Sunday, February 23, 2014

2-23-14 Protect the Children...

       Hello Friends, Best of wishes to you all and I hope and pray each of you are doing well. Today I am not going to talk about my day as usual. I am writing this blog about "The Adventure Club" this is a small youth group I formed about 6 years ago. It started with my nephew who was age 4 at the time and another little cousin the same age. I would take them hiking, fishing, climbing, nature walks, etc. Well since then the club has gained members from ages 5-13, We have roughly 10-12 active members and one Senior Blazer age 16. The Adventure Club is designed to basically help build these kids up in many positive and educational ways doing all this under "fun and adventures" I try my best to instill faith,morals,self-esteem,positivity, and much more into the kids. They have different levels similar to boyscouts and girlscouts, except the Adventure club is FREE and some of the children do come from broken homes, those ones i give a little extra attention to. So each member gets badges and points for many good deeds and adventures. An example of a typical "Adventure day" would begin in the late morning with first going over the schedule of the day with the kids, then off to the first adventure such as going and taking an airplane ride. After the first adventure we move on to the next, which may be sail boating, a typical day with the Adventure club usually consists of 2-4 "Adventures" keep in mind while they are having a lot of fun doing these activities; they are also being taught many things during the actual adventure. They have a Motto that they memorize in the very first Level(pioneer) it's " With God's Help, We can do anything." That simple little motto has went very far in these childrens lives in many positive ways. Now i understand and respect when they get older they may chose a different faith, but that isn't the point. The point is to instill a faith period and to show them it works. Many of the parents and kids have told me positive feedback pertaining the club such as grades at school improving, better behavior at home, and a lot of other nice feedback. It delights my heart to watch these children grow and learn, to put to use what they have been taught. Overall the kids have transformed into some peace-loving, smart, sharing, loving, kids. Now I will get to what bothers me...POP CULTURE POISONING THE MINDS OF OUR KIDS! I see it more and more each day with kids. Even as young as 9 or 10, young girls dressing like they are 21! My nephew is like a son to me and I watch and filter A LOT of what he watches and listens to. This immoral culture we now have more than ever is not going to poison my nephew if I can help it! This is yet another motivator for me to stay doing the Adventure Club and showing them the Poisons of this world we live in...One of my favorite parts about leading the little club is when the kids are on a nature walk or bon-fire and they begin to sing songs like "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine" kind of a quintessential theme of living to your fullest potentiality. And "I've Got the Joy Joy Joy Joy Down in my Heart" is a message of hope for everyone really. This makes me happy they aren't singing the latest Miley Cyrus songs LOL! Sometimes, when life gets too complicated, it's comforting to realize that a few resounding themes or songs offer sustenance, in a way provide food for our spirits. Most of the wisdom which has stood the test of time--and has crossed cultural, ethnic and religious lines--is accepted by almost everyone as just that: timeless wisdom. Time-honored truths which are self-evident. You don't have to attend a church--or put your kids into my little youth group--or be a citizen of my country or even live in my generation to appreciate them as such. Being honest has always been a treasured  virtue. As has being pure and genuine in heart. It's especially now--with the constant overkill of over-sexualization by our culture practically smacking our kids in their collective faces; lack of commitment to ideals and values, to spouses and friends; political corruptness; and materialism.--A wake up call of  the notion that instilling moral excellence into our children is arguably one of our biggest jobs as parents and adults! And it has never been a more urgent responsibility! At the risk of sounding like an alarmist lol,  today's kids face issues of monumental importance. That kids of previous generations never even had to think about.I remember how much different it was when I was a child, and that wasn't that too terribly long ago. It's quite another to realize that half of all sexually active teens suffer from STD's...and that the majority of teens,  are ALREADY sexually active. Or that one in five teen girls suffers from an eating disorder. Or that even the sweetest girl can find herself in intensive care for alcohol poisoning....SO SAD! It's not just the same old "drugs-sex-and-alcohol" drumbeat that parents have been sounding for generations. The cultural gap has never been wider and more dangerous in my opinion... Generation gap? To be sure. But changes in the way we view cultural norms have never been more pronounced; this generation faces the reality of witnessing--firsthand--the total collapse of morality. And I'm seeing it with my own eyes. Flip through any fashion magazine--it doesn't really matter which one--and study the images running rampant in clothing and cosmetics ads. Sex, Materialism, etc. Over and over again. It's no wonder that moms of eight-year-old girls--time and time again--ask me how to keep their daughters from dressing like Miley Cyrus. And now I read somewhere  we're getting parenting advice from Madonna!? LOL! Oh, please! The same Material Girl who brought us public prancing and dancing in her underwear? I will uphold with unapologetic fervor my desire to raise morally excellent children. I will always--ALWAYS!--set the highest bar for them. Regardless of what the media or celebrities or PopCulture or New York Times bestsellers, movies, MTV, or peers etc. deem as OK or "Cool" or "In". I still preach to them That character counts. Always and always will and much more moral and positive things to carry with through life. There are some things in parenting that deserve compromise in my opinion. And some things that don't. I urge you to instill values into your children that leave zero room for compromise when it comes to VALUES. I believe--very strongly--that our kids' very futures depend on it and more.
"O be careful little eyes what you see. Be careful little ears what you hear. Be careful little feet where you trod. Life wisdom distilled into thee" --Unknown
Well Friends, I hope the blog today made sense and helped someone out there. Thank You all for reading and stopping by feel free to leave a comment, send an email, follow, or just enjoy the read (hopefully lol) Truly, Dennis Kelly

