Sunday, November 1, 2015



      Hello friends! It has been quite some time since I have last blogged. I hope this blog finds each of you in good spirits and great health and happiness! Things in my world have been a rollercoaster to say the least. This year of 2015 in which is almost over already, I have made it a goal to tackle all of my health issues this year and so far I have made success but I still have a journey to continue a road to healing. Tomorrow I shall see a surgeon, for the past month or so I have suffered from severe pain in my hand and wrist. The primary doctor thinks it could be an issue with a tendon but I will find out tomorrow hopefully. It is things such as this that really can wear on a person in every way. When a person is chronic pain and/or having chronic health issues arise, depression is an easy thing to have. I personally do not let depression get at me, instead I have faith In my Father God Almighty that HE shall make things right and he has already in some ways. But if you are dealing with any chronic issues I pray for you and KNOW that HE is near you when you feel the loneliest. Healthcare in America has become disgusting...with most doctors and surgeons not caring about the patient's needs or getting healed but they'd rather keep us sick and drugged up. I am seriously beginning to research nation's that have great health and care because if I must relocate to another country in order to get my health back then I will! Your health is priceless and these western doctors are not helping us but instead adding to the problem. WE need doctors that give solutions not polutions to the body. If you are a doctor that IS NOT in America and YOUR nation has great healthcare, feel free to send me a message and I will research YOUR nation. Well my friends world wide I appreciate you stopping by my spot here on the vast web. In the next blog I will makesure to make it interesting. Much love peace and Blessings to each and everyone of you! Truly,Dennis

Friday, September 4, 2015

got REAL peace?

Hello Friends! Something that has been on my mind lately is PEACE and If you happen to look at any broadcast news re (TV/ Radio), or if you just simply glance across your feed on Facebook, it  becomes obvious to you that something is missing. This generation of Christians have somehow lost something important... in fact, something CRITICALLY important! It's so important that it should be considered even life threatening to lose; yet we've lost it! We've lost something so vital that we must find and reclaim it immediately or continue to suffer the consequences of it being gone!
This generation of Christians have lost "truepeace! We barely even know what it means anymore because we've become so accustomed to the world's counterfeited definition.
To the world, peace is defined as the absence of conflict. This is the only peace the world understands, thus the only peace we were taught and come to pursue. Christians have learned to only be at peace when our life flows undisturbed... when things are going our way... when we have all the things we want... when we're not faced with any type of conflict or struggle. To us, that's what peace means... and unbeknownst to us, its real meaning is gone.
How did we lose it?
Well, by the time most of us were teens, we had already begun our pursuit of this world's definition of peace; which is to gain peer approval, to seek worldly position and to be free from conflict. But in this world, our ability to provide these things is based solely on the access we have to the things we desire. Those who have what they desire have the ability to gain peer approval, ease the struggle of social and financial conflicts and provide this world's type of peace for themselves. Those who do not have access to what they desire do not have access to this world's version of peace or any possessions thereof. In this world, there is no peace without possessing your heart's desire; even if your heart's desire IS peace.
Differing levels of education lie at the root of this world's definition of peace. Education largely determines if and how often we face conflict. Thus, a person with a higher-level education will often generate a large income and, therefore will not feel conflicted by things such as minor fluctuations in gas prices, the rising expense of quality child care or absurdly high college tuitions. However, a person without higher education will generally have a lower income and will therefore see the same dilemmas as major, life-threatening conflicts attacking their well-being and that of their spouse and children as well. Education (specifically in the United States and China) is the key factor in every person's ability to provide peace as this world defines it for themselves and all those connected to them.
This world's version of peace creates two categories of people, the "have's" and the "have not's". The former category has access to the only peace this world knows; while the latter is trapped in a prison with little-to-no peace (often literally)... only more situations involving conflicts similar to those mentioned above. It's no mystery that many of the "have not's" become desperate to be free of conflict, even if for just a little while. And it's no mystery that many of the "have not's" are struggling to somehow move from their world as a "have not" to the other side of the fence where the evenly manicured, perfectly edged, well-watered grass is much, much greener (often literally).
The sad part is both worlds are temporary because they're both based on "present condition" and circumstances of life will rarely permit this world's concept of peace to exist for very long. "Present condition", whether positive or negative, will always be completely temporary and this world's version of peace, and always a complete facade! The facade was designed by a spirit who is the enemy of God... he designed it with one intension in mind: To force you to utter the most terrible phrase a Christian can ever say:
"I'll do anything to be free... "
Once you have reached this point, nothing is beyond consideration to achieve what would supposedly bring peace. It's at this point that a young black teenager will kill another young black teenager in his own pursuit of this world's version of peace. It's at this point that a husband will divorce his spouse and marry his work (or his co-worker) with the diluted intension of making life "better" searching for what this world has defined as peace. It's at this point that people will drink alcohol or inhale chemical substances if for nothing else, to artificially acquire a taste of this world's version of peace. And it is at this point that Christians will falsify tax statements, make purchases they can't afford, embezzle company funds... even embezzle church funds for a grasp of this world's version of peace.
All of this because we have lost the true meaning of peace... That's why a family of 5 will spend their last dollars on Lotto; why men and women sacrifice irreplaceable family time at work doing overtime; why people will sell their souls (often literally) dying to get their hands on some of what the world has as a substitute for peace.
But it's time to reject this faulty substitute and get OUR peace back! The fact is "true" peace is not gone... it's only misplaced; meaning, it still exists and can easily be found. To find it, you must really understand what Jesus is saying in this verse:
"PEACE I leave with you... MY PEACE I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives...
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27
Where is true peace? TRUE PEACE IS IN CHRIST! Jesus said, "MY peace I give to you". Notice Jesus made no mention of conflict or circumstances. He made no mention of peer approval or position. Nothing about financial security. Nothing about higher education. Yet, Jesus said I'm leaving MY Peace with you.
Then, Jesus explained that His peace is real... it's not the facade that the world offers. It's not artificial, it's not superficial, it's not circumstantial and it's definitely not temporary. The peace Jesus gives is UNCONDITIONAL and EVERLASTING; just as his love is unconditional and everlasting. Jesus said that with His peace, your heart will never again NEED to be troubled or afraid.  Be safe and Be Blessed Friends around the world! Enjoy your day/night! Truly, Dennis

