Creek Gazette magazine. It is a self-reliant kitchy magazine that comes out every month, full of great info and topics. Check it out online and see how to get your own subscribtion They also have a weekly podcast " Creekside with Don & Jan" I actually got to be their most recent guest on the show. In closing, I hope I made some sense to you the reader lol. Until next time be safe and Bless you ALL!
Ok Friends I am fairly new to blogging, but i have the gift of gab so why not attempt a blog too.
The Affirmation I am giving today is not just for myself but for you, the reader. If any of my affirmations or advice helps just one person...then job completed :-)
I feel good about myself today, and I live my life with GOOD pride not the selfish pride, that many folks have.
 "Today I will be present at my own life. I will not view my life as a spectator sport, I will take risks, cultivate eccentricity, even live dangerously. In short, I am getting closer to being myself. My life is worth living, and I can be proud of it.
    What I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of life for it. To bring about a healthy self-image, I must assume control of my destiny and become a person who makes things happen. My life is where this action starts. As I actively start making changes in my life, I will start to feel good about myself and certain situations. As I express my talents and capabilities, I am allowing the expression of my true self. So therefore I live my life with pride." --D.K.