Saturday, February 15, 2014

2-15-14/Hmm....Just thinkin


Hello Friends, I hope and pray all is well with you today! It has been yet another very cold day with more snow. The roads were slick, I did happen to slide almost into a ditch. I didn't though, thank God lol! So I will be SO glad when the springtime gets here. Springtime here in my region, in the countryside is so beautiful. With all the colors of the trees,grass,flowers, and the smell of springtime is magnificent. To me Springtime is a time of rejuvenation for all things. Moving on...Tomorrow night I have the radio show to host at 7:00p.m. central time, If you would like to tune in where ever you are. We broadcast and Stream to all four corners of the earth through more than one outlet and MORE to come. So you can tune in from anywhere in the world, just simply match up your time zones on Satuday Nights at 7:00P.M. Central Time Zone. By the web tune in through our partner and affiliate's webpage stream, go to AND CLICK ON LISTEN LIVE, I think its on the right of the page. Also if you have the free download app the TUNEINRADIO APP on your phones,tablets,ipad,etc. Just simply SEARCH: Saturday night ride   AND that will take you to our affiliate's stream. If you are local or further to an extent you can tune in by going to 89.5FM REMEMBER FRIENDS to TUNE IN you have to do this on SATURDAY NIGHT AT 7:00P.M. CENTRAL TIME ZONE. This IS a LIVE show friends that is why it's important you know what time the show comes on in YOUR time zone. Hope you are able to join me on air, WELL now moving on to my point for this blog is because I came across a message/article that moved me in many positive ways thus I wanted to share it with all of you no matter your faith. Of course this actual blog will most likely appeal more to christians than a non christian folks, but that's ok. I respect everyones personal beliefs, I try not to force my personal beliefs down others throats on the same token I will share my faith/beliefs with those who are genuinely interested. So the All Credit of the article below obviously gets all credits and such for the article, as I mentioned I am sharing it with you as I feel I should. Thanks Friends! Truly, Dennis

Expert Author Gabriel Agbo
A child of God is not supposed to die anyhow. When you walk in the knowledge of a functional covenant with God nothing is permitted to take away your life prematurely. Nothing! Be it disease, demonic power, evil, hardship, or whatever. Nothing and I mean absolutely nothing is permitted to terminate your life before fully fulfilling God's program. Everybody has an assignment(s) that brought them into the world. God cannot just waste His time and resources making a wonderful creature like you. Also look at all the things put into the process of bringing you into this world - your parents coming together, your miraculous formation in the womb and birth, your growth, etc. Millions do not survive these stages, but you did! This clearly shows that there is a definite divine plan for your life. True!

