Tuesday, August 6, 2013

From The Desk of DENNIS

Hello Friends, I hope all is well with each and everyone of you! As this crazy world seems to be winding up to something big very soon...NOW is the time to Spread LOVE and Peace and Stick together. I have been doing much soul searching lately so to speak...I do that weekly during prayer and meditation. As a Highly empathic Intuitive person I have notice myself becoming even more aware of the energy around me and others, and the spiritual gifts I have blessed and born with.  Yet at the same time I was a little somewhat afraid of it. For me, this stems from religious philosophies, which told me that these are not gifts of God-that they are really from the devil. You may have been brought up to believe that these types of sensitivities are evil, but at the same time (even as a child) you've had awareness, sensations, feelings, or inner knowings. If so, you may be a little conflicted about how to approach their use. Perhaps you haven't tried to develop these gifts because you are afraid you'll go too far or don't know what kind of boundaries you should set or you just don't have any. First let's take a look at a very beloved and enlightned teacher, Jesus. Once he was in a crowd of people when a woman touched the hem of his garment. Instantly he knew virtue (healing energy) had gone out of him and he asked, "Who touched me?" He was that sensitive! He felt it when someone was tapping into his electromagnetic field even though she only touched his clothing! I remind you of a verse that tells us that every good and perfect gift, spiritual gifts, comes from the Creator. There are many spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 13: the gift of prophecy, the gift of tongues, the gift of the interpretation of tongues, discerning of spirits, laying on hands healing, working of miracles, etc. These are listed for our benefit so we understand that we have been gifted in some way. And there's a responsibility to use those gifts with love and honesty. We weren't given these gifts to hide them from the world or be afraid of them or use them for self gain or to WASTE on people that want to drain you instead of accepting and appreciating the gift used to help them. They are tools to help us and others in need and in many ways. When we have these intuitive gifts, it is very important to nurture our own spirit and set boundaries to keep from being bombarded by energy from everybody out there or used/wasted on "pigs"(people that only want access to you and your gifts for their own selfish agendas). We must love ourselves before we can love others or else there's nothing to give. Spending time with The Creator and The Holy Spirit is like refueling a car. You can't run very long without more juice! These gifts are considered pearls...When Jesus was walking the Earth some people wanted to stone him some wanted to throne him. There was a vast difference in perspective and what people thought of him. We empaths have that same dilemma. Other people may not understand your gifts. Maybe they are afraid of the gifts you have. Through our religious teachings we have been taught that the discerning of spirits or being able to tap into others energy so to speak is of the devil. I've been called a crazy by a close members of my family and Friends. Obviously, my gifts are not appreciated there. Does that stop me from using them? No, I use them because I have been given these gifts and I have a responsibility to use them wisely; and that's what I intend to do. Do I flaunt them in front of my disapproving family members or friends? No, that's what the Bible refers to as casting your pearls before swine. I'm not calling anyone in particular a pig. I'm saying that there's no need in putting something so valuable out there and allowing your gifts and sensitivities to be trampled on and gone unappreciated. You decide who you reveal your gifts to and who you use them on/for. In fact I've made it a practice that unless I have the strong pull to pray and meditate  on/ for someone I just don't do it. You can easily get your energy tangled up in someone else's by meddling energetically in another person's stuff especially those that are considered PIGS. Some people have a great sensitivity to energy and they see things or get impressions. They may intuitively know what is going on in another person's life. WE are not obligated to help every person you encounter, but there is something you can do. Before you decide to get involved pray/meditate hardcore about it. Breathe deeply for a few minutes and ask yourself if you should do/say anything about what you have discovered or picked up from the individual. How do you feel when you think of saying something or offering to help? Does it feel right? Do you have pain anywhere in your body or emotions? If so, avoid getting involved on a human level. If a person has not asked you to help them, they may not want your help. Do you feel lighter, joyful, or happy when you think of helping this person or mentioning what you have discerned? If so, ask for wisdom about what to do and how to approach the person in a positive way.
If you keep thinking of someone and sense they need help, you may or may not need to approach them on a human level. You can always send love and light and prayer, healing, etc.  their way.. This powerful energy is like a stem cell that has divine intelligence and knows where it is needed and what to do when it gets there. This not only gives them energy to work with, it gives them clarity so they can make good decisions and much more. They may be able to feel that strength, power, energy supporting them in one way or another. If something needs changing, they can apply that energy however they want to. If it's healing, if it's a relationship, if it's emotional/mental issue, it doesn't matter, the love and power is universal. Just send that energy and let them do with it what they want as spirit directs them. By sending such [power etc,  you are not trying to manipulate any outcome or change anything in another person's circumstances or life. You're not violating their free will or "fixing" a situation their soul has created from which to learn its lesson. Sending positive energy to someone is like leaving a gift on their doorstep. It provides what they need but they never know who sent the gift and you won't have to take on other people's stuff. You will know who and when you need to help as well as how. If you follow your inner guidance, you'll intuitively know how far you need to go with your help and what you need to do to strengthen your own boundaries so that you do NOT cast your PEARLS TO THE SWINE. If someone asks you to pray for them or ask for an Empathic session, then you have a responsibility to use your gifts. But, rather than using your body or emotional center, to feel and sense, use your sixth chakra, which is also called the third eye, to see or know where and when you need to direct energy and such. It's when we try to operate out of our own emotions and our own physical strength that we are going to be drained. But when we operate from divine power, the place of the sacred heart, it's not us doing the work; we're simply being a conduit. We are able to be the light, and by being the light, we're being used as a vessel by the Creator. And we don't have to worry about backlash or be concerned about what other people think EVER! So if you are worried about what you have been taught regarding your intuitive gifts or concerned about what other people are saying, remember where the laws of God are written. The laws that the psalmist David was talking about are not written on tablets of stone or in a book, nor are they found in religion. They are written in your heart. If something doesn't feel right, and you have conflict about it, always go with the truth your heart reveals to you. But If your Heart is way out of balance I personally suggest YOU pray and meditate for as long as it takes to get the correct clarity. Then there are some people that subconsciously LOVE their misery, problems, drama, and such. THESE are the type of people I consider Swine(pigs) It is not always easy to decipher at first who is a pig and who isnt. SO DO NOT Cast your PEARLS to the Swine as a good book says and a very WISE woman Reminds me of every so often. Moving on a bit...There is a NEW shop locally that I LOVE!  It is called Terra Mater Botanicals & Market, full of bulk herbs, Natural soaps, incense and a huge wide array of products. I recently got Nag champa soap and WOW! Hands down the best natural soap I have ever tried! The prices are superb there. Here is the website for you friends that are around the globe...go to the website and order yourself a Terra Mater TOP OF THE LINE PRODUCT(s) 
 www.terramatermarket.com             Friends Thank YOU ALL FROM EACH NATION that stops by and reads my blogs! I have been noticing the increase of readers and the wide diverse places friends are reading my blogs from..very impressive. THANK YOU AGAIN! FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW,SHARE,COMMENT,OR JUST READ AND ENJOY :-)
                                                                                             TRULY, DENNIS KELLY