Monday, April 28, 2014

Hope through pain....


                       HOPE THROUGH PAIN....

         Hello friends, it has been a while since my last blog. My apologies life has got in the way somewhat. Not all bad, but equally good and bad, of course I know through faith I am personally moving into a Positive Period of transition in myself and my life. Change is always scary a bit, but when you are positive and have faith you won't be shaken....too much lol. So that past month of April has been interesting to say the least, besides all of the crazy things going on with the world itself, it seems to me people in general are is hard to put into words but I feel a big shift for everyone on the planet, some good, some not so good. I pray ONLY GOOD for you my friends! I would like to thank you all, I now have well over 5000+ readers, and I appreciate each and everyone of you. Do feel free to share ME with your friends and family if you'd like. SO to touchbase on my world lately....the entire month of april I took off from the radio show for several reasons. To recharge myself and I had and still have other side projects, Recently I went to a Red Carpet Event That I was invited to, it was the World Premiere of a very good  Hollywood film. I not only had a great time but also met many great people and came across some blessed opportunities. Hollywood rarely puts movies out these days that have a message of inspiration and hope. I am fortunate enough to be in contact with the Director and the Executives from the film company now. They are very nice people. So yea it has been an ok month, I go make to The saturday night ride radio show May 3rd 2014 at 7:00p.m. central time YOU can tune in by going to our partners webpage and click on listen LIVE. Well Todays blog friends I have prepared it over the course of three days, usually I write a blog in a day. However this blog I want to really touch you in whatever way your heart and spirit may need....MUCH LOVE and BLESSING TO YOU ALL! A friend of mine named chad wrote a beautiful album and after listening to it. I was inspired to write this..

There are times in life -  where we all have entire seasons and some folks  even entire lives - where pain, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, affects the experience of life so much we are numbed to joy and happiness to the point our life becomes a daily battle. Such pain inevitably winds up as an exercise of spiritual survival in my opinion kind of like the saying " what does not kill makes us stronger" . Pain always ends up affecting our well being and quality of life as a whole by which our souls reside within this existence called life. Almost like being a prisoner in your own body.
Survival is our goal, but we might often ask, what is the point in mere survival? Still, there are many who would be satisfied to achieve just that-to simply endure their lives. BUT we have to be proactive and fighters about our well being!
                                                                    HOPE BEYOND THE PAIN
    It may be easier said than done but  a pain-filled life without a good and solid source of hope and a good support system,  through which to bear the considerable weight of our tumults, tribulations, and to help motivate us in order to fulfil the quota of effort required to do our daily tasks as humans and to be able to function as much as possible. To survive great pain we need great hope and faith. The greater the pain the greater the hope  and faith is required And we are fortunate, every single human being, to have nothing less than God's full Presence and Mercy and Grace through the ever so loving and powerful Holy Spirit in order to guide us to the fullness of hope sufficient enough for all of our unique need(s). The Holy Spirit is the Advocate, the comfortor, and the Encourager. When we know no hope we can still know hope through what is written and powerful. We can know hope and faith through the encouraging voices, both ancient and contemporary. We can know hope when we know that God has a plan,a call. a duty. and a future hope , for each and EVERY one of us. Sometimes we simply need to be reminded of these truths. I know I need to be lol But  enduring most pain it can seem that hope and faith is not enough trust me I have and still sometimes deal with this. Indeed, it doesn't feel like it is enough, but we can know from reflecting over our past experience that we got through; especially times it seemed possibly more impossible than the present challenges. Somehow hope and pure faith transcends the pain - but not really by present experience. The pain can seem bigger than us and our hopes and faith. But as we look back we see how our hope and faith was kept strong by the almighty to have even faith to simply go on, and not giving up. The fact is we are still here, fighting still, is testament to the fact we haven't ultimately given up. and NEVER SHOULD.. That is the testimony of hope - not of joy - but of teeth-gritting hope. That's faithfulness and I continue to try my best to have the faith so strong it could move a mountain with a mustard seed...WELL friends I hope that this blog helped YOU in some way shape or form. I thank you for stopping by. feel free to comment, share,follow, email me or just enjoy, Truly, Dennis
 P.S, Remember....Hope and Faith, though it seems insufficient at the time of our pain, always gets us through. The grace and love and mercy of God - to get us through, despite our struggles - is always sufficient. When we hold onto such hope, grace is unfolded and ways unexplainable and gracious...

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Just a Dream...?