Now, also look at all you've been through in life. Almost everybody has some painful stories to tell. Some have theirs characterized with protracted pains, bumps of life, calamities, disappointments and regrets that though they are now successful, they still shed tears each time they remember what they have been through. Even presidents, business moguls, kings, celebrities, men of God are all in this category. So, you may not be wrong to describe this world as generally unkind. Once you are born, the world begins to unleash its unkindness on you. Yet, in all these, an unseen hand kept you alive and going! I remember preaching like this many years ago and a very wealthy man in Lagos, with tears, sat me down and began to tell me all he went through in life and how God's grace has miraculously kept him. Yes, God has a purpose for your life.

When you eventually discover and walk in the knowledge of God's will for your life it automatically makes it impossible for your life or your mission on earth to be truncated. When you locate and obediently function in your divine place, nothing; no sickness, no situation and nobody is permitted to eliminate you before your exit time. The Psalmist understood this very well when he said, "I will not die, but I will live to tell what the LORD has done." Psalm 118:17. Yes, it is only the living that can praise God or give testimonies. Your staying alive after all those tough times, near-death situations will certainly bring glory to God.

But like the Psalmist, you must refuse to die before your time. You must insist that the will of God be fully executed in your life. This is the only way His name will be glorified. When you die before prematurely through the various means we had earlier enumerated please don't ever delude yourself that the will of God had been done. No way! I have problem with many statements that I see on obituaries today. Most proclaim the submission to the will of God, when actually the death was caused by Satan or carelessness or disobedience or lack of knowledge. Even Christians, unfortunately also die this way. True!

But, you are fortunate to be reading this message now. You can refuse to die prematurely. You can refuse to die through that sickness, through that demonic attack, through that difficulty. Yes, you can! The choice is absolutely yours. The Psalmist said that he shall not die but live to proclaim the goodness of God. It was declaration. I free you from those clutches of death now in the mighty name of Jesus! God said that we will live out our years in good health and in prosperity and nothing can change this. We shall go deeper into this message next week. God bless you!

Rev. Agbo

Thursday, February 13, 2014

FEB>13-2014 I am disgusted!!

Friends Thank you ALL for continuing to click the AD to the right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hello  Friends, It has been a long week on me physically and mentally. I will be so glad when sunday gets here. Sundays seem to be the only day I actually get a day to myself mostly. Personally lately I have had such a Horrible time sleeping, not falling asleep but rather staying asleep. It's usually the same thing that has been waking me up for awhile now. It is supposedly carpal tunnel syndrome in both arms yet they both have almost totally different pains and such, but the pain is hard to describe. It is kind of like when your forearm and hands fall asleep except imagine that,multiply it by 100, and you might be there, lol literally they become so numb and painful it feels like a severe burning sensation combined with pins and needles. The same thing happens to my legs sometimes aswell. Yet my doctors DON'T help a person get cured or healed instead they want to try to push poison and merely just mask the symptoms, This is a KEY motivator for me this year to try my best to go ALL NATURAL including doctors. I am disgusted at our so called health care system here in America, it should seriously be called "HEALTH-KILL" Ranting, Tonight I attended a nice little concert at a Local Charity Concert at a Great Music&Coffee house. I got to see a few people that I haven't really had the time lately to see but I was still on a schedule tonight somewhat so I didn't get a chance to really socialize with folks I''ve been wanting to see. Moving on, My blog is an article I read today that has made me sick and mad all day! What you are about to read should outrage you enough to do SOMETHING ABOUT IT, EVEN CALLING YOUR LOCAL POLITICIAN, and move on up the ladder with persistance. Excuse some of the language in the article, I did not edit it since it isn't mine I am sharing it to spread this message. So if you love animals or a heart period this article should spark that heart fire so to speak, so here is the article friends>  NEW YORK—Lauding his sturdy build, immaculate pedigree, and unparalleled ability to latch onto opponents’ throats until they bleed to death, sources confirmed today that purebred American pit bull terrier Nitro is widely expected to secure top honors at this year’s Westminster Kennel Club Dog Fight.

