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Hi, friends, My apologies for not blogging for a while. I have a lot of stress to say the least going on in every department of my life at this moment. Yet again my family has been a victim of corruption. I do not need to go into details, my point is that it is still happening and this nationwide CORRUPTION HAS TO STOP! This is like war on the people...Lets chat a bit about this nasty word called Corruption. This has been branded as a very "contagious and dangerous " epidemic on our society. There are a great number of people who have been infected by this kind of social sickness. It is always the everyday word of mouth from the people living in the community. It is also very much popular to a group of people working in the government sector. Almost often times that we hear the word "corruption" in the news on television and radio stations. We are also seeing and reading this word in news papers, internet, police officers, officials, and some Mainstream Medias. It is intolerable practice of the individual working in private or holding public office and it is punishable under law. It is a crime but many people are inclined to it for personal gain. Almost all forms of government from different nations have laws that punish it but until now it continues to proliferate. There has been an especial disciplinary body being created wherein the only task is to monitor and prosecute those people involve in the illicit act. Despite of the punishment imposed on the person found guilty of the crime, cases on this unlawful act continue to rise. There are INNOCENT people sitting behind bars, people have been killed, wars have begun...all one word CORRUPTION. So stand Up PEOPLE for YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS AND AMERICAN RIGHTS...IT IS UP TO YOU TO STOP THIS TYRANNY. Unity Is the key. Moving On I will be interviewing Peace mom and Activist Cindy Sheehan on Saturday Night the 25th(2moro) as long as schedules permit, courtesy of the GREAT folks at owlcreekgazette.com Sunday the 26th at 1:00p.m. central time The Owl Creek Gazette will be holding their monthly PEACE VIGIL for ONE hour of PEACE AND UNITY...to stand for peace as a whole. For more info on the PEACE VIGIL go to thier website www.owlcreekgazette.com GREAT CAUSE! WELL MY friends I thank you for stopping by, I know have Readers worldwide on this blogspot and I APPRECIATE each and everyone of you! Feel free to share, comment, follow, or just enjoy. Much LOVE, PEACE, AND BLESSINGS TO YOU! Truly, Dennis Kelly
"The duty of youth is to challenge corruption." This is a wonderful quote and one I hope will truly begin to resonate with young people far and wide. After being active in politics for many years myself, seeking change through the understanding and practice of the non-aggression principle (we oppose the initiation of force or fraud), I know activism is in need of the input and effort of youth!