Sunday, March 1, 2015



Hello Friends! It has been about a month since my last entry or blog, I have been very busy with life in general. SO much occurs from week to week month to month and many changes always happen as well. Something that never has nor will it change =, is the fact I have a bleeding heart for Africa, especially Uganda and Kenya, There are a couple Orphanages there that I partner with on a regular basis. It fulfills me to know I was able and blessed enough to make a difference over the past couple years. Now it is getting close to the time to go and visit the orphanage in Uganda, I feel it strongly to go even if only for a couple day visit. I have debated to simply finance the trip to Uganda personally or have a little fundraiser and I have decided to do more of a grass roots program exclusively to help the children in Africa and world wide, I call this mission  " Project dreams" Why you may ask that I chose that name for the charity, because I feel and know firsthand that most if not all of the children suffering in many ways eventually give up on their dreams and goals, I want to help turn that sadness and hopelessness the children live through into HOPE & HELP them to follow their dreams despite the situation they may be in. Now Moving to some lil notes....Recently I took a well needed Sabbatical break from society, and it helped me on all levels of my being. I have had quite a bit of blessed opportunities lately more than usual...kind of odd but a good odd lol..I have had 3 career offers from Radio/Media Corporations, One example is Sattellite XM radio and such. More recently I have auditioned for a film/Motion picture by request amd I got the part, this is a speaking role so I have plenty to memorize before THIS saturday march the 7th! Phew! lol But I am blessed to work with such a great and award winning director, he has directed Academy award winners and so much more, the film I am currently working on is a drama/comedy aka Dramadey, Now my topic of this blog is the Aids crisis in AFRICA, I have my own personal opinions on how it began...through supposed "Vaccines" anyway moving on my point is a very smart and great doctor gives common sense way of preventing it and curing it and it all makes perfect sense if you REALLY think deep about this with an open mind as well, below is the video of the Interview with the doctor, by the way friends from MARCH 1st to the 5th my Books are free on AMAZON.COM only so go get yourself a free copy and send me an email that you got it, I do believe the first volume and the third are the promotional free ones for the next few dsys just search my name and "Alice" By Dennis Kelly.
Here is the video friends! Bless you all! LOVE&PEACE!------TRULY,DENNIS 

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 The context was the exposure to HIV before primary infection. The fact you will develop an infection or not depends of multiple factors as : the amount of virus that penetrated the body, the way (sexual, parenteral, ...), and probably the immune system's health so under nutrition state, general health, etc in Africa, according to what Montagnier said. It's all about  the natural healing to prevent and decrease HIV transmission in Africa, not stopping it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