As the most vicious canines among each of the club’s 190 recognized breeds square off Tuesday night, Nitro is reportedly the odds-on favorite to win it all, having already mercilessly ripped apart each of his opponents to become the last pit bull remaining in the nation’s most prestigious dog fighting competition.

“Since 1877, the Westminster Dog Fight has featured only the finest bred and most brutally trained competitors, and Nitro is one of the deadliest specimens we’ve seen in years,” said Sporting Dog Journal columnist Mark Halberstrom, adding that judges would give the 3-year-old animal high scores in categories such as jaw-clamping strength, incisor sharpness, and overall bloodlust. “He’ll likely tear his way through the toy breeds very quickly, tossing the Yorkshire terriers, the Maltese, and the pugs around like throw pillows.”

“I was pitside last year when it took him 11 seconds to reduce a Bichon Frise to a pile of bloodied fluff,” Halberstrom continued. “He’s just a beautiful, beautiful killing machine.”

At the Westminster Dog Fight, held annually in the basement of New York’s Port Authority Bus Terminal, Nitro will vie for glory against well-bred opponents who bear the mangy coats, shorn ears, and infected, staple-bound lacerations that are the hallmarks of the sport’s true elite. According to insiders, he has already won numerous regional matches against such infamous veterans of the dog fight circuit as Razor Jaw, Sergeant Darkness, Bricks, Scarface IV, and Cerberus.

While his natural talent can perhaps be attributed to his rarefied lineage—he was sired by 2006 Westminster Dog Fight victor Jackknife—much of his success is reportedly due to his work with legendary trainer Rusty “Ratchet” Caldwell, who is said to have kept Nitro chained to a water heater from an early age, forced him to run on a treadmill, and administered a strict regimen of beatings with a lead pipe.

The 55-pound pit bull was also fed a standard diet of hamburger meat, shelter kittens, anabolic steroids, and gunpowder, sources stated.

“Only once or twice in a generation are we presented with a fight dog like this,” said blood-sport enthusiast Trevor Wilburn, who described watching Nitro methodically take apart a former police dog during a match at an abandoned foundry in Tupelo, MS. “He has the poise, the genetics, and the raw savagery necessary to achieve true greatness.”

“I’d say the only two dogs who have a chance to win are Nitro and maybe [180-pound Tibetan mastiff] Dreamcatcher,” Wilburn added.

Caldwell, however, expressed total confidence that Nitro would be the one taking the victory trot back to his cage. The trainer said he would be rewarding his dog with a saline IV drip and 160 mg of Oxycontin, while any other animals still alive after the fight would inevitably be drowned, electrocuted, or shot in the head.

“I know he has what it takes to avoid being carried out of Westminster in a trash bag,” Caldwell said. “And for me, there’s nothing more satisfying than shaping a dog into a maniacal killer from the moment of its birth, torturing and starving it for years, and then forcing it to fight for its significantly shortened life.”

“That being said, this nasty son of a bitch right here is also going to make me a lot of fucking money,” he added, hoisting Nitro up by his tail.(article source The Onion News)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

From the desk on FEB. 11th 2014


Hello Friends, I hope all is well with each of you around this crazy world we are in. I had a blog prepared and ready for today, but something stopped me....and i am GLAD. You see I came across the blog article that is posted below for ALL OF YOU TO WATCH AND READ. Once I read the article and viewed this video, It struck something within me.....something powerful and's THE TRUTH! That's right Rev.Kevin annett, IS telling the truth/whistleblowing about ALL THE CHURCHES AND Other's that have been covering up satanic, ritualistic abuse, and so much more evil that It literally makes my spirit sick! SO instead of just watching and reading, I contacted The Reverend, as soon as I dialed the phone number I could hear a phone being picked up while the line was still ringing....this shows that the powers that be was most certainly listening just as they will read this. When you know the truths and have the facts to back it all up.....then the one's doing the evil will do EVERYTHING they can to shut you up....first they may try to defame your name/reputation, if that doesn't wotk then they may try getting at you by bothering your family, and lastly if they still can't shut you up, THEY WILL find a reason to lock you up or put you six feet under, if you get my drift. Moving on, I plan on having this man on the radio show SOON....In just the past hour that I have been writing this I have got over eight "unknown" calls and NO voicemails left. This mans life is in danger, i am if you PRAY please PRAY for his protection. I know that once I have him on LIVE RADIO that is International; I will probaly get some backlash for having a TRUTHER on the show. I have no fear of the man that can take my physical body, but only fear of the one who can take my spiritual body...MY FATHER GOD. SO with that said, I will shut my mouth for now and let YOU Watch and Read. Mainstream media will most likely NOT report on this case OR THEY will try to discredit this man that holds so much truth and FACTS.


