Monday, September 16, 2013

From the desk 9/16/13

Hello Friends, Today has been a chilly day outside here in my region. 2Moro I am getting a surgery...that I am NOT looking forward to whatsoever. Its a routine procedure that I must get done in order to stay alive put it like that we point is I'm very sick of having to go through the routine of getting poked with needles/IVs/meds..And then we come to the Propaphal/Diprivan the anesthisia that they use to put me to "sleep" is deadly and bad all around for me, especially the fact it is used on me multiple times a this is only one of the major health issues I deal with if you know me, you already know I deal with the Fibromyaglia monster and all that comes with it. NOW I usually try to not talk about my health to the public because I am not a Victim and No need for sympathy, compassion yes I'll take that. I have tried many natural ways of dealing with my health and have had small luck so far BUT I do wholeheartedly feel that the NATURAL world of medicine is where I WILL find my cure...Thats my ultimate goal and I will succeed. :-)Something else that has been bothering me a lot lately is the War on Syria vastly approaching....this saddens my heart. I can just see in my mind/heart the anguish and  misery that those poor innocent people and  CHILDREN are going to have to go through. There should never be war,  There are ways of talking things out but this is all one big SICK game for the big bros. club and they make money in many ways from these acts...disgust!  Anyway thats all I will say about that right now........I do have a topic for this blog i just need to get this junk out first lol...ok The BlogI wrote Is about something all of us need COMPASSION

The world is full of suffering. Holding on to hurt and our own suffering guarantees a world of continuing pain, dysfunction, disconnection, failure, and misery. I personally believe one way to conquering this negativity is to develop compassion and mercy in our lives and to apply those virtues and ways of life and in the way we have dealings with others. It begins with simple acts of forgiveness and an expectation of compassion.
Compassion is a human emotion that is experienced by perceived pain and suffering in others. Etymologically, the word compassion means to suffer together with. Compassion often involves an active desire to alleviate another's suffering. Various cultures and spiritual traditions around the world have recognized the value of compassion within the individual as a key component to spiritual maturity.I did some homework even for you below
Compassion as a philosophic principle.
The Egyptians and, later, the ancient Greek world produced many philosophers who valued the principle of compassion. Usually imploring people to either do no harm to others or to understand how others feel when harm is done to them, ancient Greek philosophers taught that compassion is one of the highest virtues in life.

"One should never do wrong in return, nor mistreat any man, no matter how one has been mistreated by him."
- Socrates (from Plato)

Thank you friends for stopping by feel free to comment,email,follow,share, I appreciate all that stop by my little rant :-)                               Truly, Dennis Kelly


  1. I agree, Dennis ... natural health and healing options abound and there are wonderful alternative therapies worth exploring! Zeroing in on and committing to a particular program/philosophy/life-style is worth the effort (but the fast-paced life so many of us seem to live these days can make that a challenge to be sure).

    About the prospects of more war ... well, it breaks my heart too! So as my personal daily Peace Vigil of sorts, I have decided to post images of "Peace Owls" on facebook everyday until the situation in Syria is resolved peacefully. Along with those Peace Owls, I always include some sentiment such as "Sharing today's Owl Creek Gazette Peace Owls as we stay vigilant in our desire for peace with Syria and all nations." OR "Sharing today's Owl Creek Gazette Peace Owls with an ongoing message to the President and Congress of the U.S. to Give Peace a Chance." It may not seem like much, but it's my own small way of protesting our government's inclination/determination toward war and it's refusal to listen to the American people who have made it clear they don't want any more war! Of course, I also email and call my representatives from time to time too :-)

    1. :-) Thanks for the nice and Informative reply/comment Jan! Your Peaceful Magazine is a great place for ALL readers worldwide to get a glimpse of a great Self-reliant read! :-)