From the Desk of Mr.Dennis Kelly January/28/15


                  Hello friends, I hope all is well with each and everyone of you. My apology for not blogging sooner. This is my second Blog of the new year and I am proud to have nearly 8000 worldwide monthly readers. I appreciate each and everyone of you! Near and Far! So the winter in my region has been odd, we haven't had any ice or snow storms just mainly cold temps. So no complaints here lol, One announcement I will make is that The Trilogy I have been writing for quite some time is now complete Below is the Third book of "The Chronicles of Alice Tarpley" The Trilogy is edited fairly raw and the Trilogy doesn't drag on it is a fast read, so far I have got good reviews. Even if I got bad reviews I don't care because I write not for approval  but for expression. I invite you all to check the books out on The First book is titled " Alice " by Dennis Kelly. Moving on....MANY GREAT opportunities have come for myself and team of Mindzalike Entertainmnent.  We have been invited to Hollywood,California, Several Red Carpet events, and much more that I can't discuss YET :-)  However I can discuss  my recent auditions for several different television and Movie/Film productions have gone superb. Out of the past 12 auditions I got 8 of the parts, and three are lead roles. Therefore my springtime and Summer will be busy with creativity. I am blessed to work with such prestigious directors whom I can not mention yet but will as soon as I am allowed. Moving on......what do you think of all this chaos already in this new year around the globe!? I think this year is going to be a very volatile era or something of that nature...i can sense something BIG coming. Some Music I suggest YOU LISTEN TO TODAY is Sam Cooke the legendary soul singer...just give him a listen friends....Well until next time feel free to follow,email,comment, or just enjoy! Blessings!  ---------------------Dennis


Friday, January 2, 2015



         HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015

      Hello, friends and Happy new year to you all! My apologies for not blogging for quite sometime, I have been very busy with many major Life changes. two months ago I lost a 4 very close family members in a horrible automobile accident, and my health had took a turn for the worst. SO I have been dealing with this as well as my own personal life and much more...acutally too much! lol. There are two major surgeries coming up for me, if they are successful which I know they will be because my father GOD almighty loves me, anyway moving on IF the surgeries work, then I will never need another surgery anymore AND It will be like having a new body with out all the pain and suffering when the flareup hits or the neurological issues bother me. So I am making this new year the NEW CHAPTER OF MY LIFE in all ways! I suggest YOU DO THE SAME MY FRIENDS! Moving on and letting go from all negative things in your past will not only HELP YOU but Bless you in many ways. Recently I have Authored my first book titled ALICE by DENNIS KELLY, you can check it out on Amazon, that is the fastest way. Back to the Book I wrote, It has now become a Trilogy titled The Chronicles of Alice Tarpley, a 3 Volume series of coming of age and the supernatural and much more all in this Trilogy. The Last of the Trilogy will be Released January 25th 2015 SOON! GO to Amazon to get it sooner than the bookstores. I never intended to write a book honestly, you see I had a film script I had wrote years ago that was to be a short film I was going to direct but the project fell through, recently I came acrossed the script in my office and decided what the hell I'll re-format it into a story the best I could anyway and send it off as a manuscript. I never thought someone would think it was good enough to publish not One but now three books of mine and now even a Childrens book series coming soon. I have an new Agent and Editor, Now I noticed 2-4 typos between Volume1 and 2 so I contacted my editor furiously because I knew that I had already checked everything before I gave the manuscript to him. Therefore there should not have been ANY misspellings. But I talked with him, he of course blames it on "the machine that makes the books" Lmao so if you get a copy with any typos my apology. But that should all be fixed soon if not already. This year has has many ups and downs, I am glad 2014 is OVER! IT SUCKED ASS i am sorry but it did in many ways. I have a good feeling about this new year, I personally have begun a deeper spiritual journey over the past few months that is leading me into some very knowledgable and enlighetening insights and learnings. I have been told by more than one highly acclaimed INTUITIVE that there was someone attempting to do witchcraft or wish Ill things upon me BUT that was stopped by the blood of CHRIST. I hope it is not the person that had crossed my mind because I really acutally would like to be better friends w this certain person but with others around and adding nonsense to the mix it has been hard to be her friend, but I have decied this year I will attempt to become good friends with her because she is such a sweetheart its just certain people around her are more devious towards me for NO reason accept ones they made up in there own minds. NOw moving on friends....I want you to know that ALL OF THE PROCEEDS of my book sales goes totally to Children's charity locally and worldwide. I will go for now but Shall bring something of interest the next blog, feel free to get my books and let me know if you do. Much Peace and Love to you all! TRULY, Dennis