Pope Francis to face Trial March 31, 2014: ITCCS

New York City:

Outside the Canadian consulate in midtown Manhattan today, ITCCS Field Secretary Rev. Kevin Annett rebuked the United Nations for its “toothless” statement on Vatican crimes against children, and announced the launch of a new international court case against institutionalized child trafficking.
Annett said,

“If the United Nations had have been serious about combating the organized rape and trafficking of children that is allowed and encouraged by catholic canon law, it would have treated the Vatican as the criminal organization that it is, by revoking the diplomatic status of the Vatican at the United Nations and barring its representation on U.N. Committees.

“It would have encouraged all nations to nullify their tax exemptions to the catholic church and revoked the financial concordats that unlawfully funnel billions of dollars of tax payers’ money to the Vatican Bank. And it would have declared the Vatican incorporated to be a transnational criminal organization under the U.N. Convention by that name, and brought civil court action against all known child raping priests, and the high church officials who protect them.

“But the United Nations did none of that, and it has thereby enabled the church to continue its reign of terror against not tens of thousands of children, as the UN statement claims, but against millions of innocent little victims, and millions of victims to be … And so it is now up to the people of the world through their lawful common law courts and enforcement, to directly stop the crimes of the Vatican.”
Annett announced that the same Common Law Court of Justice that successfully prosecuted former Pope Benedict and compelled his resignation will now try Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, for crimes against humanity.

Bergoglio will be named as the chief defendant in the case that will be initiated in the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels by March 31, 2014. Top officials of the Jesuit Order and the Crown of England are also named in the court action.

In a startling news announcement last Monday, Jorge Bergoglio has been named by a former member of the Argentine military junta of organizing the trafficking of kidnapped children of political prisoners during that country’s Dirty War of the 1970′s, in which over 30,000 people died. (ITCCS posting, 3 February, 2014 at

The Crown of England is also named in the new ICLCJ lawsuit.

“Every Anglican clergy, like every catholic priest, must now cover up the raping of children in their church if they want to keep their job – thanks to the Queen of England” said Kevin Annett to a crowd of reporters and onlookers at the media event.

“By her September, 2010 agreement with former Pope Benedict to abide by the catholic ‘protect the rapist’ policy known as Crimen Sollicitationas, Elizabeth Windsor has formed a criminal conspiracy and committed treason against the laws of England and of Nations. That monster of a child-killing church and state must be slain, with or without the help of the United Nations.”

Kevin also announced that an arrest warrant may be issued against him soon by the Crown of England’s Privy Council office and the government of Canada. He announced that in such an event, he may be compelled to seek political asylum in the United States in order to continue the prosecution of the Vatican and Crown of England for crimes against children.

The complete transcript of Kevin’s press statement is reprinted below, along with a youtube broadcast of the event.

Rev. Annett can be reached at 
Sources: ,
Issued by ITCCS Central, Brussels

7 February, 2014

Press Statement of Rev. Kevin Annett – Friday, February 7, 2014 in New York City

Hello and welcome. My name is Kevin Annett and I’m the Field Secretary of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, and its affiliated common law courts of justice. I’m here today on behalf of the Tribunal to make several important announcements.