           Hello Friends, It has been quite sometime since my last blog entry. My apology for that, Life is like a rollercoaster for me most of the time. So much to catch up on but I don't have time to touch base on everything that has happened since my last entry. To start, last month on March 5th I had another urology surgery. The surgery went well but the recovery portion was the worst surgical recovery I have ever had....this brings to mind the previous surgery that I had to get back in dec. 2013, When under the Anesthesia during surgery a person does not dream....atleast I NEVER have and i have had many many surgeries. My point while i was under the powerful drug Propophal ; same drug that killed michael jackson. That is what they use to knock me out completely before surgery....well nevertheless during this particular surgery I "Dreamed" so I thought. In the Dream I was in a very bright room that was endless and i was sitting next to this huge chair but the chair in the "dream" looked more like the right side of a big throne, as I felt very small in the dream. Now that is all I remember of that "Dream".  But Once I woke from surgery and was mentally aware, the doctor came and talked to me and informed me....that apparently during surgery they lost me for 5 seconds! This news blew my mind to say it lightly, but the "dream" made sense then....I now personally feel that was not a dream but a trip, possibly a trip to my FATHER GOD. Now that I look back at it. March 31st 2014 marks 14 years that I have accepted Christ into my heart and have come to love him more than anything or anyone.  That March night Changed everything about me....every single detail about me, all the way to my inner most being.....I became a totally NEW creature, before that I was VERY VERY skceptical about Christianity and Christians periond...I was more of a borderline "witch" NOT that I practiced witchcraft, BUT I had dabbled enough to not want to mess with it again BUT if it were not for that March night in 2000, I would have most likely stayed in the wicca/witchcraft junk and eventually would of died...there has been  many times in my life I should have died and well...Im here though right lol? Anyway moving on to a totally different subject lol, I am talking about change as the overall message...trying to anyway lol, I have been on a personal Journey of Transitioning as of lately. It is a good thing, I am trying to be more Proactive in many departments of my life and I have decieded to move, I am not moving very far just across the city to a much different surrounding altogether. I am a bit anxious to see how it goes, The Home is very antique Victorian style with some beautiful woodwork and such, It has a very positive liberating feeling the home does. So starts the stress of moving which I hate with a passion lol. This is the next step I will post some photos of the New Dwelling place. :-)  Now I have not done the radio show for quite sometime due to taking a break and refreshing and CHANGE....WE are going back on the air in just a couple weeks. So we have season 11 of THE SATURDAY NIGHT RIDE RADIO SHOW, beginning in weeks and that is more than you'd think to prepare for. Speaking of the beloved radio show. Recently SOMEONE called and complained that we (the show) was promoting the occult! Ofcourse the GM didn't believe it as he chuckled when he told me. He has known me since i have been about 12 or 13, any way I am certain I know WHO did the feeble minded call/complaint. IT didn't work because we do not promote such, we are a talk show that covers almost every topic,guests etc, and the occult may of come up during a show with a guest, example an author wrote a book about the dangers of the occult, BUT NEVER do we promote such garbage nor do we support any kind of witchcraft/dark magic junk. There are some changes i have made with some friends also, never to be malicious but sometimes when certain things just either dont feel right or life gets in the way sometimes you just gotta distance yourself for a short time, but when you do this many will sadly take it personal. Just try not to lay it on thick or hurt the friends feelings even if you feel hurt by them. Moving is the blog that kept me up super late lol 
Change is all around us. We see it  everywhere we go and everything we do. Even in things that we consider solid and permanent, we eventually see change. For example,  Most people a home is important to them because it makes life easier and better. A house is built to last, however, as long they may be ever lasting as they are, they still are changing; they will need repairs, new windows,roof,etc. or to be replaced. As a house gets older it changes and I feel the energy does too, it may not look as good as it once did. It may not be as safe or secure. We may want new items of technology or comfort. So most folks make improvements;  they make changes. Many things in our lives are changing and how we deal with change is very important. In some areas it is important to work for change, working to make things better in our life and for others. In other areas we need to fight against change or fight against the odds of things. The nature of this world is decay; we see it in many things. If we do not work hard at resisting change, change will happen and often even faster. This is one of the reasons we work so hard to maintain our houses, to slow the change of it getting older. These things happen in the spiritual realm as well I believe, change and resistance to change. In some areas there is a need for change, for example, people need to be changed. There is a great need for people to get saved by Christ in the Christianity and secular world. This is a good thing, and a big change. There is also a need for resistance to change. If we are not careful the things we hold most dear to faith and belief; can slip away, lost to the decay of change. An example, In the Bible we see change. To move from slavery in Egypt to the Kingdom of David and Solomon is a dramatic change. Paul's move from persecutor of Christians, to the greatest spokesman of the faith, is a radical change. Change is a part of life. The question is will the change be positive or negative. Job endured extreme negative change, all he had was destroyed and taken from him. Then by the end of the book, his world had changed again, he had twice as much of everything. Change is all around us and our choices affect change. For example, if I never service my car, never change the oil or do anything to the car, it will be changed and the change will be negative. By contrast, if I do the suggested servicing of my car, I am resisting the change of time. We know our actions make a difference when it comes to a change in spiritual things as well. If I tell people about Jesus, they may get saved, that is a dramatic change in their life, both now and for eternity. Our prayers should lead to change as well; they did in Jesus' life. He prayed and the blind saw,people healed, etc. He prayed and the dead were raised. Prayers made for radical changes for those around Peter and John; for example, the lame walked. Throughout Christian history we see men and women who prayed and then life, nature, people, governments, or situations changed. Prayer has not changed; it is still an effective force for change. And all around us there are people and situations that need change. The question is; are there people who will pray. Are there people who will make the necessary changes in their life so they can be a man or woman of prayer? So they can be effective in prayer and pray for change? The change that affected the lame man is a good example of the key points of this question. There were thousands of people who walked past that lame man every day. His friends brought him to a good place to be seen by people, a place where he could successfully beg for money and help. And day-after-day, people walked past him, some even gave him money, but he did not get the change he wanted, he was not healed. People had pity on this man, they saw his need, their hearts went out to him, but he was not healed. However, on that one day, men of faith and prayer saw this man. They prayed for change, and change came, he was healed.Now friends whatever faith you are I respect it, I used this because it is my personal belief and that is the best way to fill you in is from the heart. I thank you for reading, I want to thank you all that is across the globe that are regular readers and new readers, we have reached over 5K people/readers now from all over the world, it is amazing to share all of my blogs with so many all over and I appreciate ALL of you. Truly, DENNIS