Sunday, March 10, 2013

! Art of Suffering !

"It requires more courage to suffer than to die."-Napolean

Hi friends, I hope if you are reading are doing well if not great! Today I have had one of the worst fibromyalgia flareups in a long time. It is still attacking me as I type and blog.
But I choose NOT to be victim but a Fighter....I do honestly suffer physically daily in one way shape or form. I will be the first to admit I have NOT mastered the "Art of Suffering"....I am haunted by my health daily. BUT I chose to be Dennis Kelly NOT Dennis Kelly with such and such health problems. I have seen suffering my entire life, through working with the dying, family members, and so many ways of suffering. I think EVERYONE suffers from something...small or big....mental, physical or even financial. POINT IS WE ALL SUFFER. So I have decieded to finally do a blog on suffering and how it is possible to be happy yet in a suffering state so to speak.


suffering  present participle of suf·fer (Verb)
Experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant).
Be affected by or subject to (an illness or ailment).
Myself picked up Yoga classes as considered by my neurologist and I have honestly learned!What I learnt on these yoga poses and sessions was that the art of yoga and pushing myself through these major  challenges - and many aches and pains,even in daily life sometimes, I am still learning how to look after oneself in a tough environment. This is what I call the ‘art of suffering’.

In reality this art lies not in putting up with pain, but in knowing how not to suffer in the first place and, when it hurts, understanding why. And so these two factors, the science and the experience, came together to explain the mechanics of suffering and how to apply it to myself....even though each day is a chance to learn on how to rid myself of suffering with positive motivation and meditation....still learning lol. This blog has been, for me, a very difficult one to write as it attempts to mesh several very complicated elements together (some of which I still don’t fully understand), both scientific,natural, supernatural,  and unscientific, in order to explain why we suffer. As usual this blog is based on a mishmash of cobbled together rambles, facts and my own opinions.     The cold makes us colder and heat makes us hotter, right? If we only lived a life of centrally heated leisure this would be all we’d ever need to understand. For those of us who step beyond the door in bad weather we soon learn that if we get wet, or it’s windy, we get colder faster. This may seem like common sense and the knowledge taken as granted, but many novices don’t know this, often resulting in a cruel lesson. As we learn more we begin to understand the science behind understanding and look past ourselves and our misconceptions about suffering in general. ALL of us should show support, love, kindness, care, understanding, and a sense of community, to help those that are suffering so severe. Even offer all of this to eachother...this should be OUR simply matter what unconditional love one another. WEll now that I have probaly confused you or given you a moving on. Yesterday I did a Presentation on DIY soap making with glycerin being the base. I did the event at The Owl Creek Gazette Magazine office for their Second Saturday series....I enjoyed it very much even though I was suffering really bad...I still managed to enjoy the event and the people...btw check out my friends
Below is an affirmation for YOU and I....where you see "I" Think of YOU :-)

    I am discovering my uniqueness as days go by. There is no one on earth like me. I was placed on earth to develop that special potential that only I posess. I look at the achievements and the specialness of others around me , and I bless them. Their wonderful qualities do take away from my own specialness. Jealousy and envy are not my way of thinking. I give dignity to myself and to those around me by acknowledging and respecting the UNIQUENESS in others. I learn from them,as I too,am unique,and do not feel diminished in their presence.  THANK YOU Friends for stopping by my personal little spot here on the web! AS always feel free to comment, share, follow, etc. Thanks again for stopping by.....Truly, Dennis