This week, the United Nations released a toothless and unenforceable statement on the rape and torture of children by the Roman Catholic church that has done nothing to stop that enormous crime, and has allowed it to continue. And so it is now up to the people of the world to halt the crimes of the Vatican by taking direct action through their own common law courts and enforcement methods, as we began to do last year.

If the United Nations was serious about combating the organized rape and trafficking of children that is allowed and encouraged by catholic canon law, it would treat the Vatican as the criminal organization it is, by revoking the diplomatic status of the Vatican at the U.N. and barring its representation on U.N. Committees.

It would encourage all nations to nullify their tax exemptions to the catholic church and revoked the financial concordats that unlawfully funnel billions of dollars of tax payers’ money to the Vatican Bank. And it would declare the Vatican Incorporated to be a transnational criminal organization under the U.N. Convention by that name, and brought civil court action against all known child raping priests, and the high church officials who protect them.

But the United Nations did none of that, and it has thereby enabled the church to continue its reign of terror against not simply tens of thousands of children, as the UN statement claims, but against millions of innocent little victims, and millions of victims to be.

The United Nations’ refusal to take firm action against the crimes of the catholic church is unexplainable and unconscionable in the light of the revelation last Monday that the criminal conspiracy to aid child rapists was broadened by the Vatican during 2010 to include the Church of England; and that conspiracy implicates the present Pope Francis as well.

Last Monday, our organization revealed that on September 16, 2010, the Vatican and the Crown of England, through their chief officers, entered into a formal criminal conspiracy to traffick children and aid and abet child rapists throughout the world.

That conspiracy occurred between Queen Elizabeth Windsor and former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, at Holyrood Castle in Edinburgh, where as a condition of the merger of the Church of England and the Church of Rome, the Queen agreed to place all Anglicans under the notorious catholic law known as Crimen Sollicitationas. This law requires that all child rape be covered up within the church, thereby obstructing justice and the sovereign laws of every country in the world in which catholicism or anglicanism operates, including the United States and Canada.

The present Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, has not only concealed this conspiracy but has recently been accused by a key eyewitness of organizing the trafficking of children of political prisoners in Argentina under the military dictatorship there.

Last Tuesday, on the basis of these facts, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State petitioned the Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels to formally charge Jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis, with abetting human trafficking, inciting treason and crime, and subverting the Law of Nations through the policies and actions of his church. The opening hearings of this case will begin no later than Monday, March 31, 2014, after which a Public Summons will be served on Jorge Bergoglio.

The International Common Law Court is also being asked to name as defendants in this case the corporations of the City of London and its Crown of England, as well as the Vatican and the Jesuit Order. These corporations and their officers will be named as accessories to an ongoing crime against the children of the world enunciated in the catholic canon law known as Crimen Sollicitationas and by the Holyrood agreement between the Vatican and the Crown of England.

Let me now take a moment to share the second part of my announcement today, and why I am saying this in front of the Canadian consulate. For this past week, I was informed by a British Member of Parliament that the Crown of England’s Privy Council in London is considering issuing an order to the Canadian Governor General and Prime Minister’s office to have me arrested and prosecuted for what they call sedition.

In other words, I may be charged with treason by the British monarchy under the same repressive laws that imprisoned some of America’s Founding Fathers and many of her patriots. And I am not alone in being targeted in this way: for three of my close associates, in England and Canada, were recently arrested and held without charges for having spoken out about the crimes committed against our children every day by the Crown and its courts, and sanctioned by Elizabeth Windsor.

It is Queen Elizabeth who has inflicted treason on her own people, by violating the English laws she swore to protect by acting at the behest of a foreign power and placing England under the jurisdiction of that power: the Church of Rome and its child-killing policies that subvert the laws of England, Canada and all of humanity. For that is what Elizabeth Windsor did on September 16, 2010, when with the connivance of Pope Benedict she required that all Anglicans aid child rapists. She has thereby violated her coronation oath and under British law, she and all of her heirs must either immediately abdicate or be removed by Parliament.

