Monday, April 15, 2013

Beauty of a Rock....

Hi friends, This week my cousin/Reiki sister, Emily And I went searching for just a few rocks and crystals.... Nevertheless we hit the jackpot in our private secret spot in the forest. We not only found other minerals and quartz of interest.... But fortunately we dug up a 50 pound Rose Quartz! As with everything.... It all happens for a reason. The photo below is a 2pound chunk of the beautiful interesting Rose Quartz chipped off the bigger crystal. Also I have included some research I've done on and about the rose quartz. Soon I will be blogging more on our other finds:-) If you'd like a rose quartz crystal send me an email.
Large Raw rose quartz we dug :-) 

Crystals have long been associated with healing properties. This is because of their unique composition and the uncanny vibrations that they produce, especially when being handled. Find out how rose quartz crystals can benefit you.

Rose quartz crystals are known for being highly beneficial in matters of the heart.  They represent unconditional love and infinite peace and are associated with the heart and higher heart Chakras.
Rose quartz crystals are quite beautiful because of their uniform color and soft pink color.  They are thought to help you to perceive the beauty around you as well as attract love.  Since they are a high vibration stone, you can place rose quartz crystals in a location near your bed or in the relationship area of your home to draw love to you.  They will also protect and nurture your existing relationships and restore harmony and trust.
Known to be the finest emotional healer of all stones, rose quartz crystals will aid in releasing unexpressed emotions and heartache.  They also help to transform negative emotional conditioning into a more positive mindset.  They soothe internalemotional upheaval and comfort grief and are very beneficial for anyone who has ever loved and lost by helping them to move past the breakup and be more receptive to love in the future by helping you to accept the inevitable changes in life.

They are very helpful in counteracting the symptoms of vertigo.  In addition, they are excellent for dealing with issues associated with midlife crisis and are thought to be beneficial in combating the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and senile dementia.Rose quartz crystals are beneficial in overcoming trauma, sexual imbalances, emotional recovery necessary after being raped, heart and circulatory problems and the reduction of tension.  They are also very effective in treating conditions that are associated with the chest, lungs, kidneys and the adrenal glands.
Rose quartz crystals are associated with the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra and the planet Venus.  They are also linked to the number seven.  Holding a rose quartz will enhance positive affirmations and assist you in keeping a clear view of your real intentions in your day to day interactions as well as in your deeper relationships by keeping your intentions noble and pure as some people believe. Remember I'm not an expert just an explorer of life :-) . Thanks for reading friends! Truly, Dennis

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Just a little side note :-)

Hi friends, it has been a while since my last blog. Sorry for slacking off from blogging :-) . It has been super busy and hectic in my world....more than usual lol. So now we finally see spring poking it's nose out....let's hope spring isn't too shy lol....we need some nice sunny days. Springtime always is a personal reminder to me, that every day should be cherished... Even the bad days we all have. We need to keep in mind NOT one of us is promised tomorrow. I know this sometimes is easier said than done, but at least if OUR intent is about being positive and peaceful etc. it will manifest and become reality and when I say intent, that doesn't mean to just think about it. It means to literally get off of our rear ends and put our intentions into actions...NOT just say what our Intentions are but to DO them full force....I am sure by now your thinking I am crazy, but that is ok because that shows your thinking lol:-) 
Moving on from the short confusion, Since my last blog which was the little thank you note to all of YOU...much has occurred. I won't go into everything, I'm not up for writing an novel today lol. I don't know where to begin:-)  well first and foremost, ALL of YOU prayer warriors please pray for my grandpa.... he has been diagnosed with cancer...the disease is past the point of surgery and my grandpa refuses the chemotherapy, I agree with him on not taking such poison. So please send love,prayers, and good intent his direction.
Shifting gears, my most recent radio show guest is a survivor of human trafficking & Sexual slavery. This was a very touching interview aimed at bringing awareness about slavery in today's modern society. With this interview came a lot of odd occurrences before the show and after. I won't go into detail on all of the odd lil things that occurred but I am certain some folks did NOT want that interview to reach anyone due to the fact that a lot of our so called leaders/politicians were and are involved with such atrocities including some congressmen. Yes I did receive some threats attempting to sway me from doing the interview...but all the threats did was give me even MORE motivation to help spread awareness about Human trafficking & Sexual Slavery. So that was just the beginning of helping bring awareness to such evil that is still happening all around the world. To learn how YOU can help visit this web site freedom There you can also help by donating share the cause. Moving on, I am hopeful to begin my second degree/level in Reiki this month or next. Reiki has been a huge eye opener to me on a personal level. I just had a birthday about a week ago...not too thrilled about getting older lol. But I just remind myself I'm not that old in reality lol...I may feel 90 years old sometimes but I'm only in the beginning of my 30's. :-) 
Next week on Monday the 15th of April I will be getting a surgery, so expect more blogs during my recovery time lol I can't just lay around and do nothing even after a surgery lol. I have to always keep myself busy or I will begin feeling blah. I know I will have to take it easy for some time but it won't stop me from doing some work. For the rest of this week I will be tying up all loose ends on my many projects and works...since I truly do have too many irons in the fire so to speak...I have made a conscious decision on which irons to rid myself of and what ones to continue on with. During my recovery next week I will be taking that time to weed out what different projects I am doing and or involved with, that may be slowing me down in different ways. No affirmations today friends but I promise YOU one on the next blog. My apologies for jumping around so much on this blog friends :-) 
I hope each and everyone of YOU are doing well and cherishing each day YOU have and those in your life.
Thank you for stopping by my blog, feel free to share, follow, comment, etc. I always love to hear from you all! :-) 
Truly, Dennis

Monday, April 1, 2013

Thank You note!

Hi friends, this blog IS a THANK YOU note to ALL the good folks that have stopped by my blog in the past 34 days:-)  I never thought my rambles were that interesting lol. But nevertheless I appreciate all of you. Below are the Audience from the past 34 days. Thank You ALL!
Truly, Dennis