It’s no accident that my possible arrest was ordered by the Crown the very same week that we publicly revealed the Holyrood Agreement. But no amount of threats or imprisonment of their critics can change the fact that it is the Vatican and the British monarchy who are together committing crime. For it is not simply individual figureheads, but these institutions of church and state as a whole, that are criminal bodies, and they must be abolished root and branch to end their reign of terror on our children.

In truth, the Crown no longer has any legal authority in Canada or in England, for criminal bodies have no legitimate authority, under the law. The writs of the Crown, like those of the Vatican, are null and void. Only when a new Republic and Constitution is established in Canada will there exist any lawful political system in my country. And so I appeal to all Americans to help us achieve the same liberties won by your people against the British Crown in 1776. If fighting for such a free country is considered treason, then so be it.

And so finally, let me announce that in the event of my arrest, detaining or persecution by any agent of the governments of Canada or Great Britain, I have been legally advised to seek political asylum in the United States. If I do so, it will be for a single purpose: to continue in my God-given purpose of defending the lives and liberty of children everywhere from predators in high places; and to let justice roll down like a river and wash away the evil and corruption of the present time.

Let me say that I am hopeful of our future, and of our upcoming prosecution of Jorge Bergoglio and the system that he represents, because from London to Rome, that system is toppling. We must covenant ourselves into new relationships under Natural Law and cleanse ourselves of the criminal system that is destroying our world, our children and our future. And so I look to the American people and to the common law that binds us all to uphold all of us in this purpose. May God help us allow freedom to reign, and our children to have a future. Thank you.

Kevin D. Annett –

Sunday, February 9, 2014

From the Desk on FEB. 9th 2014


          Hello Friends, It has been a Lazy Sunday today. Full of Cold Snowy weather still, thankfully we did not get more Snow last night here in my region. Last Night (Saturday) The radio show I host went well, of course I was pretty tired and wore down by show time, I don't like to be wore out before doing any sort of show Radio, Television, Auditions, Etc. I don't feel I perform nearly as well as normal when I get to the point of exhaustion. I have been super busy lately with everything in Life, My Personal and Business life have been overwhelming to say the least....Mostly Positive but some negatives still but this too shall pass. I try not to vent my health issues too much for many reasons, most important reason is the fact there is always someone, somewhere, worse off than you or me in many ways I am sure. This little fact helps me through sometimes when I start feeling like crap physically. Below at the bottom of this blog I posted a LINK for YOU to copy and paste and put into your browser, so that you may get a sample of THE SATURDAY NIGHT RIDE RADIO SHOW UNCUT VERSION. I hope you are able to listen and if you are able please do  myself and the entire team at Mindzalike Entertainment and click on the "FOLLOW" button. This is a small uncensored version of the Mainstream show that airs every saturday night LIVE at 7p.m. central time zone. Moving see that Feb. seems to be a bit better than January. Now let's ALL hope that the Positive in Feb. Continues on, and continues on into spring and the rest of the year. We all need some great things to occur in our lives, so lets all be on the same vibration of being positive and Loving towards eachother. I really believe if WE ALL do this it can cause a huge positive ripple effect and spread like wildfire, so it starts with You and Me....I am going to continue to try my best to operate at that vibration, of staying positive despite ANY and ALL circumstances, and Loving Eachother as we Love ourselves. You do this to others and if others continue, then we will have that ripple effect that is well needed around the entire world at this point. THINK ABOUT IT! :-) WE need to also THINK THIS " NO WARS, ONLY HUGS" You may say it sounds silly, but I'd think you all would agree with having a Hug over any war? I'd certainly hope so. Well Friends My apology for the randomness lol. Next blog will actually have a point lol. Friends I hope  you enjoy the small uncut radio show episode, as always Thank you all for stopping by my blog. Feel free to comment,share, follow, or just enjoy. Love, Peace, & Blessings to YOU... Truly, Dennis

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

From the desk on Feb.-5-2014


       Hello Friends! Good tidings to you all, It is very cold here in my region still and plenty of snow and ice to share lol! Since my last Blog much has happened in my world, obviously I won't and don't have the time to go into everything for today anyway. I watched an interview today that took place in Hong Kong with Edward Snowden, We all know who he is and the portrait mainstream media painted of him. The video that I watched however opened my eyes even more to the tyranny all around us. After watching the interview, I was more than outraged...outrage due to the fact we are suppose to be FREE INDIVIDUALS LIVING IN THE "LAND OF THE FREE" Well we all know that isn't the case anymore, if anything The U.S. is becoming more and more like nazi germany! This is not going to change until ALL OF US STAND TOGETHER UNITED AGAINST THIS TYRANNY! Yes I am a bit heated about all of after I watched the Snowden interview I started on lots of research and put together today's blog...I hope it makes sense and wakes some folks up to the disgust that is going on in OUR NATION......
Exactly what is treason, and exactly who is a traitor?
My question is neither academic nor rhetorical. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, has already pronounced Edward Snowden guilty of "an act of treason" for disclosing highly classified details of the government's data-collection efforts. (1) House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, chimed in that Snowden is "a traitor."  This elevates the definitions of "treason" and "traitor" to matters of pressing public policy. In other circumstances, we might be glad that senior members of both parties have found something to agree upon, but in this case I don't see much silver in that lining whatsoever!
The terms "treason" and "traitor" are tossed around far too much, often by people who are ignorant, but sometimes - as in the cases of Feinstein and Boehner - by ignorant officials who either know better or who should.
Title 18, Section 2381 of the United States Code states: "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."
Snowden obviously did not engage in warfare against the United States. Feinstein therefore believes, or pretends to believe, that he "adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." Which enemies? What sort of aid and comfort?
The United States is not in a state of declared war against anyone. There is a violent yet metaphorical "war on terror," just as there is an equally violent, metaphorical "war on drugs." Terrorists and drug lords already knew our government wants to monitor their communications and capture or kill them. I, on the other hand, did not know that the government was gathering data on every phone call and text message we send, until Snowden revealed the truth. Am I an enemy of  America? Are 310 million of my fellow american citizens? I don't think so! We are the United States of America!
 However many laws and obligations Snowden may have violated, he is guilty of only the same conduct that Daniel Ellsberg engaged in when he leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971. Even the Crazy Nixon administration did not claim that Ellsberg had committed treason. Ellsberg was charged with violating the Espionage Act of 1917, and the charges were dismissed when it emerged that Nixon's "plumbers" ( named for their assignment of stopping leaks) had illegally burglarized the office of Ellsberg's psychiatrist. I don't think Feinstein, Boehner and their fellow members of the congressional leadership really believe Snowden is guilty of treason at all, in fact I think they urgently want to put as much fear as possible into anyone else who might consider leaking or publishing national secrets. If Snowden is guilty of treason, then what about the journalists and news organizations that published the information he provided?Consider Title 18, Section 2382 of the U.S. Code: "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both." Under this language, if Snowden had not come forward to identify himself, could journalists who reported his information have been prosecuted for protecting their source? Does anyone care to stake the right to a free press on the prosecutorial discretion of President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder? This, also, is not an academic or rhetorical question. Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., who chairs the House Subcommittee on Counterintelligence and Terrorism, asserted that journalists who report on leaks like Snowden should be punished, Rep. Peter King needs to read the constitution...better yet get it tattooed on his forehead! Snowden said he acted to educate Americans about the emergence of what he called a "surveillance state." The fevered reactions by some of the architects of that state support Snowden's argument that we, not they, should decide the balance between surveillance and privacy, between what is truly a matter of national security and what is an accumulation of data whose ultimate use cannot yet be known - but which is going to be used for something, someday, because knowledge is power, and power is always used eventually. There is NO treason friends. Snowden, whatever else he may be, is not a traitor either! But all this talk of treason is taking us down a treacherous path to tyranny and a police state nation. This is sad, America...Home of the Brave and FREE is slowly being drained and killed from within....Fellow Americans STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT! STAND BY OUR CONSTITUTION! Well Friends Thats all for now! Thank you for stopping by my blog feel free to share,comment,follow, or just enjoy!                                            Truly, Dennis